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Mirror Wars (RP Thread)



  • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    Earth, Sol system (Prime Universe)

    Emma was shocked that her counterpart was here- no shocked was the wrong word, appalled was closer. This was an attempt at intimidation and forcing their agenda, she was positive having spent two decades in that 'ditch' of a reality. She wasn't too keen on this arrangement to be honest- if the Councilor wanted to put the Federation in the eye of the hurricane regarding the Terrans that was his and commands choice.

    "Don't think I don't know why your here...!" She hissed at the assassin through her teeth, "give me any reason at all and-"

    The Imperial Assassin turned her head to regard her counterpart, a board expression on her face. "I know full well that you don't want that Romulan criminal to be punished. But his crimes against the Empire were damning, and I will see a foe repaid today.... That thing will face the consequences of it's actions- all you have is the vain hope of an old woman. How long were you marooned in the past hm? A decade or two I'd wager based on the wrinkles... Don't test me, it won't end well."

    The Imperial entered the court room unmolested, and activated a hovering drone with a camera on it so the Emperor could observe the proceedings from Terra. This would be a defining moment in Imperial history or one that would lead to such a moment...

    Veel'Riz approached and sat on his side of the room. He'd plead not guilty to war crimes he'd been accused of, citing his own people's military and emergecy codes, and temporal warfare had rendered his people extinct- he sought only to ensure the safety of what was left.

    High-Protector Soreth entered the room. "In this first case you will note that the star-Commander eradicated all life in 27 systems when they refused to surrendered unconditionally." Soreth began as a holo-graphic star chart of the reconstructed conflict formed. "Under general order 13, the accused acted with all rights based on the situation and Defence-Force regulations. General order thirteen states: The High-Protector reserves the emergency use of contingency order 13 only usable after having confirmed the imminent destruction of the Star Union through any means. Once given militrary forces of the hostile power are to be reduced by any means. Systems and planets are to be sent messages requesting their full unconditional surrender once the orbits have been secured, those that refuses are to to be purged of life." Soreth paused looking at the shocked faces in the room. "Don't give me that look you know elements within the Federation have similar classified orders... But that isn't why we are here today."

    Soreth placed a PADD on the desk before her. " These records from the future show what has transpired as a necessary temporal event not only for my people but for the survival of the Federation. Veel'Riz was successful in keeping the Imperial temporal forces occupied to prevent them interfering at critical battle in the 26th century. Additionally he will apparently save over 25 billion of our citizens, when these fleets, artifacts and civilians arrive decades from now we will go through what ever processes is required by Federation and Republic law to ensure their safety. The records show that I will allow the resurection of the Star-Commander by the orders of individuals from the future because of a a Terran assault on my peoples new world in this reality. An assualt which I should say, has already occurred; two days before the Federation- Terrran ceasefire was proposed the star of the Levtro system was destroyed by Terran star ships."

    "I will not condone the massacres that have been committed.... What has transpired strikes every fiber of my being as unmoral and I am ashamed to say this..." She looked at the Star-Commander, "I don't know who this man is- but he isn't my father." She marched from the room.

    Veel'Riz tried to break from his chair, shock clearly seen on his face "Altithia! Soreth, why didn't you-"

    "Order!... that matter is resolved we will now move to the abduction and decapitation of princess Marie Valdez of the Terran Empire."

    "Why did you kill miss Valdez, Romulan?" Shade asked, she needed to prove he was of sound mind a the time of the event, his actions were not in question, his mental state was with this matter- to the Federation anyway.

    "My mistake in the matter now that I have thought about it is that I acted without thinking of ransom, I got what I needed from that murder's brain. I had wished to draw out the the Imperial starfleet away from their fortified potions- to draw them of the high-ground to a battlefield of my choice. As you know it didn't work, thus I concluded that to draw out my the power I was at war with I was required to take more direct action against a war criminal who slaughtered her way through an entire starbase and left not one single child alive in her wake!"

    "You acted with malice and willful intent when you killed a head of state!"

    Veel'Riz responded without any emotion. "How many heads of state have you killed Assassin? How many have you cut down in the name of the Empire? Marie's death was painless and quick a nano-pulse blade faces almost no resistance.

    Within the transport Veel'Riz sat quietly flanked on either side by Federation MACOs, his eyes closed as he meditated breathing slowly. His warrior insticts kicked in and looked up he heard her. Reflexes honed by years on close quarters combat the Romulan snarled driving his bound fists in an upper cut at the air infront of him as Shade dropped from the roof. She hit the other wall with momentarily disrupting her cloak- he'd hit perfelctly! The guards leapt into action - not fast enough. Shade met both of them with a kick to the helmet snapping their neck backwards and stunning them. It was all she needed.

    Veel'Riz woke in an agony booth on Shade's ship he groaned off the effects of the sleeping gas and shook his head. "Emma, you just love collecting on grudges don't you?.. Do what you will do me, I've lived long enough. I protected my people and saved what I could you and your masters know that I beat you... Somewhere out there in many timelines and universes that exist that Empire,.... That Terra that embraced freedom lives on... that kind of change leaves an echo."

    Shade punched him. "The Emperor wants a word with you, Star-Commander."

    "Oh I gathered that- you're predicable Emma Jessie Roy, I killed you once already! Be thankful I wont do it again- you aren't worth the effort."

    Emma returned to her bridge and barked at her crew, "get us to Terra maximum warp I want that thing off the Entrei'Is... I will inform the emperor we have his prize."

    Why do I still play and put money into STO?
    The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    Terra (MU)

    "Wake him up" ordered Valdez, Veel'Riz came to strapped to a table. "Remember Marie?" asked Trianna before she punched him in the face. "You must the sister, shame I did not kill you as well" answered Veel'Riz not realizing where he was. "You killed me" said Marie as she injected Veel'Riz with pain probes. "The thing is, you attacked our family directly. Fatal mistake Romulan" added Teanna as she ramped up the power on the probes.

    "We're not going to kill you quickly, we're going to take our time" said Trianna loading up a hypospray with a slow acting neurotoxin. "The thing about neurotoxins is you feel the agony as your nerve endings melt, in your case it will take 20 hours to kill you" added Teanna. "In that time, we're going to play a game. Which nerve ending will fail first?" said Trianna as she injected Veel'Riz with the neurotoxin. "At first, you'll feel a burning sensation which will only get worse" added Marie.

    "My people will blame the empire for my death" said Veel'Riz defiantly but he was soon silenced. "That transport was destroyed by by an engine overload, you "died" in the accident when it crashed into the pacific. Everyone drowned so think on that" replied Valdez smiling as he delivered a right hook to Veel'Riz. "So you've got our undivided attention" added Teanna as she slapped Veel'Riz repeatably. "You look like you are burning up, you feeling alright?" asked Valdez as Trianna and Marie started breaking bones.

    "All yours" said Valdez as he and Teanna left the room with the screams filling the room. 19 hours later it was over as Marie borrowed Trianna's nanoblade and went berserk on him.

    The twins emerged caked in green blood and both went to get cleaned up and changed, "good to have you back" said Trianna to Marie smiling. "The twins are back" replied Marie with a smile, "I'm guessing dad told you everything" said Trianna to which Marie answered "dad told me everything, it's not like dad to lie to me. Mom has accepted me though having a baby sister is something new." "If you need help readjusting, your family is here for you" replied Trianna. Marie just smiled as both twins walked down the corridor to their rooms.

      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,265 Arc User
      Following on from the events of 'A Mirror Tale (I)' the alliance is preparing for a mission into the Mirror Universe, however before they can depart, they've received addition intelligence suggesting another crewman of the Los Lobos is being held captive on Drozana Station. While the 112th prepares for the incursion, you and Captain Ro'Tel head for Drozana Station.

      A Mirror Tale (II) will start in the Kinjun System despite taking place on Drozana Station. It won't be big on custom maps, but with the maps being used it 'feels' like Drozana Station, though I'll let you lot nit-pick on that one.


      Thank you for the Typhoon!
    • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,265 Arc User
      The Void - 26th Century


      The captain of the I.S.S. Layress arrived on the bridge. "Report!" she barked out to a nearby officer.

      "The battle of Procyon V is underway, the Tuterian defeat is expected to occur within five solar dies." The captain smirked. "And the others?"

      "The Federation? The Milky Way galaxy is engulfed in a temporal anomaly; The Federation has no idea we're out here."
      Thank you for the Typhoon!
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
      Terran/Ask'Kaar border (MU)

      Admiral Sito's fleet was on the border ready to move in, to ensure her compliance the emperor brought his fleet as the central thrust of the twin invasions. "This is the emperor, all ships set course for the Ask'Kaar homeworld" ordered Valdez and the Terran fleet crossed the border. "I must protest, these are friends to the empire" complained Sito, her protest was shot down with a "your friends maybe but not mine. Don't even think about warning them or sabotaging the attack, if you do so then your people will suffer the consequences" from the emperor.

      "Usurper" muttered Sito but Valdez's guard commander heard comment through the screen. "Give Sito a jolt with the agony chip I had implanted into her" ordered Valdez. "Done" reported Dreisse hearing Sito scream. "Compliance means no pain, non compliance means pain. Don't try removing the chip, any attempt to do so will result in your death" said Valdez over the screen. "He's not bluffing" whispered Naynta Lot to Sito. "Great he's put me on a tight leash" complained Sito.

      The Fleets advanced towards the Ask'Kaar homeworld wiping out any military resistance on the way, the emperor had ordered that no prisoners be taken so Ask'Kaar pleas for mercy were ignored as their ships were destroyed quickly. Not even the escape pods were spared. Valdez's ruthless nature soon emerged as he ordered the executions of all male Ask'Kaar on any Ask'Kaar world captured. Captain Heath and her ex-Federation crew on the Enterprise watched in horror as Terran death squads rounded up all male Ask'Kaar and shot them all in cold blood on the newly occupied worlds.

      A month into the invasion, the Ask'Kaar homeworld was under siege as the surface power installations were destroyed. Medical and birthing facilities were then destroyed along with their occupants. Next hit were farmland, military bases and lines of supply and communication as Valdez rained death on the planet. 14 days into the siege the Ask'Kaar surrendered unconditionally, Valdez had decided to keep 10,000 males alive to keep the Ask'Kaar species going. From now on the Ask'Kaar were to be a slave race. Transports filled with Ask'Kaar slaves were leaving the system on their way to Imperial dilithium mines and the 12,000 prisoners Sito held were taken to Terra.
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
        San Francisco Fleet Yard (prime)

        Heath stood in the doorway admiring the new control center. Until a few days ago it had been her ready room. She couldn't believe they wanted to take out the astrometrics lab for this. She had flatly refused to let them. Besides, she had argued, would good is it going to do me on the bridge when it's several decks below? She wanted it nearby to make use of it's Intel first hand. So now the space did double duty.
        She noticed that the female Trill in the room was running it through it's final calibration tests.
        A holo image of the Galaxy hung in the air. A few adjustments and it zoomed in on Federation space. Icons showing the location of ships appeared across the map. The icons turned in to mini ships. The Trill touched one of the small ships and its information popped up.
        "That's very useful," Heath commented. "Now I can know where all my trouble makers at all times."
        The Trill nodded in agreement. Heath noticed with some amusement that the mass of red hair piled on top of her head wobbled as she did that.
        "So, is it ready?"
        She nodded again.
        "Is something wrong?"
        The Trill shook her head no.
        Heath stepped in letting the close behind her. She touched a panel on the wall and pulled out the Klingon pain stick she kept in.
        "If nothing is wrong, then why aren't you talking?"
        She switched on the pain stick. She watched as the Trill suddenly tensed up, then slumped in defeat and turned around.
        The red hair, green eyes, and lack of facial ridges made Heath pause a moment before she realized she was looking at herself.
        "Which one are you?"
        "What have you done to my office?"
        "Me. Can you please put that away."
        "Why are you here?"
        "I'm here to offer my condolences."
        "On your promotion. We both know you didn't want it."
        Heath switched off and lowered the pain stick.
        "No, I didn't. But..."
        "It was the only way to keep them all out of trouble, wasn't it?"
        "Yeah. How do you know all this?"
        "Both sides listen to each other's chatter.
        You know that."
        "I'm aware. So you enjoying your new Emperor?"
        "He's not my Emperor."
        "Glad to see there's still some Starfleet in you."
        "We are what we are."
        "Were you checking out the new addition?"
        "It is a neat little toy."
        "Came here to steal it as well?"
        "Perhaps... Actually I have a favor to ask."
        "I'm listening."
        "First there's something you have to know. You and I are temporal anomalies. We can't exist in the same universe without damaging the timeline and wreaking temporal havoc around us. The only reason it's not happening now is because I have mini temporal shields built-in to my head band. But if we touch, boom."
        "Your risking a lot coming here."
        "Somethings are worth the risk. Now, despite all his 'friendship' talk the Emperor is not to be trusted. He just slaughtered the Ask'Kaar."
        "Didn’t even wait a month before violating the terms of the Treaty, did he?"
        "Now if things go wrong... We can't come back. But I want you to help the rest of the Enterprise's crew. They're just trying to get back to their own universe."
        "You want me to take care of them... Under all that, you're still Starfleet. Wait, including Sito?"
        "Especially her. We both know there's good in her."
        "And if it all goes wrong?"
        "We touch hands. Temporal explosions and we run."
        "You're doing all this to save them?"
        "A captain takes care of her crew."
        ".. and an Admiral takes care of her fleet.”
        Sito appeared sitting on the side of the table.
        “However we'll talk about your concerns when we're alone."
        Sito looked at prime Heath top to bottom.
        "You know, I do miss that red headband of yours. owww *pinches Heath's bottem* "You may not be able to touch her but I can!Well my dear, I hear you're running your own fleet now?"
        Heath sighed.
        "Yes. 150 of them now. Next time I have an idea, I send a memo. So are you here to congratulate me as well?"
        "I'm surprised she hasn't commented on your chest." Sito remarked nervously. "Actually I have a request ... or proposal. If I did this over there then it could be used to against me."
        She turned to her Heath holding out a Bajoran betrothal bracelet
        "Will you marry me?!"
        Both Heath's looked at the bracelet in Sito's hand in surprise.
        The mirror Heath smiled.
        "Of course I will."
        Sito's face lit up with joy.
        "Oh there will be a lot of rolling around later. I'll get Siobhan to fire of some fireworks.
        She turned back to Prime Heath*
        "This will be a weird one for you my dear, bottom admiral."
        She handed prime Heath a PADD
        "My lovely bride to be had a plan but it was flawed. I believe you'll find this information more up to date. Though if I were you I wouldn't worry, the Terran Empire is on the verge of another civil war. If you find yourself unable to finance your fleet, I suggest you talk to your multimillionaire doctor."
        "it's just one of those days," Heath sighed. "Thank you for this, ... and I'll look into what you said about our doctor."
        Heath smiled at the two.
        "You know, as captain of this ship I can marry you two now if you want before you go back. It'll our secret."
        “That would be lovely but I'll let my Heath choose when,” Sito replied. “Though as a thank you I was able to smuggle a bottle of ... 'blue stuff' from doctor lot ... our doctor lot. This drink has a big kick to it.
        "Just thought I'd offer. I'd ask for an invitation, but I'd rather not risk temporal fireworks. But before you go, tell me..."
        She pointed at her duplicate's chest.
        Sito smiled.
        “uhh ... would you like a set of your own? If so talk to your doctor. This one’s sex appeal has rapidly shot up since she undertook a science experiment. You're welcome to come over, but would you mind if we honeymoon here? If you do come over... watch out for Paris though ... and R'shee ... and Aunlel ... and Vaylin ... and Oylumi ... and Kava ... and Yaral ... and the other three whose names I can't remember. They might try to take your clothes off. “
        “Thanks... I'll take all that under advisement,” Heath said wearily. “Right now I’m going to get a glass and have a large amount of this blue stuff before I have to get back to work. Oh **** the glass (drinks from the bottle)
        Sito smiled.
        “Should we tell her?”
        Other Heath looked at her.
        “Oh you bad girl, you didn’t. You did didn’t you?”
        “What are you two… oo I don’t feel good.”
        “We should leave. She’s going to be quite homicidal in a minute.”
        “I love to watch this part, but you’re right safety first. Bye bye Lazy P, and enjoy.”
      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
        Earth (Prime)

        Trianna had been called to Starfleet Headquarters, as her shuttle landed Heath was waiting for her with something Trianna needed to see. "Lt, I do apologize for cutting short your leave" said Heath passing the PADD to Trianna. "The empire has broke the treaty" said Trianna as they both walked to Heath's office. In the office, Heath told Trianna of the fall of the Ask'Kaar Republic. "Was the whole species wiped out?" asked Trianna to which Heath answered "something far worse, six weeks ago the empire invaded sweeping aside all resistance in what can only be described as a blitzkreig. The Ask'Kaar species has just been enslaved. My other counterpart on the Enterprise saw Terran death squads reducing the Ask'Kaar male population numbers. Only 10,000 Ask'Kaar males remain"

        "Who led the invasion?" asked Trianna. Heath answered "the emperor himself, from what we've gathered they even destroyed the escape pods and escape shuttles in the wake of each assault." "Why attack the Ask'Kaar?" asked Trianna shocked at the speed of the invasion. "From what we've gathered, it was to punish Fleet Admiral Sito. She was forced to take part" answered Heath. "Sito would never cooperate willingly" replied Trianna. "I know, the emperor had an agony chip implanted into Sito. If she refused to comply he would give her a jolt of pain remotely. She cannot even try to remove it or tamper with it because it will kill her" answered Heath.

        Trianna brought up a good point, "ma'am, we cannot do anything to stop this unprovoked action. We were not the targets so that makes us neutral in any conflict over there." "That's the problem, technically the peace treaty is only between the Federation, Romulan Star Union and Terran Empire. if we go in we start a war" replied Heath. "My "father" knows that, it gives him free reign to expand the empire's borders and we cannot stop him, I hate to say it but we cannot get involved" answered Trianna. "Watching another race lose their freedom over there is painful knowing we are powerless to help" replied Heath. "I may have got through to the emperor partially, he did not wipe the species out this time" answered Trianna. "He's done something far worse, he's using them as slave labor" replied Heath. "Can't stand slavery, when I was held on the other Betazed I saw Terrans beating slaves because they could no longer work. I even saw a few of them kill their slaves" answered Trianna angry that there was nothing the Federation could do to stop the empire's aggressive expansion.

        Terra (MU)

        Emperor Valdez was in a good mood, the Ask'Kaar Republic had been forcibly annexed into the empire and the Terran people cheered at the latest victories. To celebrate, Valdez paraded 30,000 Ask'Kaar POWs through the streets of Rome flanked by his MACOs in a Roman triumph. The Terran people jeered, spat and threw objects at them as the cameras rolled, Emperor Valdez then rode in on a Roman chariot, his servant whispered in his ear "remember sire, you are only mortal." At the end of the parade Valdez stepped down from the chariot and dedicated an Imperial Eagle to Mars, the Roman god of war then had 15,000 of the POWs ritually strangled.

        The people erupted in cheer as the emperor spoke to people, "the Ask'Kaar have fallen, from now on we'll stop any more expansion. We have peace, a Pax Terrana. The Terran peace, from this day I'm bringing the Species Equality act into law. Since we are all Imperial citizens, every free man and woman will be equal in the eyes of the law regardless of what race they are. There are elements who wish to harm the empire internally, they will be hunted down and shown no mercy, what do we do to traitors?" The crowds yelled "kill, kill, kill."

        Valdez then continued his speech, "to ensure peace and prosperity, this empire must evolve. Gone are the old prejudices, gone are the corrupt keeping the wealth that should be given to the people and gone are the bureaucrats who slow down our growth. We will ensure our military is kept strong, we are warriors as tradition demands. To celebrate our victory as an empire, there will be 14 days of gladiatorial combat in the fighting pits. The gladiators have been paraded in front of you, the survivors will be sold and the proceeds will go to you the Imperial citizenry. I do not rule the people, I rule for the people." The Terran people roared in approval.

        Back at the palace six hours later, Valdez took three days off to spend time with Marie. Marie asked to see her grave so Valdez honored her request and took her to where the original was buried. "A loving daughter and sister" read Marie as she wept looking at the grave stone. Valdez hugged Marie as he gave her a shoulder to cry on, "we missed you so much, Trianna most of all" said Valdez as he wiped Marie's eyes. "For the next three days we're going to have some father/daughter time, anywhere on Terra you want to go we'll go" said Valdez. "Thanks dad" answered Marie smiling as her eyes changed to Betazoid black. "I see Trianna made some eye lenses for you, good disguise" replied Valdez to which Marie answered "we're identical twins, I'll pose as my sister when Trianna is on her other duties."

        "Let's get home, you know what your mother is like on everyone being on time for family dinner" replied Valdez as both generations were flown to the palace, they arrived with two minutes to spare and faced the Teanna look of disapproval for nearly being late.
          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
        • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,265 Arc User
          How exactly did we end up here?
          Thank you for the Typhoon!
        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
          Sito getting on the emperor's wrong side, if Sito has sense she'll get out of the empire for her own safety
            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
          • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,265 Arc User
            If people are rebelling perhaps the Emperor is incompetent? :O
            Thank you for the Typhoon!
          • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
            The people are behind the emperor, the empire is at peace. The Ask'Kaar were in the way of expansion
              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
            • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
              edited May 2017
              Terra (MU)

              The emperor had gone too far with the near genocide of the Ask'Kaar. Plotting secretly, Teanna and the twins decided to take action themselves to stop a civil war from starting. In Valdez's office the twins walked in with phasers drawn, "Emperor Valdez, we're placing you under arrest for war crimes. If you resist we will stun you" said Trianna with her finger on the trigger of the pistol. Valdez protested but Trianna and Marie fired and had Valdez dragged off to a transporter.

              "Activate the transdimensional transport, set it to Starfleet headquarters in the Federation's reality with all evidence of his crimes" ordered Marie. "He's no longer the father we knew, make sure this gets to Admiral Heath" added Trianna. The transporter was activated and Valdez woke up in a Federation cell. On Terra, Teanna assumed the role of dowager Empress and immediately ordered the release of the Ask'Kaar slaves. "Give them protected status and give them the old Klingon worlds as their new home, we have a debt to repay" ordered Teanna and the call went out across the empire.

              "I've sent Sito the codes and instructions on removing the chip, we're going to wipe the slate clean with Sito and her crews" said Teanna to her girls. "Shade, my mother has ordered that my father is not to be retrieved. He went too far and broke a treaty, he risked civil war" said Marie to Emma. "Of course your highness" replied Emma. All admirals and their captains swore an oath of fealty to the dowager empress. She would act as an adviser to Marie who was publicly crowned Empress Trianna I, Teanna would act as Regent until Trianna was ready to rule. Trianna was now free to do her shadow duties, she had no interest in ruling the empire.

              Solat was now made commander in chief of the Terran military as a reward for her loyalty to the Valdez family. On Earth, Prime Trianna just looked in the cell and saw a broken man. "It's called karma, you went too far this time" said Trianna calmly, Valdez swung at her but the force field stopped him. "I won't forget this you crippled half breed mongrel, from what I heard your mother begged for her life!!" yelled Valdez angrily at Trianna. Trianna remaining calm and ignoring the insults and provocation told Valdez he would stand trial for his crimes against sentience and face judgement. Until the trial, Valdez would be interrogated daily by Starfleet intelligence.

              Admiral Heath got a call from Empress Trianna I. "Make sure he gets a life sentence, if he ever returns to the empire we will hang him as a mass murderer" said Marie much to Heath's amazement. "One more thing, mother requested though it took some strength that my counterpart adopts Maria as her own, Maria is an innocent. She needs to be in a safe and loving home, your Trianna is good and pure of heart. We've sent the adoption papers through as well, give her the life we never had" added Marie.
              Post edited by theraven2378 on
                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
              • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                Terra was about to be bombed back to the stone age.
              • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                galatt wrote: »
                Terra was about to be bombed back to the stone age.

                Hence why the family took action themselves, Marie AKA Trianna I will listen to Captain Heath's wisdom. She's nothing like her father hence why she given the Enterprise crew amnesty. The youngest member of the family would be safe in the prime universe with a normal life with their counterpart's family.
                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                  edited May 2017
                  Earth (Prime)

                  Trianna agreed and had her father look at the adoption papers for her to see if they were legally binding. Valdez spoke to the Dowager empress over subspace finalizing the adoption, "Maria cannot know her true heritage and about her father being a monster" said Teanna. "Though I do not agree with withholding information like that, Maria will get a loving and safe home with us, Trianna has agreed to raise her as if she was her own. I'll help raise her as if she's my own grand daughter" replied Valdez signing the papers on Trianna's behalf and sending the papers back.

                  "Councillor, that is acceptable though it's painful to say goodbye to her but at least she's safe. I'll make the hand over myself after Trianna has said her goodbyes. Now that's over with, my ex-husband is your problem. Just make sure he never sees us again, he's a dead man if we see him again in our universe. Make sure he gets these divorce papers, I've already signed them" answered Teanna. "I'll deliver them myself. I want to have a long talk with my counterpart" replied Valdez. "Hand over will be on Earth just before the trial. I want to be in that court room, my security will be there for my protection. It would be preferable if your security worked with my people on this" said Teanna.

                  "Agreed, I'll put Trianna on for you" replied Valdez as Trianna sat down in front of the screen and put her walking stick against the table. Trianna and the empress talked for an hour making sure everything was done properly. In the holding cells, Prime Valdez delivered the divorce papers and questioned his counterpart. "Look where your actions have led you, you've lost everything and even your own family want nothing to do with you. How many victims have you been responsible for the deaths of?" said Valdez reading off the evidence and his counterparts logs.

                  "No comment" answered Mirror Valdez unrepentant. "What about the breach of treaty?" asked Valdez to which Mirror Valdez answered "no comment." "We have witnesses, Captain Heath and her crew have also sent their testimonies for your treatment of the Ask'Kaar. Co-operate because anything you say will be used against you in court" replied Valdez. "Only way to get anything from me is through torture, something you will never do" answered Mirror Valdez. "You are pure evil, your reign is over, think about that" said Valdez as Mirror Valdez signed the divorce papers before answering "May that Betazoid ***** choke on her empire." Valdez left the holding area certain that his counterpart was beyond redemption.
                  Post edited by theraven2378 on
                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                    Terra (MU)

                    Marie under advisement from Teanna gave a speech to the entire empire detailing her father's crimes, "This is your empress, the name of Valdez brings nothing but dishonor. In order to bring some honor back, we have changed the family name to Bray and will make sure my father see's justice for his crimes against you the Imperial citizenry. My father was a criminal who tried to play god with whatever species he chose to exterminate, actions we cannot condone. His actions would have meant the deaths of us all even the most vulnerable. During the invasion of the Ask'Kaar he deliberately destroyed birthing facilities targeting the most vulnerable and his treatment of the Bajoran clergy was unacceptable even by our standards.

                    May history judge him harshly, tomorrow he will be put on trial for war crimes committed in his short reign which will be broadcast across the empire. We must now move on together as an empire but do not mistake this for weakness, we will defend ourselves. We have much work to do in repairing the divides my father caused, as of now I'm giving an executive order criminalizing slavery, only the worse of our criminals will be used for forced labor from now on. I've also signed a new law into force giving every Imperial citizen freedom to practice their religion and every race within the empire is now equal under the species equality act, this empire is made up of different peoples so let's work with the people on this. Let's put the stain of dishonor behind us and move on, I may be the youngest Empress in history but I won't let that get in the way. Furthermore, I'm offering amnesty to those within the empire who opposed my father for the right reasons. We have much work to do so let's get to it, Empress Trianna I out."

                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                      Earth 2411 (Prime)

                      It was the day of the trial, the hand over had been carried out according to plan as Trianna held Maria calmly getting her to sleep then she boarded a shuttle back to Carentan. At the trial, Councillor Valdez led the prosecution council as Data led the defence council. In the courtroom the charges were read out and everyone was shocked.

                      Valdez read the evidence questioning his counterpart rigorously, “The Klingons, Molindrans, the Hirogen and Voth, how many billions were killed needlessly?” he asked. Mirror Valdez in the dock refused to answer in defiance. Valdez then changed tactics, “Why wipe out the Klingons?” he asked his counterpart. “Obeying orders” answered Mirror Valdez. “Obeying orders has been an excuse for many war criminals over the centuries, it does not justify the crime” noted Valdez calmly to the court. “They were a problem, they had to be removed” said Mirror Valdez smiling at the pain he had caused.

                      “All 15 billion of them, that's called genocide” replied Valdez. Mirror Valdez laughed as his own combat reports were read, Teanna's tough shell cracked when the details of the Molindran, Hirogen and Voth genocides were read to the court and she wept as she realized how much of a monster she had married. Now the Ask'kaar invasion was brought up, “willful destruction of helpless escape pods, the use of death squads and the deliberate targeting of medical and birthing facilities, total casualties of 1.6 billion throughout the invasion and mass enslavement of the survivors. But it does not stop here, I will play to the court the triumph on Terra. Be aware this may contain disturbing footage” said Valdez as he played the footage. The court were sickened at the treatment of Ask'kaar POWs.

                      Data fought a masterful defence reviewing the evidence, Teanna was now called to the stand and Data brought up her husband's mental state. “He was getting worse by the day, but sane enough to order these crimes” answered Teanna ignoring her husband's gaze. Teanna's testimony combined with the I.S.S. Enterprise crew's testimony was damning. The defence council withdrew it's challenge, the jury had also decided. Mirror Valdez was found guilty on all charges and sentenced to 120 consecutive life sentences of up to 50 years each. He would not make it to jail.

                      Shade and a shadow team were waiting in ambush in orbit and beamed the transport up, they then warped away straight to the empire. Trianna picking a blade up had her father dragged out and she had a weapon thrown to her father. “I'll make your death quick” said Trianna as her father lunged for her with a knife, Trianna avoided the attack and using her speed advantage went in with her fists straight at her father's kidneys knocking him back, she then planted the knife straight into his heart as she put a second knife right into his corotic artery. Mirror Valdez dropped to the ground in a pool of his own blood. “That's for Marie” she said afterwards as she had her father's body thrown out of the waste disposal. “He took his own life, anyone who does not agree want to challenge me?” asked Trianna and the crew not wanting to cross her all agreed. Only Shade, Hades, Solat and the Bray family really knew what happened.

                      Back on Terra thirteen hours after the trial, The Brays all now planned for a civil war scenario. Troops and ships were moved to the borders of Sito's sectors. If Sito wanted the throne, she would be forced to fight for it. Sito, Heath's and their captains' files and the ex Los Lobos crew files were brought up and sent to the inquisition, Marie would study her opponent. Naynta Lot, Jodi Iodokar, Barclay and Papela were put on the secret police's watch list. The Secret police were dispatched across the empire with orders to arrest and detain any sector commanders on the slight hint of disloyalty.
                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                      • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                        edited May 2017
                        Unknown location

                        Valdez looked around him in surprise. Where was he?
                        How did he get here?
                        The last thing he remembered... he couldn't remember.
                        His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of boot heels approaching. He recognized the sound. He knew of only person who wore boots like that. He waited until she came around the corner and stood in front of him.
                        "You know the Cardassians should have done a more thorough job of extermination on your race."
                        "Pity you weren't there to show them how it's done," Heath countered. "You are an expert on it."
                        "What do you want?"
                        "I came to tell you what they decided to do with you."
                        He laughed.
                        "You haven't got the stomach for an execution."
                        "Keep on thinking that. But you're right, we're not going to kill you."
                        "We're going to erase you."
                        "Originally they had sentenced you to 120 consecutive life sentences. However your transport disappeared on it way to the penal colony. It was then decided that a more drastic action was needed. You causing Temporal trouble over there is one thing. However, you preventing the Molindrans From giving the Federation time travel, that the powers that be aren't going to let stand. So they are going to prevent that from happening by removing the cause of all that, which is you."
                        "What are you talking about?"
                        "They are going to remove you from the time line. You will never have existed. And everything you have done will never have happened.The Klingons, Molindrans, the Hirogen and Voth, all will be restored "
                        He laughed.
                        "You can't do that."
                        "They can. And did."
                        She smiled.
                        "They did it thirty minutes ago."
                        "We were good neighbors and told them in the other universe what we did with enough time to protect themselves, well some before others after we did it. They weren't happy about it, until we reminded them that we didn't have to warn them and could have let them vanish along with you. They shut up after that. So everything you've ever done is gone. You have amounted to nothing."
                        He laughed again.
                        "It obviously must not have worked. I'm still here."
                        "That's because of the shield around you. Which only has about one minute of power left."
                        She looked at the shocked expressions on his face.
                        "I hear that being torn apart by temporal forces really hurts. Forty seconds left. One last thing to remember for last few moments of your existence and as you go screaming in to the void try to yell loud enough so can pass this on to your children."
                        Heath leaned in.
                        "Good is not soft. Bye bye."
                        The shield dropped.
                        His angry ranting turned in to a drawn out scream as he twisted, folded in on himself and disappeared.
                        "Live by the time weapon, die by the time weapon." She turned and left.

                        30 minutes earlier
                        I.S.S. Enterprise
                        "Confirm temporal shockwave coming from the Badlands," Heath reported. "All ship report all power diverted to temporal shields"
                        " Well let's watch the fireworks," Sito said smiling as the wave spread out returning many dead worlds back to their living inhabited states.
                        "Won't this bring back the old Emperor as well?"
                        "I wonder how he'll react to all those female clothes in his closet."
                        Post edited by galatt on
                      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                        Terra (MU)

                        "Bye bye "dad", we won't miss you" said Marie laughing as Teanna and the twins were protected by their temporal shields. "Send Heath our congratulations for making sure our "father" suffered" said Trianna as the message was sent to the Enterprise. Heath replied back with "now that your father is gone, you two can be better people under wiser council, call off your witch hunt." "Captain Heath, we will listen. We made the mistake of not listening when we should have, I've just given the order to call off any inquisition operations against you " said Marie honestly.

                        "Captain Heath, I was the one who killed him and left him to drift in space, official story is he took his own life. We also sent our baby sister to live with and be raised by our counterparts, she'll never know who her parents were. Mother insisted" added Trianna. "You've shown concern for an innocent, that's a start" replied Heath. "I know, it was painful but necessary. My counterpart is raising her as her own child" answered Trianna. "The name Valdez has been stricken from the books, we are Brays. My mother runs the government where I'm the public face. We've put in reforms that benefit the peoples of the empire before our own personal ambitions, we may need to commence negotiations with the Klingons. It's time they gained autonomy within the empire" added Marie.

                        "Then the Molindrans, Voth and Hirogen will be invited to talks, we need your Federation experience as a mediator in these talks. Civil war must be avoided" added Trianna. "We're putting things right for the good of the empire" added Marie. "The people must be our priority, my father's wealth has been donated to building new schools, hospitals and as of now General Order 24 has been removed from the active order list" added Trianna. "I need a teacher, someone to teach me to be a fair ruler" added Marie. "I don't want to rule, I have other duties I cannot discuss" added Trianna. "Just keep Sito in check, I don't want to see her name on my desk if she becomes a problem. We took out our own father, we are not weak by any means, palace out" added Marie.

                        "Interesting" noted Heath afterwards on the Enterprise.
                          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                          edited May 2017
                          The old emperor was killed by Victoria O'Brien with a conventional weapon, the twins made sure the palace had temporal shields to make sure their father's predecessor never came back. All records of him were wiped
                          Terra (MU)

                          Marie Bray escorted by her protection squad decided to visit her father's victims, she visited the Ask'kaar wounded and wept seeing what state they were in. She talked with the survivors and told them "justice has been done, the empire would help them rebuild." The survivor's leader accepted Marie's apology seeing the remorse in her eyes. Marie was humbled at the damage her father had caused and made a promise that any any Terran commander who had willfully carried her father's orders would be punished. The purge began with arrests of her father's supporters across the empire as war crimes tribunals were set up.

                          Marie under Heath's guidance was judge. The first case were two admirals who had carried out General Order 24 on the Ask'kaar homeworld after the mass deportations. Marie said "guilty" after reviewing all evidence and passed death sentences on the offenders, the sentences were carried out by firing squad outside publicly with immediate effect. Those who had profited from the Ask'kaar slaves were then brought up for Marie's attention. "Guilty" decreed Marie as she passed sentence, life hard labor was the sentence passed and the offenders were deported to Rure Penthe. The tribunals lasted for days as Marie wielded the full force of the law. Trianna and Teanna were sentenced to three years house arrest for their crimes against Romulan POWs on the condition they served the empire faultlessly from now on.

                          Since Regent Lot was on Betazed with Captain Naynta Lot, they were tried in absentia. "Since the Regent executed Federation POWs, I've decreed she will be extradited to the Federation for the Betazed Massacre. Naynta Lot for her abuses of prisoners and her own crew is sentenced to 20 years in prison without parole. War criminals cannot hide" said Marie. She personally signed the arrest warrants herself.

                          "No one is above the law" said Marie afterwards.

                          Earth (Prime)

                          Trianna heard a knock at the door, it was Heath. "Come in, just feeding Maria" said Trianna as she relived Ablim for a few hours. Heath had noted a change in Trianna, she was more gentle. "May I hold her?" asked Heath as Trianna finished cleaning Maria up. "Granted" answered Trianna as she passed Maria over to Heath. Heath smiled as she held Maria talking with Trianna. Trianna explained that the sleepless nights were taking some getting used to as Ablim was passed out on the couch. "Should I congratulate your father on becoming a grand father?" asked Heath jokingly.

                          "He he, dad does not mind having Maria. Not like he has a choice in the matter" answered Trianna with a smile. Maria picking up on Trianna's emotions smiled at Heath. "You mean you drafted him?" asked Heath to which Trianna smiled and answered "yep, even more grey hair" with a smile. Heath noticed a PADD on the table showing the legal identity change for Maria, "Teanna Jane, your mother would be proud as would your first life partner" said Heath. "Teanna Jane Valdez, it's going through soon. Me and dad made a promise never to reveal her true identity and heritage to the latest member to our family" replied Trianna.

                          "She's a wolf pup just like her adoptive mother" said Heath as Maria touched Heath nose bridge. "She's Bajoran" said Trianna to Maria as Heath passed Maria back to Trianna. Trianna then took her and put her in her cot for a nap. Heath advised Trianna not to let "Aunt" Naynta corrupt Maria. Trianna laughed at such a thought, "One Earth, there is a tradition. I'm asking you if you could be Maria's godmother" Trianna asked afterwards. Heath decided to think over it as duty called, she beamed back to San Francisco smiling.

                          Post edited by theraven2378 on
                            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                          • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                            This might be late I don't know- haven't looked yet.
                            Facility 4028 (Prime universe)

                            The Entrei'Is waited under cloak as the three Shadows discussed their next move. "I was able to exploit a vulnerability in the system last time I was here, and cover my tracks," Shade began. "That will have been fixed I'm sure... "Though we'll need to infiltrate the same way I did last time."

                            "What was that?"

                            "Through the replicator system...." Emma said with a wide smile. "Now, we kill two birds with one stone- fulfil our mission and show the Federation that not even their most secure facilities are safe from the Empire.... Ghost, you'll be tasked with hacking into their systems to disable the guards- they're holographic. I will deal with any complications else where. Hades, you'll be the rear the guard."

                            "Hades I want to speak with Ghost privately for a moment get out."
                            Emma turned to Marie, a rare look of concern on her face. "Are you sure your ready for this? I know how deadly a wounded mind can be, I don't want some long lasting damage here.... Ghost if you have any reservations about this, I doubt the Empress would appreciate me allowing you to go with us."

                            "Are you trying to question your orders Shade, very unlike you."

                            "You know that's not true so why say it? I'm ensuring a member of my crew is mentally prepared for what's about to happen."

                            "I've never been more ready for anything Shade, let's do this!"
                            Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                            The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                          • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                            Terra (MU)

                            Shade had been called in, Marie had an idea of how her sister could serve out her sentence. "Since she's sentenced to three years house arrest, I am going to put her under your command on the Entrei'Is for the next three years. She'll serve out her sentence in service to the empire under you" said Marie bluntly. "As you wish" replied Shade with a smile. Marie was satisfied by that decision, now she got back to work looking through the reports from her intelligence network.

                            On the Entrei'ls, Trianna took her station sighing relief her sister had not given her the death penalty. "The empire won't accept Marie as empress" pointed out Trianna to Shade. "She's young yes but she's formidable" replied Shade, "time to start counting the days" answered Trianna with a sigh. "It's a three year sentence, call it working off your sentence" replied Shade smiling at the empress's compassion. "We've got orders, Marie wants us hunting war criminals. These are the execution warrants for Admiral Tom Paris, Be'lanna Torres, Captain Harry Kim and Crell Moset" said Trianna passing Shade the orders from Marie.

                            "Very efficient with your father, why throw him a weapon?" asked Shade to which Trianna answered "more honorable, better than wasting ammunition on him." "You showed no mercy and you also proved your loyalty at the same time, as part of your sentence you are confined to quarters when not on duty or training. It's house arrest still I'm afraid" replied Shade.
                              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                            • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                              Earth (Prime)

                              Prime Valdez had speaking with the empress over subspace, "Is this channel secure?" asked Marie over the screen. "It is" answered Valdez sipping his coffee. "Good, these are signed extradition papers" replied Marie sending the papers through, "who for?" asked Valdez as he ran Trianna's security program through them. "Regent Papela Lot since she executed Federation POWs in the infamous Betazed massacre" answered Marie to a shocked Valdez.

                              "I don't know if this is shock or relief" said Valdez as the memories flooded back. "I understand your late wife was one of the victims along with your crew. What the Regent did was unacceptable behavior, the actions of a coward" replied Marie. "Agreed, I'll have to bring this to my superiors. This will be a Starfleet matter, I cannot get involved in organizing it due to conflict of interest" answered Valdez honestly. "You have the honesty of a Betazoid, a quality needed for what I intend to ask your president face to face" replied Marie calmly noting Valdez's level of control.

                              "For what?" asked Valdez surprised. "As Federation Ambassador to the Terran Empire. All through subspace of course, also I may want to speak with Captain Heath face to face, I've got a request for her and her crew. They are the only crew I trust with this extradition" answered Marie. "I'll bring it up with Starfleet myself" replied Valdez. "Acceptable after all we must be good neighbors" answered Marie with a smile. "Ah the wisdom of youth, don't let power get to your head" replied Valdez to which Marie answered "I won't, I have a good teacher. Palace out."

                              "Interesting, I don't know how Layress is going to take this" noted Valdez to himself afterwards.
                                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                              • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                                I had forgotten about the respaw points after remaking the map( doe!). Thanks
                                Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                                The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                              • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                                edited May 2017
                                (inside the time stream)

                                Two figures watched the entire purge of the Mirror universe proceed.
                                “Twenty years for them, appropriate,” one commented.
                                “She and her sister have exterminated the populace of Dreon II and Eta Serpentis,” countered the other. “Yet she sits on the throne and her sister barely gets a slap on the wrist.”
                                “True it is hardly a fair situation.”
                                “But not one that will endure for long.”
                                “Also true. As she said ‘No one is above the law’.”
                                “When do we act?”
                                “Patience. She has served her purpose, now we allow events to take their course.”
                                “And by this time next year, they will be nothing more than a memory.”
                                “And the Dark Empress shall sit upon the throne.”
                              • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                Terra (MU)

                                Marie's first challenge to her authority had arisen, Admiral Hartmann had lead a force of 150 ships to storm Terra but Marie having been tipped off by her network was ready. Solat was deployed to Pluto to cut off Hartmann's advance on Terra and she brought the royal fleet, Marie decided to be with her troops in the front line. To solidify her claim she would fight and defend the people, after all a military victory would send a message to those who opposed her.

                                On the bridge of the Agincourt she gave her captains full independent command without interference, Solat was in overall charge of the fleet with Marie observing operations. Solat deployed the 200 strong royal fleet in a flying wedge of battleships and dreadnoughts in the centre with the faster escorts providing flank protection. Marie gave the order herself and the fleet met Hartmann's forces in orbit of Pluto. The plan was to draw Hartmann into the wedge then encircle, acting as skirmishers the fighter and runabouts drew the traitors into the trap. Solat signaled "advance" and the royal fleet split the enemy centre splitting the traitors into two groups which were then encircled. Marie sent a signal to Hartmann, "you are surrounded and outgunned, consider your crews' lives and surrender", after which she ordered disable their weapons and engines." The fleet obeyed and Hartmann's forces were disabled by a combination of Breen energy dissipation and conventional weapons.

                                "Let's wait and see, send the surrender order again" ordered Marie and the signal was sent. Hartmann appeared on screen and asked "what are your terms?" humiliated that he had been beaten by a teenager. "Admiral Hartmann, you will stand down and transport over to the Agincourt. Your crews will be spared if you swear loyalty to me, those are my terms" answered Marie with conviction, Hartmann stood down and transported to the Agincourt facing little choice other than see his crews killed. "Smart man, I won't have you killed but I will demote you to the rank of Lt Cmdr, your awards will be stripped from you and your lands, wealth and estates confiscated. It's better than the alternative" said Marie as she removed Hartmann's rank and replaced it with a Lt Cmdr rank chevron. "You are on parole, oppose me again and I may not be merciful" said Marie afterwards. Hartmann bowed to Marie in defeat and accepted the punishment.

                                In a temporal communication afterwards to the triumvirate, Marie admitted her and Trianna's part in the Dreon II and Eta Serpanis massacres citing they were not in control of their actions at the time and were putting things right. Heath had monitored the situation and noted Marie's punishment of Hartmann with a smile. "Compassion with a polite warning, interesting solution" she noted afterwards.

                                Earth (Prime)

                                Councillor Valdez was in a good mood, he braced himself before he told Heath in his office in Paris the good news depending on one's point of view. Admiral Heath read the request from Marie to her amazement at Marie's olive branch. "You've got to be kidding, why me?" asked Heath. "Because yours is the only crew she trusts to extradite Regent Lot, she insisted, the transfer will take place at the border in two days. She also asked for a Federation ambassador to the empire, all meetings through subspace of course. The president has agreed to meet her over subspace for security reasons and I've been named ambassador to the empire" answered Valdez.

                                Heath saw the funny side of it before she said "that brings up a concern, Trianna." Valdez noted Heath's concern over Trianna's state of mind concerning the regent. "It'll reopen old wounds, have your counselor keep an eye on her. She'll be angry seeing the Regent and it's understandable" replied Valdez. "Agreed, I checked up on her to see how she was doing, motherhood is changing her for the better" answered Heath seeing the photo on the desk of Trianna on her 16th birthday.

                                "So innocent until the Iconian War and the Regent destroyed that innocence" noted Heath to which Valdez replied "Iconia was her first battle, she was terrified at first but she saved the ship with her handiwork, we were disabled by a virus as a Vonph bore down on us. Trianna managed to create a feedback loop as we purged the computers which infected the Vonph with it's own virus. We were among the few surviving ships to make it out but only just."

                                "Inventive" noted Heath. "She's never recovered from Betazed though, she'll want to be there when the Regent is brought in, I cannot be there or it would classed as a conflict of interest" replied Valdez. "Kobayoshi Maru" answered Heath to which Valdez answered "Kobayoshi Maru indeed, I cannot even oversee the questioning." "I'll supervise Trianna if she wants to speak to the Regent but those two cannot be in the same area without supervision, she's repressed her anger that much she may erupt when faced with the Regent" replied Heath.

                                "I'll be wanting to speak with the Regent, she nearly destroyed my family and she killed my crew. That woman has caused so much hurt, we cannot forgive her nor will we. All we want to see if that woman stood in the dock to face justice for her crimes" answered Valdez. "As do Starfleet, those were Starfleet officers and crew she murdered" replied Heath understanding Valdez's hatred for the Regent.

                                "It'll be a fair hearing at least" answered Valdez. Heath knew that this was going to be a tricky situation, Valdez got his jacket on and offered to buy Heath a drink in Paris. Heath accepted and told Valdez about Trianna requesting her as a godmother to Teanna Jane. "Just try not to let "Aunt" Naynta corrupt her" replied Valdez with a smile of approval.

                                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                  edited May 2017
                                  Terra (MU)

                                  Marie was inspecting the Entrei'ls checking on progress when her and Trianna's temporal shields failed. Somehow they were still there given the fate of their "father." Scanning their DNA, they found the reason why, "Mother has some explaining to do" said Marie as Trianna double checked the results. "Dad wasn't dad, could explain why we're still here" replied Trianna. "Found a match, an escaped slave who was killed in the Battle of Betazed, Alliance number Theta 331. No name known" answered Marie. "Mother has been manipulating and playing games to put us where we are today" added Trianna. "Like it matters, mother raised us a a single parent" finished Marie as Shade brought in two Crell Mosets alive. "Send the other universe Moset to Captain Heath, tell her the Bray twins send her a gift. Dear sister, our Moset, all yours" ordered Marie as Trianna but a bullet right between the mirror Most's eyes eyes.

                                  "That's justice for his crimes against Terrans and Betazoids" said Marie with a smirk. "We still have a spare Krenim weapon in storage, we're going to use it to undo some damage we did" said Marie. "Use it to restore Dreon II and Eta Serpanis to before we paid them a visit" suggested Trianna. "Do it, just give everyone fair warning to allow them to prepare" ordered Marie. "Of course sister" answered Trianna as Marie then checked up on the progress of the arrest teams on Betazed.

                                  On Betazed, Regent Lot refused to move as she was presented with the warrant for her arrest and extradition. "I want to speak to the empress" protested Papela as Naynta was led away in cuffs and transferred to a undisclosed penal colony to serve out her sentence. "What is the meaning of this?" protested Jodi angrily that her sister and mother had been arrested. "Mrs Jodi Iodokar, you are under arrest for aiding and abetting Naynta Lot. You do not have to say anything but anything you say will be used in a court of law" said the police officer as he cuffed Jodi for transfer to Terra and judgement.

                                  Kestrella had looked over the warrants and found there was nothing she could do to oppose it, She had been found innocent and cleared of all charges. General Wray now took legal authority on Betazed as the Betazed sector commander to act as Regent until Kestrella was of age to rule. Papela resisted all the way to the prison transport as she was cuffed and seated in the transport under heavy guard. The transport reached the border and sent the signal through the rift 48 hours later.

                                  U.S.S. Los Lobos (Prime)

                                  Admiral Heath supervised the transfer and detainment of Regent Lot. As she was escorted to the brig, the whole crew just looked on completely silent. Trianna just glared at the regent trying to contain her temper, Naynta sensed the anger and told Trianna "not worth it" knowing Trianna wanted to hit the regent. "Tri, would your mother want you to do something stupid?" asked Tamiko showing concern for her friend. "That thing killed my mother, my crew-mates and my first life partner, you have no idea how much I want to hurt her" replied Trianna as she erupted to the point Naynta got between Trianna and the regent as Pru, Tamiko and Sydem held Trianna back trying to calm her down.

                                  "It hurts I know but if you hit her, she wins. You have to think about your daughter, be the bigger woman here for your daughter's sake" said Naynta as she talked Trianna down. Trianna eventually calmed down after Naynta sedated her and moved her to her quarters. "What was that about?" asked Heath to which Naynta answered "stopping a sister in arms and friend from making a terrible mistake, I've had to sedate Lt Valdez for her own sake." "Doctor, good job. you may carry on" replied Heath. Trianna later came to in her quarters as she was called to Heath's office.

                                  In Heath's office, Trianna was asked to sit down. "Lt, your reaction was understandable but not the best one either" said Heath, Trianna replied "ma'am, my human side nearly got the better of me." "I know, your father warned me in advance of this sort of reaction. The counselor will be keeping a close eye on you to monitor your emotional state of mind, you have a daughter to worry about and look after. Something you cannot do if you are in a cell for assault, the Regent will be serving prison time for what happened on the other Betazed. Let the law handle it" advised Heath. "With respect you weren't there, me and dad question why we lived and they died in our heads" replied Trianna as the memories of that day flooded back. "It's called survivor's guilt, either you let it bury you or you find a way to deal with it. Hitting the Regent won't bring your loved ones and crew-mates back, you'll only regret it in the end" advised Heath.

                                  "When I see that face, I only see red as the rage takes over" replied Trianna. "Starfleet officers have be emotionally stable so here's what I'll do. You will see the counselor three times a week for the next month, it's an order" said Heath. "Yes ma'am" answered Trianna. "I'm going to keep you at least three decks apart from the Regent at all times, I know you'll want to ask her why she did it. You will be supervised when I authorize you to speak to the Regent, understand?" asked Heath. "Crystal" answered Trianna. "Lt you are dismissed. One more thing, learn to control that temper" ordered Heath. Trianna left the office and went to her post.

                                  On Earth, Valdez decided to wait until after the trial to tell Trianna about her true origin now she was old enough to understand.

                                  Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                    Earth (Prime)

                                    The Los Lobos docked at ESD, Regent Lot was escorted to a holding cell escorted by the Los Lobos MACOs as Trianna and Valdez watched alongside the Los Lobos crew. Valdez just gave the Regent a glare as she was marched past him. Valdez then asked Trianna if they could find somewhere private as Trianna asked "Dad, you've got something to tell me." In his office on Earth, Valdez explained to Trianna her origins as he gave her a PADD to read before the trial.

                                    "You may need to sit down" said Valdez as he replicated a drink for Trianna. "That's your DNA dad and there's mine. They don't match" said Trianna stunned. "Your biological father was killed nearly 21 years saving a colony from slavers. His name was Sergei Romanov, a MACO. When me and your mother were together, she never spoke of him" replied Valdez openly. "You raised me as your own, you did not have to do that but you did out of kindness. You're the only father figure I've known" answered Trianna as she saw the photo of MACO Romanov. "He was in a different battalion to me, we were both 173rd MACO regiment, I never met him" replied Valdez as he gave Trianna the photo of her biological father.

                                    "You're still dad to me though this may take some time to take this in" answered Trianna as she hugged Valdez. "This won't change the fact I'll always consider you my daughter, you're still a Valdez" replied Valdez and Trianna answered "a Valdez and proud dad" with a smile. "Now let's get justice for Teanna" said Valdez to which Trianna added "for our loved ones and friends."

                                    Terra (MU)

                                    Marie's mission to right a wrong had succeeded, Dreon II and Eta Serpantis were restored. Marie was in the palace library studying Klingon culture for days preparing for her meeting with B'Vat. On the day of the meeting, B'Vat was escorted into the palace only to be personally greeted by Marie sat at the head of a large table lined with a mixture of Terran, Betazoid and Klingon foods and drinks wearing her best dinner wear. B'Vat sat down at the table and Marie passed him the PADD over via a servant. "General, let's discuss this over dinner. Since you are the leader of your people, you will represent them in these talks" said Marie confidently.

                                    "Ending this war, empress?" asked B'Vat ever the proud Klingon to which Marie replied "ending a war to save an empire is no defeat" and B'Vat smiled that the empress had taken the time to understand Klingon culture and history. "I must congratulate you on your victory at Archanis, your forces fought like warriors" said B'Vat and Marie answered "likewise, you gave us a good fight now let's end this on terms honorable to both sides." "Spoken like a warrior, will you allow us to keep practicing our traditions and culture?" asked B'Vat as he read the Species Equality Act.

                                    "You have my word of honor as a warrior that the Klingons will be given autonomy within the empire. My predecessor tried to wipe your people out, I won't as you fought with honor" answered Marie as she sliced her hand with a knife in a blood oath never to break her word. "Then I will sign your treaty on the condition that you allow us to maintain a defense fleet. Empress, the Klingon people stand with you" said B'Vat and Marie agreed and both parties signed the treaty. B'Vat swore his and his people's loyalty to Marie with a blood oath. Both now settled down to dinner discussing ways for both the empire and the Klingons to work as one.

                                    After dinner, B'Vat boarded his ship and left for Qo'noS eventually arriving safely. Marie now had to prepare for meetings with the Molindrans. The Molindrans would take more convincing so Marie began to read up on Molindran culture and history to prepare.
                                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                    • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                                      Molindran Dyson Sphere, Delta Quadrant (MU)
                                      Emporer Xo'Grozilo Zepoli was intrigued, the remaining citizens in the Alpha Quadrant had sent a subspace missive requesting the presence of the Emperor.

                                      "Praetorian Zerak, prepare the Celestius and escort fleet for departure in 24 hours, we will be returning to Alpha Quadrant.... Do not announce our precene yet we will be observing this 'Terran Empire' for a time... My father always said it was best to know your situation before moving... If this message is acurate we've requested to see the ruler of a short lived lesser-species."

                                      A day later the Celtesial class dreadnought, a dozen cruisers, and four Paladin battleships departed the dyson-sphere, under cloak.
                                      Bajor (MU)
                                      Commander Jess Tuvok had discovered a functioning Molindran Imperium era ruin buried deep in Bajor's crust... Most of the stasis pods had failed centuries ago, but these things appeared to be the reason... The fragmented logs made no mention of these creatures, but she and her team were on edge from the constant starring...

                                      "Now let's see what we have here..." She said as she inspected the console in the center of the room. "It's map!" She realized, looking it over she realized this was a scientific observation post to observe the development of the early Bajorans... There was more: other explorative ventures had been made on Cardasia, Defera, Vulcan, Andoria... How far did the Molindrans boarders spread?

                                      Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                                      The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                                    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                      edited June 2017
                                      Terra (MU)

                                      Both the Bray twins stormed into their mother's office armed with a PADD. "Mother, who's Theta 331?" asked Marie throwing the PADD onto Teanna's desk. "Did you manipulate the last emperor just to get us legitimized?" asked Trianna as both twin confronted Teanna. "Then have him killed after?" added Marie. "What about Maria?" asked Trianna. Teanna got up and slapped both her daughters in an attempt to regain dominance.

                                      "Don't ever put your hands on us again, guards, take mother down to a holding cell" ordered Marie. In the cells, the twins continued with their questioning. Eventually Teanna came clean and owned up "Theta 331 was a pet and Maria's father was a palace servant." "Both of whom you had killed to hide the truth" replied Marie. "Oh mother, what have you done?" asked Trianna angry that Teanna had hidden their origins from them. "I did it for you two, look where you are now. Marie, the empire is yours and Trianna, you were trained from an early age to be an assassin though I had to put a memory block in which you broke" answered Teanna. Both twins stormed out disgusted at their mother's actions. "Put mother on basic rations and keep her in the cells for two weeks, I'll decide what to do with her afterwards" said Marie to the guards. "As you wish Majesty" answered the guard commander.

                                      Earth (Prime)

                                      The courtroom was packed as everyone took their seats. Regent Lot was led out and sat down in the dock, "Papela Lot, you are on trial for the massacre of Federation citizens and Starfleet personnel at the Betazed Massacre" said the judge. "Not guilty" said Papela. Both Valdez and Trianna knew otherwise as Heath gave Trianna some moral support. "In the court are two members of the Valdez family, the only two survivors of the massacre" said Admiral William Riker. The origins of the massacre were brought up and Valdez answered truthfully to all questions even about Celes, Risa and Mars and that he had to live with that for the rest of his life.

                                      "Did you surrender after you were put into a no win situation?" asked Riker to which Valdez answered "I was stunned and a counterpart of mine gave the order to stand down." "It's the truth" said Deanna Troi, Valdez then left the witness stand as Riker now got to the massacre. "May Lt Trianna Valdez take the stand" said Riker and Trianna took to the stand and described every painful detail of what happened, "The Regent had me and dad shackled and forced to watch with phasers pointed at our heads. The Oudenarde crew were separated into groups and shot in groups of five over a period of eight hours. My mother was the last to die, we were helpless to stop it as the Regent looked like she was enjoying it."

                                      "That'll be all Lt, you may return to the bench" said Riker as Deanna sensed honesty and pain. Valdez gave a similar testimony as Papela remained calm. For the next hour, both Valdez and Trianna were cross examined but both were truthful. Riker then played the footage and the court was shocked at the brutality of the massacre. Data had the footage examined and it was genuine. "This is a farce, I'm a Regent not a common criminal" said Papela to which the judge said "order." Papela was cross examined and she refused to cooperate. After much deliberation, the jury had decided with a unanimous guilty. The judge was equally damning, "Papela Lot, for the murder of Federation citizens and Starfleet personnel you have been found guilty for war crimes. You are hereby sentenced to life without parole, the only way you will leave prison is in a box. Take the defendant down for processing" ordered the judge.

                                      Valdez and Trianna were relieved that it was all over, afterwards at Trianna's house the entire Valdez family toasted "justice, the nightmare is over" and all sat down to a full family dinner in their best dinner wear. Seeing Valdez's 1920s style suit, waist coat and tie, Trianna joked "all dad needs is the violin case with Tommy gun." It caused a smile and a laugh from the rest of the family.
                                      Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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