First, I haven't tried the workarounds to the rifle issue, but what I saw I generally liked and it's entirely possible that my issues will get resolved anyways. Also, I may be in the *minority on one of these points and either way, I don't want the devs to feel like I'm taking away from their hard work. Regardless of what happens, I'm certain that I will enjoy the xpac.
*My first issue is with the first alien that you encounter. I realize that TOS budgets being what they were and all, aliens had a certain look, but is it in the realm of possibility to spruce them up a bit? I'm not asking for the more serious demeanor set in TNG, some TWoK or DS9 eras, because the feel of the show should stand out, but maybe just a little tweak or so... something to allow it to be TOS with a bit more legitimacy.
My second one comes from the lack of species. Again, it is TOS, but is it at all possible to have a more limited version of the alien gen or something along those lines?
Thanks for everything and take care.