"Captain's Log, stardate 2821.5. En route to Makus III with a cargo of medical supplies, our course leads us past Murasaki 312, a quasar-like formation. Vague... undefined. A priceless opportunity for scientific investigation. On board is Galactic High Commissioner Ferris, overseeing the delivery of the medicines to Makus III."
Just curious...
How does a nebula get referred to as a quasar-like formation in a CO's log?
Quasars are believed to be powered by accretion of material into supermassive black holes in the nuclei of distant galaxies, making these luminous versions of the general class of objects known as active galaxies.
Never mind. It wouldn't sci-fi if the writers got all of the facts right years before even scientists knew them.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.
Someone needs a few hours on a threadmill...
Lol, and NOW I find the edit button.