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Bookmarking a thread.

ravenmind1ravenmind1 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
This may be a stupid question, and has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer with search. Most forums allow you to bookmark a thread and often allows you to receive an email when there's another post added to the thread. Is there such a feature on these forums? If so I haven't been able to find it, and have been forced to bookmark threads in my browser, which is a rather clumsy & cluttered solution.




  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Up at the top, next to the thread title, you'll see an icon that looks like a star. Click that star and it will add the thread to your favorites. You'll then get a notification anytime there is a post in that thread.

    If you're viewing the forum, the star icon is to the right of the thread title.

    Hope that helps.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • ravenmind1ravenmind1 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    Thank you for the help. I'm not sure why I can't find this. Next to the thread title there are no icons for me, unless it's a thread I started, then there's a gear icon which I can click on to edit. I do have a Star icon next to my name that takes me to supposedly bookmarked threads. Wonder if there's something in settings I need to change. *sigh*
  • ravenmind1ravenmind1 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    Hmm.. I've tried in IE, Firefox & Chrome, and disabled uBlock Origin & reloaded. Still nothing. Starting to wonder if I'm going blind! :)
  • ravenmind1ravenmind1 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Okay. I think I kind-of figured this out. I always allow first party cookies to be saved, and to be prompted for third-party. After logging out, then logging back in to the forums I checked the "Remember me" tick box, and after the Arc Defender security code is entered the Star icon to bookmark threads is now showing up in both Firefox & Chrome. Strangely, in IE, even after adding arcgames.com to the trusted zone & making sure cookies can be saved, it still won't show up. That doesn't bother me much though, as I only use IE for websites that don't work properly with FF/Chrome.
    Thanks for your help seaofsorrows. I wouldn't have known what to look for without your help. :)
    (By the way, for those using uBlock Origin, you can leave it enabled and still have the star show up.)

    Mods: Thread may be closed. TY
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    No problem, glad you found it.

    Makes sense that cookies and stuff have to be enabled, the bookmark icon is only available when you're signed in. If you're not logged into the forum, then the icon isn't there.

    I'm glad you got it figured out. :)
    Insert witty signature line here.
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