Would be nice if more missions included Earth or actual cities in game, in additoin in game housing in san francisco, even as an add on module that players had to pay for, improving the role playing experience of players. this centurys housing in an active star trek user experience. with full functionality.
Instead of the lock boxes making profit i am sure expanding modules/maps and areas would make the game more of a role playing expereince than just pew pew.
In addition be great if, we had better access to improved hair styles and off duty outfits for our characters once again adding income from your zen. (example never winter) in game emotes that are free in never winter and no longer available to sto players eg air guitar, folk music emote would also be a nice add on.
I can't fault them really, from a business standpoint it makes a lot of logical sense. But as a player that loves it when they add new uniforms but hates to gamble on them, it kind of sucks. Not to mention it can get really expensive to buy them on the Exchange.
As for more player housing options with more customization - I'd love that too. But the excuse for not scheduling development time for ship interiors is the same reason they haven't and probably won't put the man hours into other "housing" options (ship interiors are after all a form of player housing).
Ultimately, they have to balance the necessity for multi-faction play for the majority of new missions, and they've stated in the past, that it's a waste of development time to create locations that don't see much traffic after the the initial play though of a mission.
We can keep hoping and wishing for more RP options though. Keep the dream alive!
While I would enjoy new ship interiors and housing, much like the housing in SWTOR, I would not expect it. Since this would have to happen for all three factions, not just the Federation. I don't see Geko approving or working on this, as he hates the KDF and Roms.
Hmm actually housing in a game based on space travel doesn't make sense. Your ship is your home.
Also the personal housing system would work as the permanent dilithium sink the game needs to avoid things like the uniforms joke they did out of sheer desperation.
One podcast ended on this note because the topic at hand was that the people in control of this mmorpg did not have the capability of taking this game where it needed to go to be a good star trek mmorpg. Since the basis of the franchise was seek out new life and explore strange new worlds
So half a decade after that was discussed the "vision" of STO has moved oh where has it moved from this... um nowhere at all lol. Blow up more 2 second clips and call it a reputation, a lockbox, a season, and now no matter how small the content an expansion.
Take your idea, move it to be ship based, and you would make more money. I think on Risa you should be able to rent a hotel room and use it when you go there. Would be nice.
I would like to see them revamp the Romulan faction and make it completely independent, along with them adding in "Star Trek: The Animated Series" content.
Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are.
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Yes this is for self interest but its 1 hell of an advantage playing the Voth Dyson Battlezone with frosted boots during the V-Rex portion of the zone. (I race a person from the City silo to the command center without those boots and the other person with them makes the command center before I'm even halfway there. Big advantage in the race to tag a Dino)
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
I'd love to start the day off (login the system) in my cabin instead where one can have personal space instead of outerspace or, the command chair or, somewhere inside my ship.
1. Removal or change to team system so that it is no longer a faction based grouping system outside of queues.
2. Consolidate the marketing system of the game reducing the clutter so that everything from the player exchange, dilithium exchange, etc is all in a polished system where only need to go to mail or exchange is to pick up items and/or currencies.(Also with lockboxes offer changes or additions to bridges to bring up value of lockboxes as thinking of your bridge as your home instance. The first item would be fun installing holo emitters for all of the home instance/bridge conducting your own war games by yourself or with some friends/fleet members on board your ship which could be very fun I think).
3. The revamp of the crafting system was great but it does need some work put into it for quality of life purposes. Each crafted item in the game is down a branching recipe list but the way its setup you go down this list and if you need to go back some on that branching list its very irritating to go thru the whole process again. Mainly just clean it up make it so polished that an epohh can do it.
4. This is probably an issue that goes way beyond my knowledge but the map size and being able to function with large numbers of players is very lacking at I believe 15 people right now. This has been a long overdue problem for some reworking if possible. It limits mostly the progress of having players work together like say a fleet to do things they can schedule together or schedule for players in the game. The project system is nice and all of that but expecially for armada's and max tier fleets there needs to be a next step forward where you are actually playing with your fleet and not just another resource to tap.
5. Last thing which involves a majority of the above is the fleet system which solved the problem with armada's on fleets that were just low on fleet marks but now the other issue went unresolved because as dilithium options get nerfed to try to balance that economy now more than ever players are not going to drop their dilithium into a project. So with all of these problems as I see it Cryptic needs to get together to plan to roll something down their pipeline that addresses all of these problems. In fact one of the things people have complained about during the entire existence is that there isn't any non-combat or core Star Trek themes in the game where you could have a fleet going out on a mission where you deal with problems you cannot vaporize or shoot to death. Could be like a socialization season or update where helping out with a problem could be organized by a fleet basis and be a way to offset dilithium where it needs it because of the design it kills fleets and it kills the profits because people are too scared to donate it.
My list of STO changes.
1: Give the Scimitar (All t5 and t6s) the same interior as was seen in Capture the Flag.
2: Give the Kar’fi a more Fek’Ihri style bridge
3: Give the Delta Flyer the Delta flyer interior from Voyager.
4: Give the NX-class the interior from Enterprise.
5: Offer more Fek’Ihri ships to KDF players.
6: Latium models of the new t-6 ships that can be displayed in the Bridge (Purchase the ships to unlock these models)
7: Add more missions to the Iconian war and Future Proof episodes so that those episodes feel less rushed.
8: Give players a free skill point that can only be used towards the characters class. (Ex Tactical captains would get one skill point to use toward a tactical skill)
9: Bring back the Obex.
10: Make ranking up the DOFF missions that are not Diplomacy have a purpose. (EX: give engineering ranks a small buff to engine power.)
11: Add more interior trophies for kill accolades.
12: Add the Exchange to the fleet Starbase.
13: Add a way to grind for Lobi besides lockboxes.
14: Add a transporter pad to DS9, Fleet Research Lab, and Fleet Dyson Sphere.
2: Ability to upgrade any tier ship to T5U, who in return motivates more people to buy and enjoy the T1-T4 line up that is considered obsolete this days.
3: Cross faction team up and the ability to visit other factions hub after the Delta Rising campaign.
4: Bajor and the dominion invasion arc requires some polished.
5: The leveling experience from 55-60 needs some tuning.
6: More missions focused on diplomacy instead of constant violence.
7: Discount and special offers of existing packages in the zen store every week.
Examples of historical missions:
Alpha Quadrant-Dominion war (space&ground with starship requirements)
Earth-Romulan war (starship requirements)
The Battle of Wolf 359 (no win, but see how long you last with starship requirements)
Bajoran Occupation (as either a resistance fighter or Cardassian occupier)
Star Trek episodes adapted for STO.
I really like your idea. This is just an expansion idea, but maybe even work it in as new TOS only episode arc?
Also I really wish that they would make some changes to the Yesterday's War arc.
Galoradan Core: Turn into a TOS only mission.
Vorgon Conclusions: Move to before the Dyson arc.
The Kelvin Timeline mission: also Move to before the Dyson arc.
The game is great! I won't write about bugs, fortunately I don't meet too much to remember them. But I have some ideas about potentials/features I personally miss.
When I was about to approach the level 20 in R&D system first time, I hoped that ultra rare upgrade kits would be available, but I don't see much difference between level 15 and 20.
You added Ferengi Admirality feature to the game, and its Much Better than I expected.
I still have a few thoughts: In all Dilithium focused assignments very rare bonus reward packs should contain a certain amount of refined Dilithium (100-300). In Ferengi assignments very rare bonus reward packs should contain either 1-3 Lobi crystals or refined Dilithium.
New NOT consumable items (unique space and ground equipments - universal consoles, armors, shields, cloaking - and detection - devices, phase cloaks, calls for reinforcements.) should be available for Latinum. And as rhenvar42 suggested (and I had been thinking about it too) GPL Conversion Unit should be able to exchange 10000-15000 Latinum to 1 Lobi crystal.
On a few starbases (perhaps the Fleet starbases or the Fleet Dilithium Mine) players should be able to exchange (both ways) energy credits to raw materials, one type of raw material to another, raw materials to refined Dilithium in (at least rare quality) duty officer assignments with (fealure/)success/critical success result, minimum 20-24 hour cooldown time, custom amount.
In the services of the ZEN store there should be an option to increase the amount of refining by 1000 for 1000 ZEN only once, the veterans could refine 2000 more Dilithium instead of 1000 (In total: 3000 more with the purchased service).
There should be an option to buy the remaining (unobtained) ground and space skill points for ZEN (per 1 point), ground skill points for minimum 200, space skill points for minimum 250 and the price should be increased by 50 for each higher rank, purchases could be performed on the skills tab of course.
This week I purchased Account bank slots first time and I had to face the practical meaning of the expressions "bound to character" (!), "bound to account" and "bind on equip). If you earn an item as reward the item will have "bound to character" status, so these equipments or devices are encrypted. It's completely fair. But if we buy something from a vendor it should have "bind on equip" status. Solving of the problem: Ferengi vendors should be able to disable the encryption (changing the status of the item to "bind on equip") for 5000-10000 Latinum, the price should depend on the quality of the item. The Ferengi purchaseable equipments would have "bind on equip" status, of course.
With Admirality system and Tour of the Galaxy mission Endevour system is a Great way to obtain loads of Energy credits.
One more economic aspect: I don't think that only I have at least one character which is member of a fleet that has maximum level and has projects really rarely. There should be an alternative way to exhange fleet marks to fleet credits. In fleet starbases there should be available special projects (in duty officer assignment system) which are independent from the character's fleet. An option to exchange energy credit to Fleet credit (directly) would be Useful too (15000-20000 EC for 1 FC).
NEW FACTION: The Cooperative
Please add playable Cooperative faction to the game. The character of the Cooperative should face the choice (perhaps at the half of the storyline/campaign): stay with the Cooperative or join the Collective. There should be the classic Borg ships and new types including for example the type of Hugh's ship (science ship) or the Cylinder (cruiser, http://armadafiles.com/images/jdownloads/screenshots/14117_borg-cylinder_1.jpeg) - IT'S JUST AN IDEA. Space travel could have transwarp visual effects. The Cooperative (borg) ships should have unique abilities (just like in case of the Romulans) for example Disabling charge (shields and weapons), short rage transwarp jump, Adaptation (increased shield resistance, shield regeneration ignores attacks, increased hull repair rate), Nanite cloud (defends ships against torpedos and mines), lock-on (targeted hostile ship is made harmless by a tractor beam, which overrides systems making the ship attack other vessels temporarily) - mostly defensive abilities.
The Cooperative Starbase (or Nexus) could be visited by all factions. Special customized and adapted items (space and ground) could be purchased for high amount of Dilithium for example weapons, shields, armors, devices (not consumable), universal consoles.
The character would start as a newly freed drone, the most of the implants have just been removed (just like in case 7 of 9) thanks to a new type of nanoprobes developed by the Cooperative. This new tool can reverse the assimilation (physically) in addition to recovering individuality.
New skill specialization type: "Liberator".
Traits: increased perception, increased resistance against radiation/toxic/psionic damage, increased regeneration/rapair rates, increased chance to ignore shields, Rapid adaptation (35-45% chance, no damage received for 5-10 seconds, instant shield recharge and regeneration - opponents can remodulate weapons from now). Efficiency (ground): the character can handle consoles, reapair equipment (...) faster by 10-20%. In space: abilities last longer, engineer and science officer abilities affect faster.
New armor type for crafting: Adaptive (it's available for other factions from level 15, Mark XII) New, universal kit frame (compatible with career path modules and specialization modules) could be available for crafting from level 20.
Item customization (from Mark XII), no sets:
As a general rule: chosing basic properties (health, armor/shield hardness, hull/shield capacity, ALL damage resistance, turn ratio, stealth...) and amplified property (for weapons: damage, acceleration, critical values, New: firing rate/speed...).
Ground weapons: chosing primary and secondary modes (for example split beam primary and pulse wave secondary or high density beam primary and full auto secondary) and chosing amplified effectiveness against certain opponents (Borg: infinity modulator, Tholians, Undine...)
Weapon adaptation (could be available in weapon crafting in R&D system from level 20):
Chosing a weapon of a species (for example Klingon disruptor) with an amplified property...
I miss the type 3a/3b compression phaser rifle and from the game (it should be available for crafting from level 15).
New mission types (space and ground): DISCONNECTION. The key the a new nanoprobe type.
The Borg ships would be available to purchase for Zen for other factions. Hugh's ship and cylinder could be available in T5 and T6 version. Operation cubes: Surveillence Cube, Support Cube, Tactical Cube
New game type similar to the petrol missions/deep space encounters: CAPTURE THE SHIP!
The mission should include a space and at least 3 ground phases. Of course all participants receive the capturable ship as reward. The difficulty should depend on the quality/tactical value of the capturable ship...
There should be a new way to upgrade starships from admiral rank and above, not for only T5 ships. The players should be able to buy additional item slots except impulse drive, primary and secondary deflector (secondary deflector slot can't be added if there wasn't at all), devices.
Prices per slot (ZEN):
Weapons: 1500-2000
Shield (maximum +1, Scimitar class should have it already - just like in the movie): 2000-2500
Devices: 1000
Consoles: 1500-2000.
Transwarp Drive (next to the warp drive slot): 3000-5000 - It would be the a better alternative of the Quantum Slipstream Drive, once a ship is equipped with transwarp drive it doesn't have QSD, travel speed 145%, turn ratio 130%, same cooldown time. Borg ships would have it already.
UNIVERSAL BRIDGE OFFICER STATION: Commander rank, no specialization (Maximum 1): 2000-2500
Competitive missions should have a balancing pairing the upgraded ships against each other and adjusting queues.
I agree with aleluya (in all points), not just Duty officer and Admirality assignments should contain the most of the Diplomacy, and we need More real First contact missions, archeological missions, correction of ecosystems, (spying and/or investigations) and officer exchange programs. There should be more focus on career paths (mainly from captain): more missions along with the factional missions giving chance to take part in peaceful ordinary and challenging projects.
First task of the diplomatic missions should be studying the database about the situation and the affected species.
Now tacticoolfugga gave Really great examples for historical missions.
And there is one another REALLY CRAZY idea for using holodecks for something else: there should be theoretical and practial "quiz" games on holodecks (a holocharacter ask the questions which have to be answered) in starbases which can be visited by characters of all factions. These games would be repeatable every 20-24 hours. On the other hand the players should be able to attend lectures performed by certain holocharacters. (An EXTREMELY CRAZY idea: these educational materials should be available on any computers with the option to download them to personal database - sending to e-mail address registered in the account.)
The theoretical games should be based on Real scientific facts Only. The games should have 5 difficulty settings. Rewarding: experience points for each correctly answered questions (20-30, the higher difficulty is, the more complex the questions are). If all questions are correctly answered the reward should be a duty officer, the quality (lowest is uncommon) depends on the difficulty settings. If the answer is wrong, the correct answer should be displayed.
Topics (examples): physics, mathematics, biology (even genetics), astronomy, history (including the history of flight, space flight - orbital flights, Apollo program etc.). The topic of orbital flights and Apollo program should be lectured and questioned by the holographic simulation of Katherine Goble Johnson (everyone should know what she achieved).
Examples for practical "quiz" game topics: Culture, philosophy of species, First contact and other historycal events...
What about making a Latinum to Lobi transfer system. This system could be set up a place like DS9 or Drozana.
Example, trading in 1,000 Latinum for 10 lobi crystals.