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Consoles/sets and plasma damage: weapons or "exotic"?

Hey everyone. I have some questions about the plasma damage that certain consoles and sets get, i'd be grateful if someone could help out.

I am never quite sure if "plasma damage" improves the damage caused by plasma weapons (energy weapons/torpedoes), or just the plasma-fire DoT that lingers a few seconds afterwards (would it be correct to call it "exotic damage"?). I'm especially interested in knowing which one is the case with the Na'Kuhl Plasma Wave Console, the bonus of the Council Defense Pact set, and the [+Pla] modifier.


  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Both beam damage and beam dot, remembering that this is 25% of base damage, so for the one ship I tested it on it was more like 4% extra for direct beam damage and dot. Its the latest of a series of consoles that boost energy weapon damage without requiring a tac console spot, none of these provide game changing forepower boosts, on paper they reduce the advantage had by 4 or 5 tac console ships.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Forgot to say that the clicky ability is next to/worse than useless as you can't do stuff whilst it prepares to fire.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    I "think" this is being looked at in the latest patch possibly? Or was it changed last week? I recall reading something about it being adjusted somewhere.
    The passive effect on “Console – Universal – Plasma Wave” has been reduced from +25% to +20% and now properly only affects Energy and Projectile Weapons instead of all sources of Plasma damage.

    There you go.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Its an okay boost for a valuable console slot, for most players I'd recommend the following ahead of it: zero-point, assimilated module, temporal disentanglment suite, conductive rcs with useful mod, eps console, neutronium and maybe exotic particle field exciter with nice mod, all in addition to tac consoles.

    The Krenim sci ship's Timeline Stabilizer could be better for tac capts as this helps cool down all those tac capt damage boosting abilities, tac fleet and attack pattern alpha are monster abilities. This free if you have that freebie ship but unobtainium if you don't.

    Additional suggested better uses of 4m EC:

    Upgrade those weapons to mk14, 4m ec probably buys 25 superior upgrades from the exchange

    Energy amplifier batteries - a proper 20% extra damage with a max up time of 20 sec from every 60 sec. Cost 5k on the exchange or craft from materials you probably aren't using.

    Boost eps via engineering console, blue mk 12 only 17k, or plasma-integrated core/sing from 800ec, or super expensive crafted consoles.

    Energy weapon doffs with chance of Crit severity boost, 7mish for blues. These are really good for energy weapon builds and about 1/20th the price of purples. Approx 20m for 10% damage boost that is not tied to energy weapon type or beam vs cannons is good value by endgame standards.
  • azpatraoazpatrao Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    Thank you for your help!
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