I'm seeing a lot of things saying 0.3% or 0.1% -- often disagreeing with what it says below in the summary at the bottom, or often seeming completely unrelated... and to be frank, if something is only giving me 1/1000th of an improvement, why in the blazes should anyone waste a skill point on it?
Do those all mean to say 10%? You know, forgot to multiply by 100 first?
One thing I could see happening is an expression like this:
Skill: Kakalubsen Expertise
"Kakalubsen Expertise you a +0.1 % per point of skill for a kalubsen event when doing ka. If you spend a point in this skill, you get 60 points of Kakalubsen Expertise points. That's a total of 6 % kalubsen event chance per ka."
If the "6 %" is, for example, your critical hit chance, then this is pretty signfiicant. If it's a buff to damage or shield healing, it's probably meh.
Most skills seem to be described in this way. It seems a bit convulated, but it can be important to notice the difference between what spending a skill point does, and what the modifier granted by the skill does. If you have later an item that gives +20 Kakalubsen Expertise, you need to know that this isn't 20 times better than spending a single point on the skill, but only 1/3 as good.
Edit: I am now ingame to see the skills. Damage Control is the one I had in mind. Each point of Damage Control skill increases your Regeneration Rate by 1% of its base regeneration value. The skill tooltip does not mention what the base regeneration rate is for my specific ship, but it generally regenerates about 5% every time it ticks. So by taking these skills, my regeneration rate would only increase to 5.5%, 5.85%, and 6%. Ultimately, that increase by a percent of a percent isn't very worthwhile.
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