Finally, some positive news from the BEYOND team.
It's been awfully quiet on the movie front, and it's given the nay-sayers a lot of cannon-fodder for writing this film off. Paramount hasn't done much to counter the detractors, mind you, but this sounds like a positive step in the right direction. Apparently, Simon Pegg has seen the new trailer, and is quite excited about it (he wasn't very pleased with the last one, mind you).
A May release could side-step the
Captain America blitz coming soon, and an event dedicated to the movie alone could attempt to capitalize on the 50th anniversary... not terrible ideas, but I wouldn't have waited. (Of course, the truncated production schedule for the film could be impacting the trailer/marketing schedule, too... who knows.)
This is later than I would have preferred, but I'm hopeful!
I'm sure this "Event" isn't going to be Free.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion