So we get this very rare duty officer as a promotion and much to my surprise we can claim as many as we want on any toon we want, but can only open one at a time. SO I get this absolutely brilliant idea. I am going to head to my personnel officer and break him down. All the way there I am thinking about how rich I and my friends are about to become. I have visions of me us all swimmin in a HUGE pile of energy credits, choking of the fumes of freshly minted ECs!
I stop off a a mailbox to empty out my Doff roster to make room for all the newb Doffs I am very soon to acquire. I then head straight for the money tree. I open the dialogue window and select from the list "very rare duty officers" and....wait a minute, my new shiney does not show up on the list!?
Well played Cryptic, well played.
"Hey a gift - can I exploit it???"
People like me, you mean everyone but you(not a question, I am telling you).
Being Lawful Good does have its disadvantages when it comes to maximizing wealth
That is not forcing them to add new restrictions, they are restrictions that should have, ideally, existed from the very start. As is the case in this current scenario. They apparently had the foresight to see that this could have become a major issue and took care of it by modifying the Doff to not show up in the list. Again, as I said in my original post, "Well played Cryptic, well played."
And no, I was definitely not joking, I am not the joking sort. I was definitely going to exploit the holy **** out of this Doff if allowed to.
No. Not everyone immediately seeks to exploit everything. Esp something the Devs didn't have to spend time on to give us for free
I just want to take a moment to acknowledge that they have to spend time on everything. And when I say "everything", I actually mean everything. Everything we see and do in game is carefully thought out, discussed, thought out some more, designed, tested and implemented. To think otherwise would be a great error.
Furthermore, you are now trapped. You cannot disagree with me on this without compromising your position.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Good luck with that.
I never suggested otherwise, what I said was they didn't have to spend the time on THIS to GIVE us for FREE. I also said that not everyone immediately seeks to exploit everything in game.. I aint trapped by anything you said troll
No, I really am... I love the game and love the time they put into it... I love that it's here, and I love that they give us stuff...
Doffs that are bound because you equipped them don't have that restrictions. Those Award Bound Doffs can be fed into the Consular Exchange Missions, however.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yes yes, go on and on about how principled some of you are, not exploiting anything, because you value so deeply the fact that the wonderful devs never had to be nice to you.
Except you're getting haughty and self-righteous over your conduct in a video game. Now please tell me your conduct in a video game is indicative of your true to life nature, that way I can laugh two times.
Yes, I'm Lawful Good in real life too. Money to charity, don't cheat on my taxes, blah blah blah. That's just how I've chosen to live and your opinion of it doesn't really matter to me, sorry.
You COMPLETELY missed my point. And please don't say "Lawful Good" like it's a thing. Real life is not an RPG.
A: ¯\(°_o)/¯
Not hardly EVERYONE.
You can speak for yourself. You do not speak for me.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
^^ QFT!
If you have an infinite supply of Very Rare DOFFs, you of course also have an infinite supply of White DOFFs. All that is limiting you is the time required.
I think he was counting on selling zillions of very rare doffs at very high prices. Unfortunately, the OP doesn't appear too bright, as even a cursory think-thru would have made him realize that if he could sell zillions of those.... then others can too! (Thus, to spell it out for him, making his alleged treasure trove totally worthless).
Everything about this topic-start is just epic fail.
It's a classification, just like a Myers–Briggs type. While one can't cast Chromatic Orb in real life, there is nothing preventing a person from identifying which alignment most closely approximates their behavior. A person can also estimate their position in the light side - dark side spectrum without being able to wield force lightning or believing in The Force.
"These are not the doffs you're looking for." :P
Actually, would it have worked, I would have made hundreds of millions of EC, me and my friends. It was known from the start however that it was a limited time deal(again, would it have worked) as after just a couple days the prices of DOffs would have fallen through the floor. It was known and expected. Just like during the winter event, in the first couple days it is possible to make hundreds of millions of EC selling the winter event items, but after that first few days the prices drop so drastically that it is hardly worth selling anymore versus the time spent gathering.
I do find it funny how you just automatically assume that everyone other than you is stupid. I find it funny in the "I am laughing at you" sort of way. It is a pity thing.
When the exchange of 1 green doff to three or five white ones cost 5k Dil peeps should get back to their senses and perhaps decide to play some queues.
Problem solved.
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