I'm forwarding this request for my buddy Rohan who can't seem to access the forum for some reason:
"Can you make this winter's T6 Breen starship a science vessel with a hangar bay? It should have a 3 Eng/4 Sci/4 Tac console layout. Boff seating would include a Lt.Cmdr Universal Command/Intel Hybrid seat, a Lt. Tac seat, a Lt. Eng seat, an Ens. Universal seat, and a Cmdr. Science seat. For a starship trait, i propose a 'Cryoplasma' warhead that, upon crit, places a cryoplasma load on the target, immobilizing it for 3 seconds (20 sec refresh on this power)."
Sounds like a cool event ship. Again, just passing the request along so maybe the devs can have a look.
RCK - a.k.a. "Evul Jacob"