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Permission to buy a ship...

antonio#4298 antonio Member Posts: 40 Arc User
After playing this game for more or less around 2 months, I thought that I already understood what is what in the game... but obviously I didn't. And this time I am annoyed!
Because I wanted to buy fleet escort retrofit. It costs 20 000 Fleet credits, 4 fleet ship modules, and 1 starbase military fleet ship provisioning. Also, it requiers from me to be viceadmiral.
So, I was already invited in some fleet, so I was contributing dilithium there to gain fleet credits. For this purpose I spent a lot of time mining for dilithium and so on. I also had more starbase fleet ship provisioning. And I am viceadmiral. So now, when I had all that I needed, I bough 4 fleet ship modules for which I paid REAL LIFE MONEY. And when I finally wanted to buy a ship, it tells me that I don't have permission???? What permission??? If I understood it correct, fleet gives this permission, and for some reason I don't have it. And it would be all nice and normal if they wrote on the ship which I want to buy that permission is required! I mean, if they can write how much does it cost and what rank I need to be, why is there problem to write that thing too??? I wouldn't be complaining if I haven't paid real life money for those damned fleet ship modules, but I did! If I knew, I wouldn't be bothering myself, and I would probably buy something for zen, and no problem.
So please, I ask for your advice:
a) how do I get this permission? or
b) can I get my money back, or at least zen back, for those fleet ship modules I have bought?


  • bloodyrizbloodyriz Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    The permission is given by the fleet itself to allow you to use their provisions. Ask one of your fleet officers to give you the permissions and you will be set if they do it. If they do not allow it, you are in the wrong fleet.
    We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
  • elothoxelothox Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    That's dependent on your fleet's ranks and how they have permissions set up (just like bank access or any other permission, which is viewable on the settings tab for your fleet).

    If you feel you've worked hard enough to earn a higher rank and they won't let you buy a fleet ship (fleets have to set up projects to EARN "1 starbase military fleet ship provisioning" that allow members to buy fleet ships, so it's not just free) you can take your fleet credits and fleet modules to another fleet without losing anything. I'm sure you can find a fleet that will let you buy a ship. Just make sure they have a high enough shipyard to get the ship you want.
  • bloodyrizbloodyriz Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    Of course if you do choose to not get the ship anyway, no Cryptic will not refund your money, BUT the fleet ship modules can be sold on the exchange for a pretty good price. Myself, I say get the ship.
    We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
  • antonio#4298 antonio Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    Thank you for your answers! I will now try to find a fleet where I will have this permission...
  • glenn#1579 glenn Member Posts: 275 Arc User
    I am glad you have highlighted this. I was on the brink of buying a fleet ship. I will have to check.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Thank you for your answers! I will now try to find a fleet where I will have this permission...

    Did you ask an officer in your fleet first? Often they just need to look at what you have contributed to the fleet then they will increase your rank and you can buy it.

    Fleets do not give all new members the right to buy things and take items out of the fleet banks because there are bad players out there that steal from fleets when they are given the chance, or just take things like the ship provisions without paying their share of the cost. I can't log in to check but I think it takes ~10,000 dil plus white doffs and mats per fleet ship provision.

    Also, to anyone buying fleet ships, remember that fleet ships do NOT come with the console or mastery trait from the C-Store version of a ship. If you want something like a Fleet Guardian cruiser, you want to buy the C-Store version first, then upgrade to the Fleet version later. That way you also only need 1 fleet module.
  • giliongilion Member Posts: 686 Arc User
    Ya just to reiterate what dave said, check with your fleet officers first about getting permission because almost every fleet will have certain conditions to buy ships and access the bank. Because there are a lot of.... lets just call them leeches, out there fleets have a few safeguards in place to make sure they arent robbed blind. So just let the officers in your fleet know you've been contributing and they will most likely give you permission to buy ships.
    Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend :D
  • elothoxelothox Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    You don't have to ask to see if you can. Just 1) go to the shipyard and see if you can. 2) go to the settings tab of the fleet window and it will tell you what ranks can/can't buy provisioned goods.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    Yes, what you need to ask a fleet officer to do is to increase your fleet rank. If it's a decent fleet and you've contributed to it they will say yes and do it.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    Also, to anyone buying fleet ships, remember that fleet ships do NOT come with the console or mastery trait from the C-Store version of a ship. If you want something like a Fleet Guardian cruiser, you want to buy the C-Store version first, then upgrade to the Fleet version later. That way you also only need 1 fleet module.

    This is a biggie. You will be beating yourself up if you buy the fleet one first only to find out you could have saved 3 FSMs by buying the C-store one first. (Assuming you had planned to buy the C-store one at all, obviously)

    AND don't forget any fleet ship you buy is a one-off. (Last I checked) If you Decommission it at some point you'll have to buy it again at full price to get it back. And only the toon that buys it gets to use it. Unless you are just a min-max junkie and HAVE to have the BEST version of whatever, you are many times over better off just buying the C-store version and ignoring the Fleet one.
  • glenn#1579 glenn Member Posts: 275 Arc User
    Just for the record, I managed to get mine. I just asked the Fleet Leader who recruited me several months ago and she gave me a temporary promotion. If you are just buying an upgrade it will only cost one provision anyway.
  • kronin#4685 kronin Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    So, if you do buy a fleet ship, and you leave the fleet, do you get to keep the ship? If so, it obviously makes more sense that someone contributes and earns the ranks before you get to buy it. Also, when you buy a fleet ship, does the fleet lose or gain anything?
  • elothoxelothox Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    So, if you do buy a fleet ship, and you leave the fleet, do you get to keep the ship? If so, it obviously makes more sense that someone contributes and earns the ranks before you get to buy it. Also, when you buy a fleet ship, does the fleet lose or gain anything?

    Yes, you get to keep your ship.

    Yes, the fleet does lose something. They lose "provisions"

    See the second line for ship provisions? You get those by completing certain fleet projects. But they are relatively easy to get. There are normally plenty of ship provisions going around, but other things, like provisions that would be used for fleet weapons (where you might buy quite a few) or spire consoles (where you might buy 3 to 5 of them) may get used up a lot faster. That being the case, typically, use of provisions is restricted for other reasons, and getting a ship doesn't really hurt the fleet. I've even had a fleet let me in JUST TO BUY a tier 5 shipyard Jupiter, knowing that I was about to leave to go back to my old fleet.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Just to add to the above, the fleet does not get anything when you buy gear -- the credits and fleet ship modules go poof. Fleets can't cash in your spent credits for fabulous prizes they are just gone.

    The provisions for ships and gear cost dil, doffs, mats and getting the fleet to max level costs millions in dil. So when a fleet expects you to contribute before buying a ship they have good reasons for it.
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