With the changes coming to the skill system, plus the new spec tree, I think it's time we be allowed to reset skill points in specs also.
As it is, anyone looking to try out the new spec is faced with severe grinding for more points, if they haven't accumulated them already. Some of us players haven't even finished maxing our primary trees yet.
Less grind, more encouragement to play please.
This is never going to happen and it shouldn't.
I'm not asking for a permanent spec respec facility, just a one-off reset when new trees come out.
When you do mistake in specs, then just grind some more...
Since I like space but most notably ground I started with the Commando tree. I could reap the rewards fast for ground content and the tree itself is half the size of any other tree. I knew starting there would allow me to pick another tree faster afterward, and I already had like 15 spec points before even spending a single point. After that I went straight for the Pilot tree because it would yield space significantly in terms of turn rate and starship trait. That left me the then and only remaining Intel tree. I went with it last because its boost (defense/dodge etc.) to either space and ground was not crucial but only a nice bonus to help survival.
After that I decided to go for the then new Command tree for the extra bonuses to ground. And... in the end that just left me the current Specialist tree. By the time it was released I already had the points to fill it out immediately, and even afterwards I am currently at 38 available spec points. And no, I did not grind. I've just been playing around with different ships and leveling them up, doing the Romulan admiralty tree and saving these promotion rewards and weekly featured episode rewards.