Ok, as much as I've enjoyed this game since Beta, the only thing that has really bothered me about the whole game, has been Duty Officers. As much as I love the rest of the game, Duty Officers, has been the constant boring game play since they've been introduced, so far, there is "only" 1 Legenday Duty Officer ingame, and, to be honest, The Doc isn't much of a Duty Off. after all, his stats aren't all that good when it comes to duty officer missions.
What I would love Cryptic to think about, is possibly allowing Duty Officers to actually level up. My base idea goes something like this, a common "white " officer, has all white stats, after 5 missions, you have the DO mission Crew Evaluation, choose 5 DO to upgrade, from 1 white stat, to a uncommon, stat. if they have a red stat, and, the Crew Evaluation mission is a success, it gets bumped up to a white, when that DO finally gets to have all stats to Legendary stats status, then, you have an option, you can wait until you get 5 of these DOs that have had all their stats leveled to Legendary status, and, trade them all in, but, only allowing you to keep one, then that DO, who, will then be bumped up to a Uncommon status, but, all his/her/its stats will return to a common core, which your captain will have to start doing DO missions for all over again, and, so forth until you finally get a DO to Legendary Status.
Each time a DO goes from, say, Common, to say Uncommon, it cost both EC, and, Dilithium, and, it requires you to sacrifice 4 DOs of the same level, and, allows you keep 1, that you want to advance forward, ie, 5 DO are common, and, have 3 stats that are legendary, but, you take those 5, sacrifice 4, and, bump up 1 DO, to Uncommon, and, reset his/her/its, stats back to common, who, you must again do missions for, which, will require more missions, to again advance that particular DO onward. If, done for 600 DO, this would take a player nearly many years to achieve. But, you could also buy DO from the Exchange, even, Sell, DOs, in the same way to make EC, Benefiting the players all across the market.
I would have loved to for cryptic to design it in such a fashion however at this state of the game I hardy see them implement such a thing.
At the moment I conclude they “tolerate” the doff system at best. They squeezed out the money they could earn with it so I suppose any change for the system they consider would not be made towards the player’s advantage.
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But that may come back to bite me, as they'd probably be put in doff packs or lockboxes and be in very high demand and low supply. =Insane EC cost to exchange buy them.
But I like the idea OP.
It would add a lot of depth to the Doff system. And make it more ineresting and enjoyable (at least imo).
But like Peter has said, that ship may have long sailed, and now they just maintain the system.
The impression I get is that doffs are now the ugly redheaded step child to Admiralty System.
And any furthur development would prioritize the A.S.S. system
(That acronym makes me giggle)
Just requires a bit of a time investment.
Ex-PWI player (Dawnglory): Ulsyr (BM 104/104/103)
Now on STO. More fun there.
Don't they put rare rewards in DOFF packs you purchase? Like some ships or something? I'm serious here, I've never bought a doff pack from the store. I've only ever opened 2 lockboxes in my time here. So some of the details on that stuff I'm a little fuzzy on but couldn't you get the JHAS from DOFF packs at certain times?
You can also trade Whites up to a Green, Greens up to a Blue and Blues up to a Purple any time you like.
Except for the semantics of spending EC/Dil the basic idea you have is already in game, with costs associated in each direction.