I know Viral Matrix isn't a very commonly talked about power these days, but nevertheless I found a possible power misplacement while checking the modifications to exotic and drain abilities resulting from the previous few patches. The tooltip from Viral Matrix on Tribble currently reads:
Disable Subsystem for 17.4 seconds
Skills that affect this ability: Starship Drain Expertise. (with drain expertise of 186)
However on Holodeck, the subsystem disable from this power was dictated by Subspace Decompiler, which should now be in Control Expertise since this is a subsystem disable, not a power drain.
I verified that control expertise is ineffective by removing and reinstalling Control Expertise science consoles. I also verified the enhancement by drain expertise using the same method for Drain Expertise science consoles.
I believe this misplacement has to do with Viral Matrix as a trigger for the Resonating (or Solanae) secondary deflector. What I mean is that since Viral Matrix triggers the Resonating/Solanae Secondary Deflector effect (as do drain powers) rather than the Inhibiting Secondary Deflector effect (which is triggered by control powers) that it was mistakenly set to be modified by drain instead of control.
If this is an intentional change, some clarification would be appreciated.
EDIT: Tribble ticket ID is #50,742
Drain Effects include all of the following:
Viral Matrix's effect is a Subsystem offline, and it is intentional that it is now scaling with Viral Matrix.
I hope that clears things up.