Starfleet Studies and Observations Group is looking for casual players to join and help us build up our fleeting holdings.
We are a small fleet that has almost reached fleet level 15, but we are looking for new members to contribute. We can't promise a vast social fleet that participates in a variety of activities. However, what we can promise is a quiet, casual experience without drama. If that sounds like something you might be interested in, contact me
@salparadise21 for an invite.
Contact @salparadise21 if you are interested in discussing this opportunity or if you have any questions for me.
I'm the leader of a calm/friendly/casual level 55 fed. fleet with 8 active members (founded on Stardate 89642.02). We have one additional level 22 beta fleet with 3 active members and hence still can offer two other beta spaces. We gladly help with projects and if you're interested to join, I'll send you an in-game invitation (no entry process or further application etc. needed).
Live long and prosper \V/,