First Contact Day should be coming up soon. We didn't get an event last year, presumably due to the Delta Recruitment event at the time. As a result, my new recruits didn't get a chance to particpate. Can we please have First Contact Day again this year? I'm not asking for an update to the event, just that it be turned on for the appropriate amount of time.
Two years ago, we got a Training Cruise, if I recall and the two years before, we just got to chat with the crew of the recently launched flagships. I'm pretty sure that was the year we got a free generic Odyssey in the Anniversary event.
I get the feeling that the three flagships are still undergoing refit just now, so would make sense for them to launch very soon... (Hint, hint,
Probably because the last ones were specificially tailored to fit into those years current events and they the didn't make a new one. And making a new one for just 1 day probably is a waste of time/money from the devs view.