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During Klingon 'Keep Your Enemies Closer' mission, the Fed Frigates are OP.

mrlizardomrlizardo Member Posts: 155 Arc User
I don't know if it's a temp thing on Tribble, a bug or someone is playing a huge joke on me personally (all I want is to be loooooved), but the frigates surrounding Starbase 157 during the shuttle portions have 187k+ hits, have really strong shields and pack a wicked punch. Those hits alone are 50k over the science cruiser that pops up at the tail end of the mission. As could be guessed, there was no way I could take out one of the frigates in a shuttle on my own, so it was 'tag the security doohickey and run for my wrinkly little life'. Mostly this is a 'heads up' before this revamp goes live and inboxes are flooded with 'ZOMG NERF' calls.

"You seem to have gotten some of your blood in my raktajino. This is unfortunate."


  • mike03ucmike03uc Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    I had mentioned this, and didn't take a close enough look as I'd assumed it had to do with the skill revamp. I've noticed this problem on several missions. Fed cruisers are fairly easy to dispatch, yet the frigates are practically god ships.
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