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Ship design and load out submission

captainjstormcaptainjstorm Member Posts: 12 Arc User
Ok I may have this question in the wrong area, if that is I'm sorry.
Now I may not be at the level of Star Fleet COE though I have made some new ship design (visual) and loadouts (stats, initial equip etc.) and I was wondering does Arc allow submissions.
Now my designs aren't Starfleet reg, as I have taken on the idea of hey what if questions like the KDF, Romulan Republic and Starfleet COE came together to make a ship to combat united threats (Borg, Tarren Empire). Also what if inspired by the Federation Delta quadrant races banned together (rebal Voth and Vaudwauur, Telaxian, Ocompa etc.) What would their science, engineer and tac vessels star looking like. What would a Science's Dreadnaught be? And my pride, what would a ex Starfleet captains privateer/merc ship look like?

So does Arc receive submissions and if so where do I send them?


  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,692 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    They don't use user submitted ship designs, except for a contest where basically you waive all your rights to the design. Last ship design contest was for the 'Design the Next Enterprise', in 2011... So not happening.

    They do sometimes draw small influences from fan designs, but nothing large.
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    To add; the Design the Next Enterprise contest was the first and last time Cryptic would permit fan designed ship submissions. The whole thing caused way too many problems. Non-US submissions were instantly disqualified, even if the design was better than those submitted by US citizens. Fans liked two other ship designs, but it was CBS and Cryptic who would choose the final ship (as was always stated in the fine-print), and they chose the Odyssey. Of course, the two other fan-favorites later reappeared as the Chimera Veteran Destroyer and much later as the Fed Command Cruisers.

    Cryptic did attempt a modified version of a fan-chosen ship competition for the next Fed Carrier, where they provided the basic hull design and players voted. That eventually became the Jupiter-class. According to several Cryptic personnel, this kind of competition may be repeated again in the future for future warships. Trendy herself along with another dev had been championing another design a ship contest for the Romulan and KDF factions, but there hasn't been any further word on it.
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