Just like the title says. I was looking at the ship model of the Jupiter in the shipyards (as I was thinking about purchasing one), and it is of course hard to miss the forcefields over its hanger bays. Thinking about it, this does make sense, as it would enable rapid deployment of craft...but does the ship actually have closable hanger bay doors? Or are these forcefields all that protects the interior flight decks from the vacuum of space? This just seems like a bad idea, especially when you start thinking about the craft traveling at warp velocities.
So I guess this breaks down to two main questions:
1) Does this ship actually have hanger bay doors?
2) If so, do we ever see them actually close? (Like how some ships have their nacelles move in sector space.)
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^You're right on that one. The list of unfixed graphical bugs in STO borders on mind boggling, really.
I also wanted to thank everyone too for the quick responses in this thread. Very much helps me make a decision on this one.
Good Answer :-)
I imagine the fields are always up for multiple reasons, the two primary ones being: they keep the rather large bay doors protected at all times, regardless of use; and, to save time in activating them before opening the bay doors during launch procedures in combat scenarios.
Picture or it didn't happen?
Not sure what video you watched, but if you're buying the Jupiter for the Calisto's, save your money.
They're bugged beyond belief and are the hands down worst hangar pet in the game. They're a complete waste of money/resources.
If you want a big, science heavy carrier then the Jupiter Fits the bill, but absolutely do not touch the Callisto's, they're absolute garbage.
I have the Elites and so far they're not impressive. I swapped them out for Elite Swarmers and the damage increase was pretty big. I'm really hoping they do something to improve their performance in battle because the Callisto Frigates were one of the main selling points for the Jupiter Class.
Callisto Frigates get Lock Trajectory which helps them keep their firing arcs on target a lot and they slow down while firing. After tomorrow's fix they'll be pretty awesome. I wish elite BoPs would do the same.
Just on a side note (and to be a bit nit picky
Might be wrong but I think the ship itself is still moving, warp just shortens the distantces it has to travel by the folding the space around it.
No technobabble in the show, nor background material from the Technical Manuals for example, actually uses that explanation for how the warp drive functions. In fact, particular since TNG it's usually all about subspace this/subspace that.
So I think for all intents and purposes, it's safe to treat it as a velocity.
But if we insist on taking the physical hyptothesis for a "warp" engine: We also describe the expansion of space with a speed, even though it is also not something moving in a medium, but the medium itself expanding. So I think the term velocity would still be used.
At least that's what I've read in the past.
I'd have to corroborate that the pet pilot ability actually works to offset their limited AI and firing arcs from more than one source. So far I have not. Fixes don't always go as planned.
The new spec coming up soon enough also has some pet boosts for those that spec into them, but it remains to be seen if they work, how well they boost pets and whether we can afford to use up precious spec into them or not (LTS with their respec token vs sorry out of luck pay 500 zen).
I assume that around a third to half of that crew are actually Bekks, Klingon troops for invasions.
The Jupiter is not predominately concerned with conquest, so most of its crew is likely concerned with defending the ship, maintaining it, science, and manning fighters or Callistos and maintaining these ships.
But what would the Jupiter do with all the extra space compared to the Klingon Carrier.
I mean it clearly would use some of it for intelligence work, but a T6 KDF carrier would likely do the same.
I think the Jupiter would have more science labs, more recreational facilities (I think I saw a pic that suggested the Jupiter's ten forward is massive), and more medical bays, more luxurious crew quarters, maybe more mining equiptment.
What do guys think about the crew differences.