Taking a quick open survey to see what my Klingon Empire comrades are doing with their setup. This past weekend, I took advantage of the upgrade situation and got three Withering Disruptor beam banks for my forward weapons and a two Withering Disruptor turrets for my rear. I'm working on the Withering Disruptor Beam Array that's available through the Terran rep. I'll be putting that in the rear as well along with a withering photon. The Terran rep Photon is also forward along with the beam banks.
My main concern is the disruptor turrets. I generally like to have at least 6 weapons that can fire at a forward target.
What approaches have you taken and why?
Thanks for sharing in advance.
When my Eng main flew a Command Cruiser, it was 4 x Disruptor BA front, Omni beam, Bio-molecular turret and 2 BA rear. Still basically a broadsider but with decent punch to the front. Done with Tetryon, Polaron or Antiproton you could get a second omni beam, and even a third with the Borg cutting beam.
On my Negh'tev, I've gone with a dual beam banks focus to match the model - 3 x DBB + 1 BA front, rear slots as above. Seems to do OK, the reduced drain and higher damage of the DBBs balance some of the loss from the extra BAs. When using FAW, the rear beams can still inflict disruptor procs so have some value.
My TOS-themed Fleet K't'inga uses a canon cannon build; 4 x DHCs front, Omni-beam plus 3 turrets rear. Holds its own and is moderately effective - not bad for a 150 year old ship .
- 2x Dual Heavy Disruptor Cannons
- Elachi Beam Array
- Bio-Molecular Torpedo
AftI like to be as canon as possible. I'll switch out the KCB for another turret when I want to go full canon.
Another way to do it is mix and match beam arrays. Here again, you can have at least 5 weapons on both fore and aft (put an omni fore and an omni aft and you have 3 arrays + 2 omnis both forward and aft now, and 8 on the sides.
The top one (DBB) does more dps if your ship is manuverable. If its a slow cow, the second option is better.
So my Mogh has 8 forward firing weapons
KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
TOS: 1 tac
all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
highest DPS: 60.982
Aft: 1 Omni-Directional Beam Array, 2 Turret, 1 Torpedo (you can have 3 Turret, if you're completely obsessed with forward firing power)
I've found this to be the best option.
Aesthetically, it will look odd, since there is only one hybrid energy Omni-Directional Beam Array at the moment (Agony Phaser), and standard Disruptors - green, vs. Withering Disruptors - red, but I digress.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
Aft: 2 bio-molecular disruptor turrets + heavy bio-molecular turret and bio-molecular torp