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Returning player, want a new T6 ship

snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
Hi. I haven't played in ages. The Anniversary event brought me back. I have some Zen. And with the sale going on, was looking at the ships. I used to fly a Fleet Assault Cruiser. Right now I have the free T6 Andromeda. And would like some advice on whether I should stick with that or get a new ship.

I like the look of the Guardian. But the Arbiter's stats look good. And there's the new T6 Odyssey that got released. Are they good? Do they come with the Odyssey Bridge (I always liked that bridge). What out there flies like the Assault Cruiser? Anything? I feel like I've missed a lot.


  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I recently bought a few new ships: the T6 Excelsior, the T6 Akira, and the T6 Odyssey bundle.

    I'm not ship expert, I buy what I like the looks of and fly what feels fun. Out of the 3, the Akira is probably the most fun. It is extremely powerful, turns on a dime, and has fighters. The Excelsior handles well for a cruiser and you can use the iconic Excelsior skins, with the new type 7 material, which look great. I love the look of the new Odyssey's, but unfortunately I'm not having that much fun flying it. It's big and slow, and just doesn't feel as fun. But to answer your question, yes they do come with the Odyssey bridge.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    Here are the skins I'm using for each of my ships, btw:




    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,766 Arc User
    The Guardian is a solid cruiser with a classic Trek look. Lt. Commander science means you can have Gravity Well 1 to clump up enemies before you torp spread them. Lt. Commander Tac + Ensign universal gives you 4 tac powers, enough for tac team, torp spread, BFAW and attack pattern beta. The Lt. Eng / Intel can be used for intel fun like Electromagnetic Pulse Probe.

    My Engineer is flying it right now and had no problem with Time and Tide, but he does have Mark XIV VR gear and full intel spec points.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    Here are the skins I'm using for each of my ships, btw:




    Those do look pretty. The Odyssey is tempting but the worry is it is slow. The again, I'm flying the Andromeda right now. It's just as big and slow. And the Guardian is just a smidge faster.

    The science capabilities of the Guardian are compelling, and I am a fan of the look quite a bit. Still the Arbiter is the Excelsior one right? And that might fly a bit more like an assault cruiser that I'm used to?
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Here are the skins I'm using for each of my ships, btw:




    Those do look pretty. The Odyssey is tempting but the worry is it is slow. The again, I'm flying the Andromeda right now. It's just as big and slow. And the Guardian is just a smidge faster.

    The Andromeda actually handles better than the Odyssey, IMO. The Odyssey just turns painfully slow. The Andomeda doesn't feel painful to me.

    The science capabilities of the Guardian are compelling, and I am a fan of the look quite a bit. Still the Arbiter is the Excelsior one right? And that might fly a bit more like an assault cruiser that I'm used to?

    The T6 Excelsior is called the "Resolute" class:


    The Arbiter is something else entirely...


    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    Oh wow, I feel like a noob all over again. The Resolute. Got it. Thanks!
  • ultimatenewbieultimatenewbie Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    Although I've just got the Tier 6 Oddyseys, I havent really had a chance to fly them yet. Still, I did fly the older T5/T5-U (Tactical) Oddy, and sure its no escort but really they are pretty easy to turn enough for any sort of PVE or Story missions without any worries. If you're just not feeling it, stick an RCS module in one of the many Engineering slots or get the Tier 5 engineering module and split the saucer off - problems easily fixed.

    The T5 Oddy was great - go nuts.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,766 Arc User
    Also, you can get an RCS console worth of +Turn by filling in the Pilot spec tree. Even if it is set to Secondary so you can only use the powers of rows 1 - 2, you get +1% turn rate for every point you put in including the disabled rows.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    For the record, I always have full RCS consoles in all of my eng slots, and the Ody is still a beast to turn compared to other ships. But if you like to feel big and bulky, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just not fun to me =P
    Post edited by thegrandnagus1 on

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    The Arbiter has a great starship mastery trait and it also is one of the (if not the) best tactical (DPS) oriented Cruisers in the game. Good turn rate, 5/3 weapon layout.

    The Grand Nagus is correct in saying that the Tier 6 Odysees turns slowly - but I found that with a good RCS console and a good few points in the Pilot Specialization (passive benefit: Turn rate boost), it turns quite adequate. (I usually prefer snappier maneuvering Science Vessels).
    And the new skins are really gorgous.

    From the Command Cruisers, the Presidio is interesting, it's trait is pretty useful. (Though if you don't pick the 3-pack, you're missing out on kitbashing options.)

    The Eclipse Intel Cruiser is a fast turning Escort and probably primarily competes with the Arbiter. A slightly worse weapon loadout, but full Intel specialization including Intel ship special abilities are pretty cool. (Look-Wise. You don't need to use the Intel material, you have all the other Fed skins, too.. Kitbashing nacelles come from the Scryer or Phantom, which are seperate ship purchases. The Phantom Intel Escort has one of the best starship raits in game.)

    The Resolute is adequate, but not that amazing. But it has the classic Excelsior looks available, and that can be a value on its own.

    And if you want to fly something completely different from a Cruiser -the Pilot Escorts are crazy. Innate turn rate is beyond any other Escort (only a few Raiders - and shuttles - turn better), and their Pilot maneuvers are just fun (plus powerful, since they make you temporarily immune to damage). And they have a 5/2 weapon layout, which is excellent for Escorts.

    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Thanks for the help everyone. I went for my personal taste in looks and got the Guardian. And then got a pilot warbird for my Romulan. The ship sale totally got me. Heh.

    The Guardian flies well and I like the look of it. Now I just need to figure out my build and catch up on all the other stuff I've missed.
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  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    When I was flying the Guardian I put on Tachyons and the old Tholian space set just because I'd not used it for awhile. Seemed to work well enough. Plus the Tholian shield made it look cool. :)
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,050 Arc User
    The T6 tac Oddy is a very good ship, poor turn but one of the most versatile Federation cruisers to date
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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