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4 things which need need big revamp in STO universal consoles place in ship inv, crew, shuttles....

vedran0picardvedran0picard Member Posts: 26 Arc User
STO in general is great game but 4 things need big revamp and this is universal consoles place on ship crew, shuttles and Escorts

1. I really think that universal/set consoles need big revamp As Cryptic overrun us with sets and consoles. Example T6 Odyssey now can have 7 ship related universal consoles which usefulness is only low to medium so I think that most players don’t use most of these consoles because it uses precious console space for little bonus. Similar situation is also with other consoles with come with ships so this part of game need revamp.

My suggestion for resolving of that problem is to add a special part of ship inventory just for ship sets and universal consoles, it will be 9-12 slots big and we will have limitation on number of sets can be active at same time between 3 or 5

So example you have 1 Long Range Science Vessel Voyager set 3 items + one universal consoles from 1. Omega Adapted Borg Technology, 2. Radiant Armaments, 3. Delta Alliance Ordnance, 4. Protonic Arsenal and Regenerative Integrity Field. So in this example you have 5 sets and you can choice which 3 sets will give you bonuses from other sets bonuses will be inactive expect damage from weapons. I mean if you choice that Delta Alliance and Protonic Arsenal been inactive you don’t get its set bonuses

1.Delta Alliance Ordinance
Set 2: Efficient Bio-Circuitry
+13.8% Radiation Damage
+20% Cooldown Reduction to Neutronic Torpedo
Set 3: Isokinetic Cannon

2. Protonic Arsenal
Set 2: Arsenal Synergy
+22.9% Photon Projectile Weapon Damage
+3% Critical Chance
Enables usage of Beam Array: Fire at Will with the Experimental Proton Weapon
Set 3: Particle Stabilizer
+10% Critical Chance with Photon Projectile weapons
+10% Critical Severity
Enables usage of Cannon: Rapid Fire with the Experimental Proton Weapon

On this way we will free room for normal ENG/SCI/TAC consoles which most players prefer to use in their builds instead of sets (at least me especially ones which comes with ships).

2. I think that ship crew losing rate and their impact in battle that its mechanic need revamp! I In reality when ship all ship crew become KIA game is over and ship can't continue with fight.

So I think that in STO we lost crew too fast and it number have little impact in battles. My option is that you need to make its losing much more harder but on other side that Impact of KIA crew have bigger impact on ship systems and combat skills of ship this will be much closer to reality.

3. In STO is kinda stupid and unrealistically that only few starships have access to hangar. Every starship in Star Trek have hangar with at least few shuttles. Carriers is different thing because it carry big number of Fighter shuttles specialized for fight like Peregrine Attack Fighter
So I suggest that every ship in STO have access to basic hangar from which can launch a few shuttles for adding in combat but carriers that can use much stronger attack crafts in bigger number

My Suggestion is that Cruisers can launch 3, Escorts 1, Science Vessels 2 shuttles (Type 8 Shuttle, Type 10 Shuttle, Type F Shuttle, Delta Class Shuttle) and carriers all other heavier shuttles like Runabouts and Fighters in bigger numbers min 6

4. In STO Cruisers have Cruiser Commands, Science Vessels Secondary Deflectors and Sensor Analysis Escorts don’t have nothing. So I suggest to make unique device for it something like AGEIS Computer which will boost Escort weapons damage and accuracy.

Post edited by vedran0picard on


  • starfleetmacostarfleetmaco Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    I like a lot of your ideas! Although, in my opinion, for the Odyssey and other flagship sets, I personally think they should be part of the ship as in being passive abilities so they don't take up space for console slots as well as add more usability in them.

    I definitely agree that the crew system needs to be revamped big time.

    As for all starships having a hangar bay, the problem with this is that game balance (is there such thing as a game balance now in STO currently? lol) and realism collide with each other so some sacrifices need to be made.
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  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    I suggested at many occasions on this forum to make consoles of identical name unique equipped. In other words, you can't stack the same tac, engi and sci consoles. Also I think that adding console slots reserved for set consoles and ship specific consoles seems almost a must at this point. I wouldn't go above 3 though.
    Go pro or go home
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    No. Simply another plea for Big Power Creep. You're essentially asking for even more free console slots and you now want Carriers For All.

    You have to make choices for your build. You can't have it all.
  • vedran0picardvedran0picard Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    I think that Cryptic at least must make analysis what players most use and if this is normal consoles find something solution for this all unused epic gear which comes with ships and universal consoles on way that it been more used in builds! Otherwise it just use inventory space and we need to buy more and more inventory slots.

    It can change its politics that we get a new gear set in every new episode of story I prefer old model when we get set gear only in key story arc episodes as reward not in every mission. this model is nothing more then milking little by little by buying INV slots

    one or 3 shuttles don't make ship automatically carrier
  • getbackupagaingetbackupagain Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    STO in general is great game but 4 things need big revamp and this is universal consoles place on ship crew, shuttles and Escorts

    1. I really think that universal/set consoles need big revamp As Cryptic overrun us with sets and consoles. Example T6 Odyssey now can have 7 ship related universal consoles which usefulness is only low to medium so I think that most players don’t use most of these consoles because it uses precious console space for little bonus. Similar situation is also with other consoles with come with ships so this part of game need revamp.

    Bad idea, put quite simply the mechanics of the game currently reward certain specific niche builds, while relegating creative builds to novelty. You won't solve that problem by inflating every ship's existing potential and power, you'll just make the gap between fun and serious play even larger. The game's foundation needs to be reworked before it goes much farther upwards.
    2. I think that ship crew losing rate and their impact in battle that its mechanic need revamp! I In reality when ship all ship crew become KIA game is over and ship can't continue with fight.

    Agreed, escorts need a better achille's heel, and I would love to see Jem Hadar crew bracing actually have a point. Though, this point is rather tricky to implement since crew numbers are estimates based off of ship design, so translating that into game balance would be tricky.
    3. In STO is kinda stupid and unrealistically that only few starships have access to hangar. Every starship in Star Trek have hangar with at least few shuttles. Carriers is different thing because it carry big number of Fighter shuttles specialized for fight like Peregrine Attack Fighter

    Every ship Does have a hanger! That's why you can actually have a personal shuttle for certain story missions or queues, and it's why you can use the engineering boff skill, boarding party, which actually has shuttle pets flying from your ship to the other ship, we just never use that skill because it is garbage. In the shows in movies, it's clear that the shuttles and shuttle bays on non-carriers are meant for landing when a transporter is not viable, lifeboats, transportation without delaying the main vessel, and secondary mission objectives, not launching, sustaining, fueling, arming, equipping, repairing, and coordinating entire wings of fighters or frigates. Also, I have to wonder what the consequences on the servers would be if everyone suddenly could launch wings of pets.
    4. In STO Cruisers have Cruiser Commands, Science Vessels Secondary Deflectors and Sensor Analysis Escorts don’t have nothing. So I suggest to make unique device for it something like AGEIS Computer which will boost Escort weapons damage and accuracy.

    Unwise, escorts are more or less top dog already, while i think cruiser commands and sensor analysis were more or less meant to provide a unique experience, and not to compensate for not being escorts, there is little denying that science vessels especially, need all the advantages they can get. There isn't a decent reason to compensate escorts right now.
    So basically, the Federation is an organization that exists to protect and preserve peace. I guess we do an awful lot of killing though. Oh well, that isn't important, for now let's roll up our sleeves and get to work.
  • autumnturningautumnturning Member Posts: 743 Arc User
    Wow. A beg for even more power creep for Escorts Online, where one can only presume there isn't enough PEW PEW PEW going on.

    The only part of this that actually needs "fixing" is the Crew mechanics system, which simply has the damage function working backwards(!). Instead of being a % of crew or MINIMUM # of crew incapacitated or killed (whichever is larger!), it should work on being a % of crew or a MAXIMUM # of crew incapacitated or killed (whichever is smaller) with a minimum number of -1 crew incapacitated or killed per crew hit.

    S imple
    E asy
    E ffective

    ... not being done ... >.<#

    And this is why we can't have nice things.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    A quick rundown OP

    1. Counterpoint, give all universal consoles a passive and active effect, Cryptic seem to be doing this now but I would like for them to go back to older consoles and do the same.

    2.If there is one thing that STO fans can agree on it is that the crew system is TRIBBLE, no real idea on the answer for this.

    3.No, simply no. Just thinking about the lag this would create scares and anger me

    4.This one is odd but I think we need more info. The reason why I say this is because I really don't think we're in the escort age right now. It seem to be more of the FaW Crusier era and WHILE I STILL WAIT FOR THE SECOND GREAT AGE OF SCIENCE I do think we should try to bring cruisers back into line. Giving escorts something might be the way
  • starmanjstarmanj Member Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Big Disappointment on all the T6 Ships for not adding a extra console slots in all Categories ENG,TAC,SCI Especially with all the new toys out there. Maybe some day on T7 ships they will LOL
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,748 Arc User
    How about just making device slots worth a TRIBBLE again?
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,693 Arc User
    How about just making device slots worth a TRIBBLE again?

    What do you mean? Between the new damage batteries, hull heal batts, and a device that drops your BOff cooldowns (from Delta Recruits), device slots are pretty useful now. The cooldowns on Batts were dropped to.
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I'm going to drop my opinion, certain old consoles and new all need fixing. Specifically summoning or separation consoles. Though a lot of their problems also come from hanger pets.

    I think it would not be too much to ask for all ships to get 3 uni slots, to put their ship specific sets or lower level consoles in. This would impact pve very little. Pvp however, will end up suffering but honestly it has been for a long time. I do think though with the skill revamp as well as changing the way queue pvp works all together like making pvp only gear etc, all other gear would be disabled, as well as all traits and boff passives. Would be a start.
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  • nepsthennepsthen Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    You can already launch shuttles without having hangers. It's called the Engineering skill Boarding Party. However, it's largely useless.
    Still alive.
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