i dont play STO for a while and looks like my info about game is a bit outdated ......so i want some advice
my (new) Klingon tac is old school meele warrior , i have KHG disruptor but i prefer meele with Swepping Strikes and Lunge ....
so what i use
Physical Augumentation armor , KHG Armor is on my shopping list when i hit T5 Omega rep
( i know , Undine armor give 30 % boost , KHG only 10 % but .....i like KHG )
KHG weapon + Shield
Kit is UR from research lab 22,6 % boost to Combat Specialist
Lunge mk XIII VR
Sweeping Strikes mk XIII VR
traits :
Peak health
Physical Strength
Strike Team Specialist
Sure Footed
Photonic Armor Protocol
Omega Weapon Proficiency
Close Quarters Combatant
Disabling Strikes ( for fun )
2 x uncommon security doff ( now , VR version is in plan ) , 8% crit chance and 30 % crit severity bonus
base dmg with SS - 450,1 and with Lunge 468
any ideas about new modules / perks for meele boost ?
though getting the honor guard is a must. for the costume unlock if nothing else.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.