I know this has been discuss ad nauseam..but here is another thought on how they can can address traits for Bridge Officers; enable us to make them manuals like BOFF Abilities. We still have a Cap of 4 and the more we want on a particular BOFF the more expertise is costs our char.
Rarity of the BoFF also comes into play by number of superior traits that can be enabled. 2x would remain at Very Rare, upgrades to UR and EPIC would allow for 3 and 4 Superior Mods. BoFF rarity Upgrades would cost dil like 100k and 200k for example. Manuals would stay the same as BoFF abilities. The one caveat is that Superior traits are faction specific. The reason for this is to not make Embassy BoFFs obsolete. So for a SRO Trait, a Fed character has to buy the BoFF from the embassy in order for that trait to be used.
Please spare the power creep comments. There is so much dps in the game, we are beyond that.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
First of all it is not an excuse to push more power creep. My point is that there is so much power creep now, this would not make much difference. Hell, it would only put KDF and Feds on par with Romulans. What it would do is allow people to have something other than Romulans, Lib Borg, Krenim, Naussicaans, etc for their bridge officers.
Outside of the Heirarchy BoFF, Feds and Klinks have access to exactly zero BoFFs with more than 1 space trait. Even with the Intel BoFFs, Feds only gain a Vulcan with efficient, KDF get an Orion with Efficient and a Klink with Leadership. Rommies get 5 Space traits with their 3 Intel Officers and all are superior except the efficient. Not to mention all Rom Boffs can come with 2 space traits.