This may be a stupid question idk, but I can't find the answer on Google. I grabbed the Alita to give it a try cause I've always loved the Akira design, but I'm finding I'm just not as much of a fan anymore. I'm probably going to go back to my Hestia, but before I do I was wondering if Coordinated Assault would apply to the MVAM pets, does anyone know?
Ironically part of the reason I got the Alita was because constantly keeping up with MVAM cooldowns and pet health was getting annoying, lol.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
Now, this was a very short test because the borg red alert I joined was already at the unimatrix vessel, but it appears my Alpha and Gamma sections (I think those are the correct designations) were using Fire at Will II and Target Subsystem: Shields. I suppose its possible those abilities being active blocked out Overload, idk, but I'm going to call it at that unless someone else can confirm it does in fact work.