(I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this. If not, I'll paste it all to the Gameplay Bug Reports section of the forum).
One of my fleetmates has an issue that's been happening since Thursday's Holodeck patch, and it involves his Mobius Temporal Destroyer (T5-U).
He had it as his active ship before the patch, but when he came to log in after he found that he couldn't set it as his active ship (he said something about an "infinite loading screen" when changing ships in space and from his shuttle/bridge). He's tried everything, bit he just can't switch to that one ship.
Please note: My fleetmate can switch to all other ships, including all other T5-Us that he owns; the Mobius is the only one that he can't switch to. It isn't in his Drydock, and he can't put it in there either..from what I can gather, it's available to be an active ship, but it refuses to become one.
I don't know if this is a bug on Tribble, and I haven't yet asked him if he's been on Tribble to see if he can replicate the bug. I'm curious to know if anybody who owns a Mobius/Krenn/Talvath on Tribble has come across this bug.