I've requested through the years a couple of fixes on graphical glitches and additions to complete the Hirogen character creation. My last postings on the subject were around May 2014.
To reiterate, the issues are:
1. In the character creation, there exists Dual Lobes, Ridged, Smooth Nose, and Smooth Nose - Ridged. The Hirogen design should have Smooth Nose and Dual Lobes, but option is not available in the character creation. (Since Ridged gets a normal and a smooth nose, request made for Dual Lobes too.)
2. The back of the Female Hirogen's dual lobes option has a glaring graphical glitch.
3. Female Hirogen Helmet error - Per the image below, the first is of the male Hirogen helmet and second is female. The male's visor is linked properly, so that the visor's color can be changed to match the uniform. The female's visor, however, is errantly linked to the chest armor, which prevents changing the visor's color for uniformity.
4. The Hirogen helmet shouldn't be a head type, but a head accessory (like the coral helmet). Visor should be optional, because the iconic Hirogen look does not have a visor, like so:
{Edited to add: I have to note that the Hirogen helmet looks to be designed for a single ridged-lobe, rather than dual lobes. That's tolerable, though, just not the visor. The rebreather looks good as is, but would like it to be a mouth accessory (like the Nausicaan's rebreather) rather than a part of the head type.}
5. (Next issue breaks from Character Creation topic, but is related to the Hirogen character development.) The Hirogen bridge has trophy rooms on each side, but lacks the ability to post trophies like on the other vessels.
I'd ask that at the least, the graphical glitch for the female Hirogen dual lobe be fixed. I can't use the helmet as is either, so I'm stuck with one issue or the other. Please advise if these requests are unreasonable or just not doable.