I'm interested in getting the New Paradox temporal Dreadnought. I can't afford to go opening boxes for Lobi so I'm going via the exchange.
My question is what is the best or most efficient way of getting EC.
It used to be convert dil to zen and sell keys but with the rate of dil exchange that's not longer a viable option.
IS it Crafting? (level 15 in all schools) I can make most of the Command Specialization stuff for example.
Thanks for any and all help you guys can give me.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Even with how bad the exchange rate is? 40,625 is alot for one key.
2. Purple omega shards
3. Keys
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Either craft or buy Mark II weapons with 'desirable' mods. You're looking for DmG, CrtD, and Pen mods. Use an Omega Kit with a 2x Research Accelerator to upgrade the item. The Omega Kits give a much larger chance of quality upgrade and used with an accelerator you'll have an excellent chance of hitting at least Ultra Rare Quality. If you take it to Mark XII or Mark XIV using Omega Kits, your Dilithium Cost will be Zero and you can usually sell them on the exchange for 60-100M each depending on the type of weapon and mods.
Just be aware that many people will use this method during the Omega Event, so supply on high quality weapons will be up. This will drive prices down over the course of the event and cause items to take longer to sell as people undercut one another. It's still however, the quickest and cheapest way to make large stores of EC quickly.
If you don't need it now, make the weapons during the event and then sell them in a month or two when prices have gone back up.
What Weapon type would be the most profitable? I would think Anti-proton but before starting that I'd like to be sure.
As a dirty F2P I've been constantly bumping up against my EC limits with selling R&D mats on the exchange and whatever R&D boosts I get my hands on as I play. Feel free to flood that market too.
> cidjack wrote: »
> Join fleet, rob bank, leave. Profit.
> Ah yes, if Garcia is part of your account/toon name. Does this count as naming and shaming if I only post part of his name? Anyway, nothing has changed OP. The current best and always best way of making EC is buying low/selling high.