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TIME AND TIDE: List of Bugs, Gripes, Thoughts, and occasionally compliments. *SPOILERS!* (duh)

rahhmirahhmi Member Posts: 145 Arc User
Time And Tide Review
- A Glitch fest, but it was funny watching my character walk in place of my ship.
- Great models and designs, but hideously offensively huge. What are you compensating for?
- Story? Amusing enough. Not really.. "gripping" though. I felt "nothing" regarding the situation, and had issues connecting to any of the characters as usual.
- Great use of Vocal Effects on NPCs.
- I liked the Tholian Ambassador presence, Good touch.
- Romulan Observer leaks that the Rommies join the Federation (feds are TRIBBLE)
- 6 other noted future spoilers in the episode
- My boffs and companion players disappear for the cutscenes.
- Going to Lukari prime to look for a statue of my character, planning to nuke the planet if there is one.
- Captain Walker says "damn" for no apparent reason.
- 300 years... Feds still can't shoot the Deferi, still can't punch the Ferengi.
- My ship can literally rip through a Krenim Battlegroup from 300 years in the future within seconds but struggles to solo ISA. You've just nullified Enterprise's Mirror episode and killed your own argument about the TOS Connie not being viable at endgame.
- Intercom voice sounds PERFECT! Keep her. is that a new recording?
- I refuse to accept that I'm living in 2010, and that 6 major wars have occurred and culminated over the course of 1 year. It's 2416, get used to it Cryptic. Lack of that is just bad writing! Respect players who've been around for years, already!
- Negative Responses were better than normal. Nice job on that front! I like being Good/Neutral/Evil.
- Bug: lack of effects when Tralla is zapped by the console.
- The Noye Sequence features me and my player companion! GREAT WORK!!!
- Out of 30 people. Why am i the only one disarming the bombs?
- I like that you guys took the hoped-for approach with Noye / Clauda. Theres few official characters I like that you guys do (desperate trill) but this connection worked for me.
- Ending is anticlimactic. You were introduced to a basic setup for future episodes, but there's no temporary closure. I don't feel like I've experienced anything.

In the grand scheme of things, It's amusing and I dont hate it while offering some excellent visuals. Please give us new Khitomer in ground pvp queues and as a foundry map so we can try and rewrite this.

My views to not represent the community as a whole, the Grand Nagus, or anyone from Starfleet Dental with the exception of myself.

Now for a part that DOES reflect SFD. We noticed that there are no Bajorans in the future, but the Cardassians are clearly visible. This either means they were eradicated for the trash that they are OR exposed as being behind the TRUE Evil Warmongers of their war with the Cardassians!

Regardless, you're saluted on this, Cryptic! DOWN WITH BAJORANS!


  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,278 Arc User
    Couple of the random NPCs were Bajoran XD.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • rahhmirahhmi Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Couple of the random NPCs were Bajoran XD.
    Proof or gtfo!
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,278 Arc User
    rahhmi wrote: »
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Couple of the random NPCs were Bajoran XD.
    Proof or gtfo!

    Oh great one! You need not shoot this plebe... I may have mistook the random Trill lady for a Bajoran... Spare me!!!!

    What about if I make you one of these... but with lynched Bajorans?


    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • rahhmirahhmi Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    thay8472 wrote: »
    rahhmi wrote: »
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Couple of the random NPCs were Bajoran XD.
    Proof or gtfo!
    I may have mistook the random Trill lady for a Bajoran...

    I appoligize. I took you for a Bajoran sympathizer. There are too many of them, simply because Kira was one of the hottest women known to history in the prime universe. But this fact helps with the deception, just as Empress Oh-shes-hawt-o rose to fame in the mirror grid. And thank you again for replying, as I was about to screenshot and compare every single person at that event from the recordings I probably should not have taken.

    AS for your newtonian cradle offer, Thank you but no! For I have one on the desk in my office. I can provide a picture if you'd like.
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,574 Arc User
    "- A Glitch fest, but it was funny watching my character walk in place of my ship.".

    Sorry, didn't see any glitches, and you claim 'Glitch Fest', you've not elaborated any at all.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • rahhmirahhmi Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    leemwatson wrote: »
    "- A Glitch fest, but it was funny watching my character walk in place of my ship.".
    Sorry, didn't see any glitches, and you claim 'Glitch Fest', you've not elaborated any at all.

    If only you were a dev of some kind </3

    Though I have some slight issues believing that devs read these sorta of things as developers and not simply people who are bored and linked to it because who has time for forums when they have a social life and aren't looking to gripe? Besides, Even when I make extensive Info graphics on certain topics, It's usually only players and/or Trendy that responds to any of it. then again, Borticus has been very responsive on occasion too. Perhaps I've become bored with extensive detailing of known issues? but then, it's the lack of engagement that causes players like me to wonder if it's worth speaking when we aren't being heard, and I've gotten way more than my fair share of interaction!

    Are you still reading? no? Okay... then here we go.


    As shown in the above, My Jem'Hadar Strike ship [T6] is replaced with my character. So "...it was funny watching my character walk in place of my ship."


    while making the review earlier, My Holo Leeta boff from whatever that thing chase was doing to further promote our inability to handle negative criticism was appeared as simply invisible. Yes, Invisible. Her weapon was there, but she wasn't. However joining the mission now, this problem isn't presenting itself, so you don't get pictures of it.

    There! that's one. Bwahahar.


  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    So the Sphere Builders lockbox is coming then. And this is so similar to the framework of Star Trek: Voyager's episode 'Year of Hell' that I suspect we let Noye incur on himself to fix most of this mess... most. Unless Cryptic secretly already signed Kurtwood Smith to return in a very spectacular way.
  • autumnturningautumnturning Member Posts: 743 Arc User
    I only got halfway through this Episode before I was misquoting Darth Vader.
    The Plot Armor is STRONG in this one ...

    Pretty much everything about this Episode falls into the "Shame on us, the Paris Branch..." territory, for anyone who has seen Giant Robo episode 1. Indeed, I'm even having flashbacks to the writing used for Who Will Die? in City of Heroes ... complete with the obligatory Women In Refrigerators excuse/motivation to compel the antagonist into doing everything he does while running circles around both you and the U.S.S. Pastak.

    To be honest, I was hoping that the ... script writing ... for this Episode wasn't going to be quite so ... {if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all}
  • willdojinnwilldojinn Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    I have difficulty sympathizing with the federation here, or seeing it as anything other than the nak'ul got screwed for no damned good reason. Noya... eh I can understand why he would be mega pissed, but what got me was the ambassadors and how both klingons and romulans are in the federation.


    Just... what? Excuse me but that one just made my brain hurt. Don't get me wrong i love the visuals, the new tricks the kremin ships can pull is a nice forced change of strategy but the story, as with Stormbound, fell flat for me. Then again time plots are tricky to write and done wrong it just leaves people upset and angry.

    I don't want to be too whiney especially given I'm not throwing money in right now, but at this point i have very little sympathy for the federation, temporal or otherwise. I will admit that I'm glad the Kobali ambassador mentioned 'we're aware people would love to unwrite us from history.'

    No actually I would go back with geneticists to fix the flaw you guys have so you're not ghouls.
  • quantummeerkatquantummeerkat Member Posts: 39 Cryptic Developer
    rahhmi wrote: »
    It's usually only players and/or Trendy that responds to any of it. then again, Borticus has been very responsive on occasion too. Perhaps I've become bored with extensive detailing of known issues? but then, it's the lack of engagement that causes players like me to wonder if it's worth speaking when we aren't being heard, and I've gotten way more than my fair share of interaction!

    We do read them. We can't always respond to every post. But we do read and appreciate your feedback.
  • rahhmirahhmi Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    rahhmi wrote: »
    It's usually only players and/or Trendy that responds to any of it. then again, Borticus has been very responsive on occasion too. Perhaps I've become bored with extensive detailing of known issues? but then, it's the lack of engagement that causes players like me to wonder if it's worth speaking when we aren't being heard, and I've gotten way more than my fair share of interaction!

    We do read them. We can't always respond to every post. But we do read and appreciate your feedback.

    I miss the days when you guys could get away with inhabiting a borg cube and pvping us. Big companies are bad bad bad. They kill the fun!
  • autumnturningautumnturning Member Posts: 743 Arc User
    Not sure if this qualifies as a full on "BUG" or not ... more like an oversight with "amusing implications" ...

    Federation Captain
    Cutscene where Traala gets the trap and collapses on the floor.
    My captain kneels down and pulls out a Starfleet tricorder to scan her during the cutscene.
    Later, when reviving Traala, my captain kneels down and uses a Starfleet Tricorder for the Revive emote.

    KDF Captain (Orion)
    Cutscene where Traala gets the trap and collapses on the floor.
    My captain kneels down and pulls out a Starfleet tricorder to scan her during the cutscene.
    Later, when reviving Traala, my captain kneels down and uses a KDF Tricorder for the Revive emote.

    Romulan Captain (KDF aligned)
    Cutscene where Traala gets the trap and collapses on the floor.
    My captain kneels down and pulls out a Starfleet tricorder to scan her during the cutscene.
    Later, when reviving Traala, my captain kneels down and uses a Romulan Tricorder for the Revive emote.

    This ... oversight ... demonstrates the underlying "Fed Bias" in coding for this particular cutscene, since the function call for using the "right" Tricorder is missing from the cutscene itself.

    More of a nuisance than a crisis (since the game doesn't crash), but it does imply a lack of attention to detail in the handling of the factions other than Federation.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    It was a fun mission which nicely sets up the future plot arc, should be a fun ride!

    My personal favourite part is the New Khitomer space map, that place is just gorgeous, please let that map get reused for a social zone or something because it looks a million times more spectacular that Sol system and other social hubs.

    Also someone needs to have a serious chat with the Krenim. They build a super-weapon and then left it sitting around with some really shoddy security so it was easy to steal. Why didn't they ensure it was disabled after the end of the Iconian War or even decommissioned and taken apart?
  • willdojinnwilldojinn Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Could be that they were in the process of making sure there weren't any unpleasant after effects and suddenly you need a time ship with a history erase button. Could be they were also in the process of decommissioning but actually pulling the time core is an involved process.

    Either way I get the feel that this is literally days after the iconian war ended, but it would have been nice to have a few lines quantifying these things.

    Also agreeing with everyone else that the New Khitomer map is gorgeous looking.
  • lordinsanelordinsane Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    And while Noye wouldn't have been able to work entirely without oversight, given his position it is likely he'd have been one of the main people working on safe time-ship disposal. Stealing stuff tends to be easier if you're one of the persons responsible for making certain it's not stolen.
    It is also possible that it partly was decommissioned, though future episodes may disprove that - while the time-travel functions obviously work fine, the temporal eraser weapon is less clear.
  • nikolunusnikolunus Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    Not many complaints about this episode, when the fighting starts my captain is alone in the main chamber without support so that was fun. The story is fun but was not very engaging.

    On the rewards, while I do Really love these fun one off sets. I have one major issue with them. Parts like the single beams or duel cannons, turrets, and torpedos limited to one per ship. I can understand the consoles and omni beams limted with how many can be equiped, I see this as something that would really turn people away from using them despite the fun perks. Its very odd when you have a ship firing off in a uniform series of weapons than that one odd sounding one that looks nothing like the others.

    Is it possible to get universal varrients of these weapons much like we have with Reputation weapons. Exsample Romulan space set beam array, and than the standard Romulan plasma beam arrays.
    Space is vast, it's wonderful and maddening. Yet in that madness is some of the greatest beauty I have ever seen.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    rahhmi wrote: »
    Now for a part that DOES reflect SFD. We noticed that there are no Bajorans in the future, but the Cardassians are clearly visible. This either means they were eradicated for the trash that they are OR exposed as being behind the TRUE Evil Warmongers of their war with the Cardassians!

    Regardless, you're saluted on this, Cryptic! DOWN WITH BAJORANS!
    More likely Bajorans have been filed under "yet another Federation member race" and forgotten, like every other Federation member that isn't human, vulcan or recently newsworthy.
  • walterofbishopwalterofbishop Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Here's another question I can't figure out: during the cutscene in which Noye and the Sphere Builders crash the signing of the Temporal Accords, you see a male figure in a white uniform walking down the steps of the stage to meet some dignitaries right before Noye shows up. He's not introduced, let alone visible, prior to this point, and he is not seen after the cutscene. Any idea who this is?
  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    Bugs that beam my Boffs far away from me, either initially or just gone missing after the Krenim attack. A boring story means the episode gets old real quick. More immunity features??? Is this what they pass off as challenge these days? Prize packs not worth even the bother of going through it, at least if your build doesn't include polaron guns. 2 runs, one each with my main, and my main-Fed and I just couldn't be bothered. New Dawn? Looks more like late evening to me. If the next episode is no better, I might just throw in the towel and hit the snooze (skip) button on the rest of this temporal cold snore. Great going Craptic. :|
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