They are trying to not hand out the same old stuff,While the fleet dilitium voucher is not a bad giveaway it should have been more,or should have been 20,000 per character.
It's as simple as going to any fleet project that needs Dilithium and contributing to said project. It's 20k free Fleet Credits per account (can be claimed on a character of your choice, but after that, it's no longer claimable). Hope this helps!
It's as simple as going to any fleet project that needs Dilithium and contributing to said project. It's 20k free Fleet Credits per account (can be claimed on a character of your choice, but after that, it's no longer claimable). Hope this helps!
I have to applaud Cryptic's attempt to innovate their giveaways with some variety. It's a lousy execution though since it was a puny amount & was one per account. As someone stated earlier it should've been per character. I don't mind the criteria of it being for a Fleet donation since that can help build with-in the community. Not perfection but a small amount of progress for Cryptic's thought process in these giveaways.
It's as simple as going to any fleet project that needs Dilithium and contributing to said project. It's 20k free Fleet Credits per account (can be claimed on a character of your choice, but after that, it's no longer claimable). Hope this helps!
Lame for you. Lame for me. Not lame for people who need it.
Thank you