We are a little but pretty active fleet that is looking to join an armada for mutual benefits. We need help with our fleet projects and are willing to offer help in return. Our biggest issues are the dumb things fleet marks, and replicated stuff.
A little about us:
1. We have 2 players (16 toons)
2. We are pretty active and working on fleet projects.
3. We are Fed aligned
4. Casual fleet that is PVE and light RP focused
The type of armada we are looking for:
1. Friendly
2. Casual friendly ( we don't keep set schedules in here)
3. Helpful (Not just fleet projects, missions too)
4. A non-bureaucratic entry process (don't want to jump through a ton of hoops)
5. Active
So if you're interested send me a message in game (
@telum) or here
I'm the leader of a friendly, casual level 56 fed. fleet with 8 active members. We have one additional level 22 beta fleet, one level 15 beta fleet with 3 gammas and hence still can offer one other beta slot and 6 gamma slots. We gladly help with projects and if you're interested to join, then just tell me your fleet name (@morishita) and I'll send you an in-game invitation (no entry process or further application etc. needed).
Live long and prosper \V/,