As per title.
I've found myself being more busy in the holidays than anticipated, and now I am still 80 pictures short of the T6 Breen ship.
I just run the race a few minutes ago, but I am wondering.
Exactly at what time (CET preferable) does the Winter event end? I know its on the 15th, but if it continues until at least 1600 CET I can actually finish my ship project.
Also sorry if this question has been asked before, but I simply don't have the time for a little searching around at this time.
Thanks in advance!
This would be about 2pm CST on Jan. 15th, if I correctly guess you made a typo (CET?).
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
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STO player since November 2013
But 2100 my time sounds great. Thanks for the answer!
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I onced runned the friday the 13th mission on a saterday afternoon. It was short before 15:00, when I finished it the runtime was over and I got no reward.
Edit. As other posters said. It runs to jan 15th noon. I also saw it in the announcement. That means you can play it until the 15th mid evening. PST to CET is 9 hours.