Just come across this thread while trying to find something else:
Invisible Wall Walking
I have always wanted to add in some kind of invisible path the player has to walk, preferable fairly high up in the air with some kind of effects goin on around it.
...i plan to use more walls along the sides to keep the player from slipping off the side too. That way i can make it as disorienting as i want with out having to worry about them getting annoyed with falling.
...What does a star fleet captain have nightmares about? I like to think its something like this:
Start.jpg Start of the map
WarpSpeed.jpg Walking at warp speed
Yum.jpg Fear not, there will be contacts to help you navigate your way through this maze.. Hope you can understand backwards speak.
InvisPath.jpg Path layout.
I want to throw in some nasty gremlins to fight but with out being able to use the sliders in the foundry i cant make em really short. But i might just do it anyway for the fun factor.
Unfortunately, it's now an Archived Post and there's no clue in the thread to who it was. Does anyone recognise this mission, if it ever got completed?