Access Denied (a t5 alpha fleet in a well build armada) is accepting new recruits.
We are a friendly, mature, casual fleet full of helpfull players.
All holdings are maxed out.
We offer: No pressure on our members, a TS3 server, cross-faction/armada chat channel and members from all over the world, so wether you like playing for yourself or team up with lots of nice people this is the spot you are looking for!
Our kdf sister fleet (Naw'Tem, also fully maxed out) is also accepting new recruites.
No matter if you are new to STO or a seasoned veteran, you will find your spot in our ranks.
If you are interested, come and visit our homepage:
You can also contact any of our officers found here:
Or reply directly in this thread.
So come and try us out!
We provide an active, casual, friendly and mature environment for everyone who is interested!
Even if you are not a fulltime player, beacause you have a job, family, friends, other dutys/hobbys this is the right spot for you.
We offer casual gameplay, but also have some very knowlegdeable high damge players to aid everyone.
We are a fully maxed out fleet with projects constantly running, so you have plenty opportunity to earn fleet gear.
But contribution isn't a must,so if you only enjoy a little chatting and doing story missions/stf's there is also a place for you.
We want for everyone to enjoy the game without stress and without drama, so come and join us now!
Staff officer of Access Denied/Naw'Tem
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.