I have several Original ships for Federation T6 Starship Designs for Star trek Online will it be possible to be able to submit them for possible work in the game I don't care if I get credit for it just as long I can see one of my creations in the Game. Also I would like to see a T6 Sovereign Class a T6 Odyssey class and maybe a T6 Ambassador Class I would like to see New Orleans class and Niagara as well. for Uniforms manly the badges from Perallas and Imperfect future as well as Season 1/3 Dress Uniforms and Movie Era Uniforms
The Star ship Design that I would like to produce is called Ontario Class its a Carrier vessel close to the Aircraft carriers in the Navy when you see the Design you will see what I mean I am trying to be as Original as possible Thank you
PS I cannot do a 3d redering its gonna be a sketch of it
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