i have one problem, my pc crashed so i have to completly reinstall, pc - so formating hd and new instalation of windows. and here come problem, i cant log on to my old mail, and cant change it to new one, so if i completly reinsal windows, will arc/game secuirity recognize me (loging from same adress) or im screwed ?
What he said--and whomever your e-mail provider is, they have a means by which you can recover or reset your password after verification by either wireless phone or answering security questions.
yeah, will try it.
well, i can povide my login, old email, wanted new email, and pasword if needed. even time of creation of acount and last login.
well, since i created my e-mail more than 10 years ago, thinks like verification by phone didnt existed, and security question ? well, that is realy long time so i forgot it.
I tried customer service. I got nowhere. They will not help at all.
Because a phone number would imply that there is someone on the other line occaisionally that is actually willing to help with our problems. They are not.
no, i meaned why is not acces code for new computer send to your phone number you will put in acount setup, which will act as another guard in case someone steal your mail/you forgot your mail password. And changing of pw will need aproval from code send to phone.
Then I suppose this is the answer to your question.
what you mean by spoof ? how they can do it ?
but hey, and what if i using anonymous pre-paid number ant not montly fee one ?
Also, it helps to write these things down somewhere, use a better E-mail site, maybe use one that can send data to newer phones, etc.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I mean, I can access all my email addresses from any computer, tablet, laptop or phone in the world, so I don't it...
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
well, since that adreswas created more than 10 years ago, none of this modern features was posible at that time.
i can acess to my other mails from any computer, but cant aces to mail adress used for sto. pasword is not accepted.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite