I was excited about doing Sunrise and getting this console because that's a good boost to damage. However, it seems to only boost damage on my phasers +4.5%. Without console, beam arrays are 1016.8 damage, with console 1062.1, about +4.5%. Shouldn't they be boosted to 1220?
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Okay, I dismounted the weapon and docked on ESD and the weapon does show 221.7 damage from my inventory but isn't this known to be incorrect in the game?
I would really like to know how these are calculated because they are very misleading. I checked a +30% Boost console and it yields less than 8% actual boost. It doesn't even add 30% of the very lowest stat you can achieve (like on ESD) to the damage. 30% added from 221.7 is 66.51. The total amount added to damage when in space with one boost console is only 33 points.
My character Tsin'xing
That link should help you.
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Thanks for the link, but regardless of what the formula is, there should never be a case where the TOTAL amount of a stated boost stat is not AT LEAST that percentage above the most very BASIC spec. If a weapon, at its most basic, is 200 damage, then a +20% boost should result in AT LEAST 40 additional points to the final outcome.
That's my point.
I would like to see all gear have stats, regardless of where you are, that list's ALL the stats, like:
--(Base) 200
--(With Traits) 300
--(With Consoles) 1200
--(With Other) 1225
Figures are for examples only. I don't see why gear cannot show real stats based on what is currently on a ship.
Thanks, everyone. Happy New Year!
The 20% buff is a 20% buff that will increase your damage by 20% if you have no other buffs that stack with it. The damage of a MK 0 (Standard Requisition) beam array is 100 damage; if you put one of those on your ship (and don't have skill points - also in that category - or a few other things), you will see the damage increase by 20%. Weapon mark is applied in the same 'category' as tactical consoles, this console, and many more things, so it often doesn't look right.
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My character Tsin'xing
Now, I can understand that it'd be 'hard'
My point was, even if it is "based" on "base" damage, if the base damage is 200, then the resulting improvement of +20% should be +40 damage, not +23 or something. It doesn't even seem to be adding to base.
My character Tsin'xing
"Standard issue" is base damage. I think the weapons your starter ship comes with are the indicator of what base damage is, everything else is already modified in some way.
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True. So to determine what base damage is you need a "standard issue" weapon that comes with a T1 ship at 50 power without traits, skills, specs etc. - on a leveled character you cannot do that, except if you have a respec token and reset your skills, then disable your specs (only works if you have two without points invested to make them primary and secondary) and drop everything.
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I'm completely with angrytarg in that something needs doing about it, even if it's just a basic level of explaining what base damage, bonus damage etc means. You don't need anything too detailed giving away the code secrets or anything but there is no way a newbie player has clue what anything mean without google searches or plastering the forums with questions.
My character Tsin'xing
Whether it should be documented... i don't know. In the end, you can alwasy test your build and see what works better. Aside from the problem that on ground, you don't get to see your actual space stats,you can always see the effect the gear you equip have on your ship.
Sure, you can't make a handy spreadsheet to precalculate your damage, but the truth is that there are so many factors going into your damage output that it would probably still be misleading.
I don't think that any game actually posts all the detailed information on its math, at least not in a public and prominent way. It's almost always players that basically reverse engineer things by lots of experimentation, and carefully listening to developers dropping little details about the mechanics.
I think there is also a good number of players that really enjoy figuring this stuff out. And also a good number of players that will never care. So a thorough effort by Cryptic to explain all the math would be irrelevant for some, and ruin the fun of some others. Would it really be worth the effort?
That's not my place to wonder about and I really don'T care wether Cryptic has "effort" or not - it's their game and it is a fact that their tooltips are useless since they state numbers that don't actually add up but flow into "hidden" calculations the normal player has no way of knowing. That's not how you should do this stuff in my opinion.
People in this forum are so quick to shoot down suggestion and ideas because the devs would have "effort" to implement it, people start suggestions with "this is how you monetize it, devs!" - that's non of the players' business. If Cryptic can make it work they will make it work, if not their not. Nobody has to rush to Cryptic's aid here.
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