Hi everyone!
Hey, I know the Captain's Table is getting some attention sometime in the future (one of the many 'backburner' projects - lol) and just wanted to make some suggestions regarding the new access points.
Tacofangs has said he is bringing this more inline with how it is depicted in the books by removing the Aenigma Nebulas in Earth and Qo'nos orbits (YAY!) and making doors on ESD and in First City the new access points (also YAY!). He only mentioned was that one of the doors would probably be in Club 47 (nothing about where in First City).
Here are my suggestions:
ESD - use the door downstairs next to the Club 47 fountain (the one that backs up against Sickbay). The books say the Captain's Table doors are usually ordinary doors in somewhat common, but out of the main stream locations. (The door next to the bathroom in Club 47 is just....ewww.) Using this door, the player would show up inside the Captain's Table station in the entrance room (for space entry see 'Sector Space' below.)
First City - use the door at the end of the metal walkway in the small room underneath the bar. Again, this satisfies the criteria above. Another possible location would be just around the corner from the bar using one of the many doors in the 'red light' district. (However, there is also rumor that First City itself is going to be changed/updated - so who knows what the new arrangement will be.)
New Romulus Command - use the door at the end of the hallway past the Admiral's Office and Medical Center. This area doesn't see a lot of traffic so it would be perfect for the Captain's Table door.
Sector Space - simply add the Aenigma Nebula (labeled as 'Captain's Table'?) to the transwarp list for those captains who have access to it. When it is selected, the players ship is sent to the space zone outside of the Captain's Table, just like the current Nebula entrances work now.
Inside the player's ship - use one of the doors near the Captain's Quarters on each of the ship interiors.
Other hubs? - should doors on K-7, Drozana, etc. have access to the Captains Table? If so, where?
I know some folks say the Captain's Table needs an art update, but I think in serves very well in its current state (and would certainly cut down on Tacofangs workload!). There are a few additional functionalities that would be nice to add to the console room - but I leave that for other threads that have already covered the subject.

So what does everyone think? Are these logical, somewhat easy to access points that would improve the use of the Captain's Table? Feel free to add your thoughts.