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Returning player questions

kb21kb21 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
The last time I played, there was only omega marks and the borg. That being said I am picking the game back up now and I happened to get lucky. I bought 2 game cards and used one to get the Jupiter carrier, used the left over zen to buy 10 master keys, 8th box I got the Herald Quas ship.

My only 50+'s are a KDF sci and tac officers, and on fed side just a tac officer. (I mostly played klingon side as I wanted the vo quv and the kar fi.) However now that Fed side has actual carrier type options I want to come back and focus only on fed side as I like it better, more options and such.

I have a few questions though, since I have gotten back I have been running the queues to get marks to run rep grinds up, I know eventually I want to get them all up but is there particular ones I want to focus on? Full time work, full time college, and a baby makes me not have time to really try to raise them all at the same time.

Next, I was randomly invited to a fleet, and have been trying to get fleet credits and such, but every time I log on the only things contributable on the tasks are dilithium which i could use myself, or duty officers which I dont want to squander either. Is there other options to raise fleet creds? or am I suckered into joining a fleet where I just end up grinding more?

I see the new R&D and the different things to research, is there a point to raising those, should I just do the 20 hour one for each, which ones should I build up first, or should I raise them all equally?

What is the point of the admiralty missions? I unlocked them and started running them but dont really see the point yet, the 5 or so I have run have given like 2 to 4k exp, and 1 to 3k ec and thats about it.

Are there specific missions I should go back and run as I see that the rewards now update to current level so might be worth going back for some items?


  • kb21kb21 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Oh by the way, thanks for any input on my questions I appreciate you taking the time to help me out. Also I have not used the herald ship yet. I am just using the jupiter as a pure beam boat as i have no clue what I am doing yet lol. Would you use that on my fed tac officer or would my say engineer or sci officer (only level 10 and 30) eventually use it better?
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    marks... do them all every day. You can get a good rotation going as a daily marks quest takes only a few min & gives you several days worth for the daily rep up quest. So do like borg, dyson, and romulan one day, then delta, iconion, undine the next day, something like that... then every day do your daily rep up but only acquire marks kinda as you need them and have time. If you have the energy doing one daily for each faction is the best for your daily marks bonus pack for each one but its a lot to do in a day. I understand a busy life but you can arrange it to take only 15 min to do 2-3 factions a day if you pay attention to which ones are slow and which are quick.

    Most fleets have allied and you can contribute to other fleets as well. Usually at least one of your allied fleets needs something else. If not, you can mail your good duty officers to yourself and store them in your mail bag, then get some junky ones that can be busted down to common level and turned in. Also, ask your fleet to slot a project that needs other items now and then.

    yes, do the 20 hours ones for crafting. I am not sure it matters too much. Science crafting is critical for sci toons or tac-> sci builds. But if you are not looking to do an exotic damage build, that can be ignored. Most of the other traits from crafting are weak. You can buy anything that can be made, so leveling it up is only of modest priority. However it is really helpful to be able to craft your own tokens to rank up items (to raise items from mark xII to XIV). VERY handy. As in 1/20th or less expensive to make your own. I also found it very handy to make my own weapons, but that was tied into a theme of "i gotz 10 alts" and "i have a shared bank" ... so I can trade my top notch set of weapons and only deal with that mess ONCE.

    admiralty gives xp. Xp gives spec points, which is like a new tree you get at level 50+ ... youll want a LOT of points, so its good to do admiralty missions. I already took all my alts to 60 with it, and i had a bunch that were stuck in the low 50s. Admiralty also can reward other stuff you might want like rare crafting items or dil .. qutie a bit of it, actually. And tons of credits.

    yes, but it depends on your builds what you might like to have...

    I would put that herald ship aside and avoid the temptation to use it right now. Relearn the game, then consider selling it and buying something else. You may like it the best, but there are a LOT of excellent tradeable ships on the exchange and one of them might suit you better.

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