So I'm looking for a little help/advice. We only have a selection of the bridges available in Foundry but none of them quite meet my needs. I'm looking to create something similar to the Origin bridge (unavailable) 3 main seats, tactical console bar behind, 2 side consoles at the sides but with a singular console for the helm.
Trial and error is a little difficult for me working 40+ hours a week so if anyone could think of ways to craft a bridge like this, the advice or mapping would be extremely appreciated.
Thank you.
My character Tsin'xing
Heres the Youtube Video showing how he made what he made:
Bridge Building starts about 54:00 Minutes.
Dragoon was also kind enough to put the assets in a Google Spreadsheet, for me. Keep in mind these are just ROUGH placements, you will need to do some fine tuning, but this could give you a head start, and some training on the best ways to make a custom map if you wish to learn. Enjoy.
It's been a while since I worked on it, and I did make quite a few changes from what he gave me, but at last check this is what it looked like.
I would really condider that bridge if it wound up in the customizer list. If I could customize only that one, I'd bring the consoles in front closer to the captain's chair. Other than that, most excellent!
Needs is too strong a word just what I described to meet creative itches.
My character Tsin'xing
Similar-ish to the origin bridge with the 3 seas and tactical console behind. Side consoles that are maybe a little closer than they are on the origin. Single-seat helm console like the Intrepid instead of the 2 stood console and 2 sat consoles. Generic MSD etc at the back.
So yeah a liuttle bit like a combination of Origin and Intrepid, would look like it would fit on a Concorde class
Or did you mean what creative itches? Because that would be a secret possible project.