I have been thinking and tinkering without hurries or worries with my carrier. I think it could do better so another pair of eyes to look at it and wonder if something could be changed/tested is allways welcome.
Fore weapons:
Gravimetric photon torpedo launcher
Enhanced bio-molecular photon torpedo launcher
Bio-molecular photon torpedo launcher
Aft weapons:
Experimental proton weapon
Kinetic cutting beam
Ancient Omnidirectional beam
Space gear:
Adapted M.A.C.O. positron deflector array
Counter-command hyper impulse engines
Counter-command hyper injection warp core
Adapted M.A.C.O Covariant shield array.
Subspace field modulator
Nimbus Pirate distress call
Auxiliary batteries
Weapon batteries
Engineering consoles:
Console - engineering conductive RCS accelerator [PrtG]
Console - universal Proton particle stabilizer
Console - universal Construction anchor
Science consoles:
Console - science - Exotic particle field exciter [PrtG]
Console - science - Restorative particle focuser [+GravGen] [PrtG] x 3
Tactical consoles:
Console - tactical - Counter-command multi-conduit energy-relay
Console - tactical Vulnerability locator [+PhP]
Hangar pets:
Hangar - Elite Plesh brek frigate x 2
For duty officers I am using:
Projectile weapon officers x 3 (chance of lowering the cooldown of torpedoes)
Deflector officers x 2 (chance of lowering deflector ability cooldown)
Gravimetric scientist (for Gravity well aftershocks)
Bridge officers I have arranged with:
Liutenant - universal as engineer with
Emergency power to shields I
Emergency power to shields II
Liutenant -univ/int as engineer/int with
Engineer team I
Override subsystem safeties II
Liutenant - science with:
Hazard emitters I
Transfer shield strenght II
Commander - science with:
Hazard emitters I
Transfer shield strenght II
Gravity well I
Gravity well III
Liutenant commander - tactical with:
Tactical team I
Torpedo spread II
Torpedo spread III
At this stage, I could include the fact that yes this ship is a torpedo boat build. Ship build also with possibility of high aux to use these science abilties properly. All launchers are photon ones, two of them are set ones. Yet, overall damage in this ship is mostly coming out of gravity wells and miniature gravity wells the gravimentric launcher creates quite often. Normal torpedo damage is maybe one third of either output, so a sixth vs gravity well and gravimetric rift damage overall. So i would wish to keep the theme of ship the same, so no beamboat suggestions please.
What i need is guidance in streamlining and rubbing off the edges of this build.
I know i have multiple skills in use, some can be finetuned.
As for what kind of space traits I am using:
Personal space traits:
Particle Manipulator
Kinetic Precision
Conservation of energy
Fleet coordinator
Projectile training
Shield technician
Starship traits:
All hands on deck
Battle ready
Improved predictive algorhitms
Space reputation:
Omega kinetic shearing
Advanced targeting systems
Auxiliary power configuration - offence
Hull-repairing nanites
As far this ship can be used, its a slow to turn one. Its a carrier afterall, to keep focus on enemies the gravity wells help keeping them pulled together and crushed with torpedo spread shattering them apart. Gaining the bonus of warpcore breaches also wearing enemies down. Downsides are, you get a massive threat, everyone wants to destroy you after one attempt at that. As a science captain making damage is little trickier than doing it with a tac. So most tac suggestions might not work. My tactical consoles for example are all +crit, rather than severity. As I cannot get from skills bonuses for increasing the base critrate high enough for damaging enemies enough.
If additional information is required, do howler and ill try to respond.
So changes I would pick:
Emergency Power to Shields II => Emergency Power to Auxilliary
Torpedo Spread III => Attack Pattern Omega OR Torpedo Spread II => Attack Pattern Beta
Gravity Well I => Tractor Beam Repulsors II OR Gravity Well I => Destabilizing Resonance Beam
Also, I would never leave home without Science Team on a Science-Focused ship, so:
Hazard emitters I => Science Team I
Transfer shield strenght II => Hazard Emitters II
If you find that Reciprocity doesn't trigger enough because you fight with teams where others draw more aggro than you, more tactical skills that don't have shared cooldowns will help you get more out of All Hands on Deck. In that case, maybe you can do without the Engineering Team (or with an Emergency Power less) and replace that Engineering/Intel BOFF with a Tactical/Intel. (You don't want to sacrifice Override Subsystme Safeties, of course just the Engineering Team.)
Personally I think the Biomolecular Torpedo Launcher is not that impressive* - Neutronic and Plasma-Emission seem more useful.
I would also put one from the beams in front and your least favored torp in the back. This helps you if your forward targets are gone and your torp spread is ready. That's how I do it on fast-turning science Vessels at least, which usually don't have as many problems turning, but the Rezereth will have more issues.
You'd have to switch the experimental proton weapon with the normal Bio-molecular torpedo as it won't actually go on the aft mounts at all.
Personally I'd switch the normal bio-mol torp for the terran one, grab the console that goes with it, possibly the beam array to go on the back too.
I'd grab the other counter-command console too (hydrodynamics compensator), the power boost is nice but its also got 23.1% to turn rate which will help keep your nose at who you want to grav-well. Plus the bonus to targeting systems makes getting crits easier.
If you really want the kinetic cutting beam grab the assimilated console as well, the grav generators boost should help pull things in with your grav-wells.
The ancient omni-beam does nothing for your fit and should definately go, try using the heavy phaser turret from the counter-command reputation, you're already got the heavy turret barrage and the chance to blow up any destructible torps plus fighters and mines within 5km is handy.
The constriction anchor does give you a tiny bonus to your exotic damage but you can get better bonus's from other consoles and the anchor it self is far worst then the ones the vaadwaur actually use.
That would mean losing a couple of consoles from somewhere in your current fit but it would be worth it.
As you want high Aux power I don't see why your using the counter-command warpcore and engines, though the 2pc set bonus is nice.
If you have access to the kobali Samsar cruiser i'd recommend switching your engine and warpcore to those. The engines reduce the recharge times of all your hull and shield heals based on engine power. While the warpcore dumps extra power from your shields into your Aux boosting it.
If you don't have access to the Samsar then the butterfly episode warpcore would be best, combined with the terren reputation engines. The terran engines give you +5 power to Aux and +100 to all resists if any of your subsystems go off-line. The warpcore gives you +5 to total Aux power, which means you can hit 130 instead of 125. Dumps extra power into your shields, will half all bridge officer timers for 15sec and give you +15 Aux for those 15sec, does have a 4min timer though. Plus if you decide to grab the console from that episode as well you get +4 Aux, +20 to max shields, all damage to shields reduced by 3% and a bonus to both crit chance and crit damage based off your Aux power level.
As for your Duty officers, there's no point in having any torp reload officers as the gravimetric one has the longest cooldown of 8sec, the terran and bio-mol are both (pretty sure, though will check) standard at 6sec each, add in the global cooldowns (plus the terran rep console reduction) and you'll be firing a torpedo every 2 or 3 seconds.
So go for more gravimetric scientists for even more grav-wells (hehehehe).
As for your bridge officer abilities... I'd have to actually fly the ship, with a fit, and see how it does before I'd feel comfortable making any changes, especially as I haven't actually used any of the Intel powers.
Hope that helps, I am actually in the process of getting a similar fit for one of my characters, though that's for a science ship using drains.
To help alleviate the turn issue, I'd make sure that pilot's at least a secondary on this build...
If turn rate is a concern, would moving one of your universals down to the tactical slot (in place of the Vul. Locator) and replacing it with, say, a dil mine turn/armor console not "increase" your DPS via having higher time-on-target vs. the slightly increased crit rate and per-hit damage?
And is pilot slotted to take advantage if it's innate turn bonus?
Weapon-wise, since you're not getting any set bonus from the KCB, and it's like the worst "beam weapon" against shields (which I'm guessing rarely evaporate before a target goes boom), wouldn't a crafted Omni-Phaser be more useful to the build - if only for the relatively rare "shields offline" proc, and/or replacing the mission Omni-AP with the Iconian war's mission Omni-Tetryon?
Also, I'm thinking that swapping that Counter-Command core/engine would be beneficial to you, too. As a Sci captain, I'm usually very partial to the Solanae set - for the Aux Overcap, slight aux bonuses from weapons, etc., and the engine's +turn bonuses. However, this requires access to the Dyson Sci Destroyer (whether event or lobi purchase). As others have mentioned, the Kobali core can make a decent substitute...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
There are some details that require little clarification.
Agreed, the ships bridge officer skillist really needs to be tested. In advanced or elite and see how survivable the ship is. You do need a good chunk of survivability abilities to withstand there.
As for gravimetric scientists, unfortunately last time i played with them problem is.... you can only equip one.
The reason for torpedo reload is that gravimetric torpedo launcher does perhaps 50 percent if not more of my damage. Anything that makes it fire faster is gold. I admit timing the torpedo spreads to take the best out of it is tricky as heck, but seriously a torpedo boat benefits from these more in damage department than reducing letsay emergency power to x powers.
Space set is definately in flux, it could be very different from what im using now. Outside of Adapted Maco set two part bonus, which buffs torpedo damage. So i need two pieces of that, any two is fine.
Any beam on my ship is honestly trash or just used for set bonuses, because im not running the ship on high weaponpower.
It runs on max aux and shield, rest is on minimum. My beamdamage aint ever going to do anything, ship isnt focusing on weaponpower or damage through energy.
As for consoles, there lies a good question. Most of mine are piggybacked for particle gens and exotic damage. Only tactical consoles are free of this and one engineering one, universal proton particle stabilizer. Which is used for third set bonus for the gravimetric launcher.
I do agree engineering slots - universal - gravitic anchor is the only one id be 'free' to switch but which console would increase my damage beyond that exotic damage buff it offers. Because from my damage, i would say around 2/3 come from gravimetric launcher + gravity well crushing exotic damage. True, consoles activation power is trash. Its the 23+ percent exotic damage buff it offers why im having it.
Samsar set does sound intresting, but I cannot run my ship on high engines. So it will not benefit that much from the core, but i will certainly test it.
As for earlier suggestions for switching the ordinary bio-molecular launcher, its changeable. Heh, but replacing it with speciality launcher that focuses on plasma damage when none of my tactical consoles boost. It would be pretty weak replacement?
Neutronic launcher on the otherhand relies on radiation damage, quantum damage it would do with my consoles would be scrap, but would the radiation be enough to replace the loss, thats good to test. Ill give it a try. Plus that odd tactical console of mine, buffs radiation damage.
The way this ship can be played, is when you sit it down. Let anchored spacetrait hit the cap and you chew enemies up with torps. Aggro, is what you get. You need survival skills to tank and survive the retaliation coming up. Yet the damage is pretty ok for a science ship when doing it like this. After you get chewed down, hit the pedal... heal up and do it again. This kind of bit silly sitting style gains good bonuses from anchored, but it makes reprodicity spaceship trait kinda useless. As your a sitting duck, ya aint gonna be getting much use out of the trait. Tho i guess reversing and gaining additional defensive bonuses from intelligence specialication do help.
I can't check right now, but I think the terran torp is classed as photon, so that should be a good replacement for the plain bio
the ancient omni is doing about zilch for you there. I'd think about one of the heavy turrets, which gets a radiation spewing aoe, the mission reward tetryon omni, or a craftable omni. the mission omnis have reduced damage compared to regular ones, and the mission set for tet looks decent for 2 piece.