First, thank you thank you thank you for implementing this awesome feature.
It works but not without its kinks. If i delete a mail, there is a delay - always has been that way. If i delete multiple mails, that delay stacks up to a certain degree.
Currently, if i select all mails in my inbox and hit delete, i get a time out counter, going up to 60+ seconds. I can't do anything during that time. I can't even disconnect and reconnect to the game since the server will time out if i try to reconnect for about about 2, maybe three minutes.
I do love the new mail feature and i gladly take those disconnects - it's still 1000 times better to delete mails with the new feature than to click delete for 8 hours a day (i'm not kidding!).
I just thought i'd share my experience with it, say thank you and maybe someone else has similar issues or a dev picks up on the issue.
Again, thanks for the mail feature.
edit: Here's a little video to show you what happens. I did this like 6 or 7 times now and its always the same. The mails do seem to get deleted but i can't log back in for a few minutes after each go around.
And now i only get error messages and the mail won't get deleted anymore at all. The error is:
Banned command MailDeleteCompleteLog
They've never been able to just turn off one particular type of Email Delete.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
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