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[PODCAST] Tribbles in Ecstasy Take 195: "Insanity Ensues"

midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
Tribbles in Ecstasy Take 195: "Insanity Ensues" has been published on Holosuite Media, you can download and stream it from: http://bit.ly/1PZnsJJ

Captain MidNite Shadow leaves Commander Dragon in charge of the bridge to discuss all the news from Star Trek Online and Star Trek with the crew of the USS Tribble, oh the insanity!

This week we discuss:
  • Klingon Flash Giveaway,
  • Research and Development Weekend,
  • Black Friday Sale,
  • Jupiter Carrier Launches,
  • Pop Hero Coalition,
  • Building the Jupiter Class,
  • Stormbound Rewards – Week 2,
  • Stormbound Review,
  • Release Notes: November 24th, 2015,
  • Patrick Stewart's hometown rugby league club,
  • Star Trek Renegades,
  • Star Trek: Captain Pike,
  • Star Trek Anthology,

Community Question:
If you had a chance to help out in some way (Mav or someone like Mav) or if you plan to help out someone in the spirit of what Star Trek was founded under, who would it be, how would you help and what would you hope others should and would do?

Please help friend of the show and fellow Star Trek Online player and podcaster Mav with donations to support his recovery with his current health situation here: http://www.gofundme.com/tomsrecovery.


  • alex1geralex1ger Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    I admit, I still haven't played the Badlands Battlezone. -.-

    Jupiter carrier:
    Okay, a couple of things I mentioned during the show:
    - The turnrate seems off to me. This carrier got a turnrate of 6, which makes it as maneuverable as the Odyssey and the different T5 (I'm not sure about the T6) Galaxy variants and more maneuverable than the Bortas'qu and many of the other "Non-Dreadnought-Carriers". I mean, the Atrox got a 5, the Vu'qov got a 5, why does this one get a 6? Is that a copy-paste error or is it really 6? Can anyone verify? I mean, I can understand it with the Dreadnought Carriers since those are meant to be more tactical and tactical usually means a higher turnrate. (Although at times their turnrates seem a little high for their size...) But come on, turnrates have gotten to a point where they seem rather silly.
    Escorts that are bigger than some science vessels but have a way better turnrate? Sounds a little silly to me... (I could accept "slightly better turnrate" because the escorts got better engines...)
    The Scimitar has always been way too maneuverable for its size, do you want me to go on?
    If a "canon" ship like the K'Vort is too silly to put into the game (and it should be some sort of battlecruiser, a class of ships that did sell well enough on the KDF side, which would (in theory) make it financially feasible), shouldn't they at least try to rectify a few other "silly" things like turnrates?

    - Oh, and sunseahl, this is not the first "true" carrier with an intel seat. May I present the T6 Breen Sarr Theln Carrier? Granted, its Eng/Intel seat is not a Lt. Cmdr. but a Lt. instead, but it's still an Eng/Intel seat and it's got 2 hangar bays. I rest my case.

    Groupees and charity...
    You might not know it, but I have no patience for incompetence. I took a look at the groupees site when this event was going on. There were a lot of limited time deals. If you deal with limited time/limited amount deals on a regular basis and your system gets flooded, how in the seven TRIBBLE can you not have some sort of safeguard (just in case...) to prevent you from taking money after running out of codes?
    Cryptic was way too nice by giving them extra codes. If I had been in Cryptic's/Perfect World's (whoever made that decision) place, I would have seriously considered letting them deal with the angry customers... uhm... donors... on their own. Just grab some popcorn and watch them burn...

    Besides, you kept talking about 35,000$, but the final number was actually a little over 51,000$. So I guess groupees got to keep the difference. Which would amount to about 16,000$. For messing up like that...
    If they had any sense of decency, they should have donated... let's say half of that money to the charity in question, so Pop Culture Hero Coalition in this case. As a... let's call it apology for messing up like that and a thank you to Cryptic for helping them out so generously... or maybe call it a "gesture of good will", if they were bent on pretending that there was nothing they could have done to prevent this mess...

    Captain Benjamin Walker...
    I still think someone at Cryptic just happened to remember using him in Temporal Ambassador which turned his throwaway line back then into "impressive foreshadowing"... Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it was planned all along, but if that kind of attention to detail had been applied to the Iconian War story arc it could have made it so much better.
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