I started playing this game last year. I was fortunate enough to started just when the last
Risian Luxury Cruiser and
Corvette was in effect. Sadly I was on the last week of the event and couldn't make it in time to get the vouchers needed for both Risian ships. This summer was a busy time as well that I missed the
Ferengi Warship event. Please give us a chance to claim those as well for this
Winter Q's Event. I'm solid on all the Breen and Kobali Ships at least to my first account. It would be great to get the other past ships that newer players didn't have a chance to get. And to the older players that have all eight event ships, give them an alternative bonus ship that they could only get to gain for the event voucher. Perhaps a
Xindi-Reptilian Warship T6 or
Spock's Jellyfish Ship that can do the
Tour the Galaxy run in 10min's