Across my toons I have 3300 doffs. I'm at the point where even my mail is filling up with doffs because I don't have room. My choices are to just willy-nilly sell/discharge doffs OR spend many many hours sorting though doffs just to know what I have and what I can live without.
Come on, Cryptic! Making a Doff summary screen that tallies up how many Advisors and Warp Core Technicians we have on a toon can't be that difficult to add! It's like basic database programming!
Ok, so I should filter each type (25-30 of them?) one at a time.
Manually count each one, get out a pencil and paper and tally them up.
Marking for their rarity and quantity.
And do this for multiple toons that all have 500 doffs.
I dare you to go and do that. Time yourself. Then extrapolate how long it'd take for people with lots of alts.
I'm not concerned with how many purple Andorian advisors I have. I want to know the 'lay of the land', so to speak, of my doff-scape.
I'm not asking for something impossible from Cryptic. It's something they should have had from the start.
Even if it just looked something like this for each speciality on one screen...
Advisors 1/6/3/2
Chefs 18/3/1/0
That way, at a glance, I can see that if I need room I can easily do w/o many common chefs before I do away with the 1 common advisor
While I don't have near as many DOFF's, I with there was an export (to CSV) function. I'm aware that you can sort out individually on the DOFF screen itself, but it's not the same as having it all out in front of you. It's hard to "see the gaps" while looking at a computer monitor. There's something to having a hard printed copy to go over and mark up that you can't do with a computer screen.