After some preliminary runs, it is looking to me like these traits are applying their at different parts of the damage formula, however I have to say I'm pretty bad at reverse engineering Cryptic math. Can anyone take a look and compare these two?
Seems to me like beam training is a much weaker buff...
Beam Training: the 5% is actually closer to 4.8%. It's effects are always on and does not require any kind of activation
Beam Barrage: The listed 2% is more like 1.9%. The 1.9% requires a beam ability to activate. The effects last for 30 seconds. However, using a beam ability before that 30 seconds has expired; restarts the 30 second countdown and adds another bonus increasing it to 3.8%. Using a beam ability a third time will increase the bonus to 5.7%, which is the maximum. The 5.7% will remain active as long as you use a beam ability before the 30 second countdown has expired.
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More like three beam abilities back to back. Beam Training would be a more consistent buff than Beam Barrage. As far as Beam Barrage vs Operative, it would depend. Operative looks like it adds about 1.7% versus Beam Barrage's initial 1.9%, as long as you activate a beam ability at least once every 30 seconds.
I usually only run one ability to enhance attacks, if any at all (most of my ships only have two or three tac seats), so I guess for me beam training and operative do more than beam barrage which seems like a trait that only really shines in either escorts and/or with some other magic cooldown reduction traits.
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Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Yes, but "operative" for example may be better as it's a lower bonus per permanently active. If I only benefit from beam barrage by firing two or three abilities in 30 seconds it's wiser to choose a passive trait. I'd for example take bulk technician over beam barrage to bolster my HP or the +crit one.
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Personally, I found the 1% extra CrtH from Operative a bit disappointing (on the 30% or so I normally have). I prefer Beam Training over it.