My objective here is to create an andorian escort that makes use of all the andorian special consoles and hopfully do at least 20K DPS.
Here is what Im currently working with. Bear in mind this build is untested NOTES
Im using phased biomatter as It looks similar to andorian phasers
The normal DHH, Quantum torp, and empty science slot are actually the quantum phase set. I couldnt find them in the skill planner so I used stand ins.
The empty tac powers are Kemo 1 and Focused assault 1
Swapping the andorian DBB for Phased biomatter once I have enough EC to afford it
swapping CSV3 and APB2 for CSV2 and APO3 mostly to improve durability.
swapping TT2 and BO1 for TT1 and BO2
Currently the ship has between 31 and 35% resists. I do not feel comfortable with resists that low so i am considering dropping the leech for a neutronioum alloy con
This version is far more durable. I was able to hit 25k DPS on an ISA run with it however that run was rather slopy. I imagin you could probably get 27 or even 30k out of this build with some good piloting