i recently played a PvE starbase mission, and was experiencing server connection/speed issues, the game started, stopped, then started again and i was evidently low level on the team at 43.... my ship was slow to respond/react/participate and upon leaving last i saw i had garners a red notice on the bottom left about first ATF penaly then an STF leaver panalty.... though i did nothing towards this dis-honor. I tried to participate and did offense as well as healing and fleet team adds to the group....only took when it was an item i could use OR was last one online to collect.... i knew the connection might be an issue team wise, and know for next time to make sure my connection is secure before participaing in a group.....
Sell what you don't need, the blue - purple gear can fetch decent prices on the exchange.
Usually if the client crashes or I get a full on DC, I log back in and usually either have no issues, or get booted from the actual mission, only to be able to enter another without any issue of a penalty.
In fact, I cannot recall having ever being handed a single afk penalty, in any instance of what people have descibed.
This is not to say it cannot/has not happened to others, but it's also hard to fathom when it never happens to ones self, when experiencing the same exact issues others have stated!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
And if I don't click "need", a PUG won't work? /sarcasm
Click whichever you wish, OP.
On the topic, I never got a penalty for being disconnected or for crashing. I did get one when my connection was such rubbish I couldn't steer my ship, and was useless anyway. I just left, instead of aggro enemy due to my lack of control over my ship, so I got a leaver penalty.