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T6 Bird of Prey "KOR" Class, horrible for end game content

starbuck40kstarbuck40k Member Posts: 9 Arc User
This is severely under powered in contract to the Defiant or the Romulian Bird of Prey.

If you are looking to raid with it, even the fleet version is grossly under powered and you end up in hit in any advanced or elite raid.

Overall, I would have to say this is horrible in contract to the others.

I would suggest avoid purchasing it for raiding content until the stats are adjusted.

Even the most mindless of Ttglas are dangerous in large numbers


  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I come to the conclusion that this bird just will not be good enough. I have the pilot raptors and the Qa'tel. If I get nostalgic, I have the T5U versions of the old B'rel, and a battlezone full of Undine to hunt with it. I can afford to be resigned to the fact that the Kor will not have a place in my shipyard. It doesn't mean I have to like it any more than you do. :|
  • narthaisnarthais Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Nothing wrong with the Kor, it has different stats to the defiant and T'varo in the pack because its not an escort like they are (technically the T'varo is a light warbird but it equates to the same as an escort.

    The Bird of Prey line are Raiders, they take a different playstyle to escorts, similar sure but subtly different in ways that are not abundantly obvious. it takes more time to learn to fly a Raider effectively, you won't top DPS charts in one, but they are more than capable of advanced and elite content when flown properly.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    raid? Did they put in a 40 man mission with epic drops that I missed ?? :p

    The ship in and of itself is fine. It is not the best ship in the game, but it isnt the worst either. Its sad that the lobi raider is twice as good. Its sad that the pilot raptor is twice as good. Its sad that the fed/rom intel buckets are more than twice as good. It feels weak being down a console, down a gun, no piloting moves, not enough sci consoles to pretend to be a sci boat. Its still a solid, playable ship, but there are for sure higher dps ships and better ships out there. It should have been given ONE more good thing to make it feel T6. It feels about like my norg, to be honest, or my mirror... a tiny, microscopic upgrade to those old ships.

  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    As much as I wanted, and tried to like the Kor, it's disappointing on every level except the artwork.

    What is this ship for?

    Is it PvP? If so, why the trait that boosts CSV? That makes no sense.

    Is it a glass cannon? It has 1 less weapon, and only 4 tac consoles. All glass, no cannon.

    Is it for the new (post DR) content? Too little hull, not enough oomph for the hp sponges, no Intel.

    I can't understand why I would want this, other than "It's a Bird of Prey." Which is almost enough, but not quite.

    It sucks, because I'm pretty sure this is the last one they're going to make, regardless of how well it sells. The Bird of Prey line in this game (at least post-DR) is an oudated Cryptic concept, and they really have no desire to rectify that. Slap a new (very nice!) skin on it, a few minor tweaks, and say they gave us what we wanted. Um, no.

    Cryptic was at "take my money, as long as it doesn't suck." Well, they didn't take my money.
  • narthaisnarthais Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    With the Herald Raider cryptic have shown they can do different things with raiders, the issue with the BoP is unless you start adding gimmicks you only have a limited amount of ways to present them. the core of a BoP is its universal-ness, all universal seating, specialisation being the only non-universal aspect to it, and a mostly balanced console layout locking it to a 4/4/3 arrangement at fleet level
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    Birds of Prey require a more experienced hand to succeed. You never turret with her like I see many players do with their TAC Cruisers, Escorts. Your flying style, whatever bad flying habits you learned before, do not apply on a more fragile BOP. Speed, bonus defense if you intend to linger in a fight is very important for survival. The BOP user must know when the time is right to slow down and throw in a barrage of attacks, and know when to break off to keep the ship in one piece.

    You have in any typical BOP Battle Cloaks. For the B'Rel/Kor, Enhanced Battle Cloaks. You also have FULL UNIVERSAL stations, something Feds have long been jealous about. No other ship in any faction, even in the KDF itself, has this total package. Not even the Roms' T'Varo, Faeht have this level of stealth and customization room. The trick is coming up with a build to make the BOP work. Whether you try to make her a SCI Boat or a more typical TAC oriented ship, or even a support Heal Boat, or whatever sort of crazy mix... You must always take into account your lighter hull.

    Another rule to remember is not to engage battle cloaks while under heavy fire. Recall that the moment you hit the cloak button, shields drop and it takes several seconds for cloaks to fully engage. Do that while under heavy fire, you're going to get slammed. Only the Roms can get away with cloaking under heavy fire because practically all their RRW-specific BOFF & Captain traits bring a stupid amount of extra +Defense. Feds & KDF don't get that magnitude of defense.

    I never thought I'd see the day the KDF doesn't know how to use the Bird of Prey.
  • narthaisnarthais Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    I never thought I'd see the day the KDF doesn't know how to use the Bird of Prey.

    The older players typically remember that the BoP requires different tactics, those of us that have levelled with it when it took more than 5 hours to reach 50. the part the doesn't help is that pretty much every other ship in the game can stick in a fight for the long haul, something a BoP can do tiers 1-4 but fails spectacularly at Tier 5.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Of course, if the usual "idly circle the battle while BFAW melts your foes" works so well, and the only goal is to finish everything as fast as possible and get the rewards, then why bother with a different strategy?

    The biggest probem in STO might be that the most fun way to play is not also the most efficient way. Because it leads to people taking the boring way, the way that you can't really do anything wrong with. But boring + repetitive content is what makes grinding so terrible. And then they complain that the game is so horrible, so boring, that they want somethnig new, that stuff takes too long to acquire... Because they forgot that it's not about the reward at the end, but about the way getting there - the reward at the end is just there to set you on a new way, if the way isn't fun to you, then the reward is meaningless.

    If you have fun optimizing your attack runs and defensive strategies, it doesn't matter that you did it dozens of time already today - every time is a bit different, and you're kept on your toes - and thus on the edge of your seat.

    That's also what made PvP so enjoyable - you were kept alert and busy, you are constantly under pressure, you have to get the timing right.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I never thought I'd see the day the KDF doesn't know how to use the Bird of Prey.

    Bird of Prey pre-DR: fun! Effective! A varied style of playing that can work.

    Bird of Prey post-DR: tedious! Ineffective! An exercise in endgame futility.

    And this is from someone who plays Sci almost exclusively, because Tac figure eight cruisers are boring to me. I just don't find it worth my time to slog through the current meta in a ship using an outdated mechanic that is, frankly, pointless in endgame PVE...unless you want to pay 3000 zen for a ship that is made for "Normal" queues.

    All kinds of power creep everywhere, but none of it applied to the BoP, leaving it behind...sad as that is. Now it's like taking your 5 year old little brother to play football with your adult friends. Sure, you can do it, but don't pretend he's an integral part of the team.

  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    There's nothing wrong with the Kor per say, it's more or less what I (and I assume many of the more experienced KDF players) would have expected for it at T6. No real shocker one way or the other.
    What is wrong is people's observations on these bundles and maybe Cryptic is to be partially blamed for that, but the major part of the blame falls on the people themselves and their understanding of the concept of these cross-faction bundles and the different ship classes. The Kor is a raider, or more precisely a bird of prey - which is the unique Klingon type of raider. The Defiant (Valiant) is an escort, a different ship class - therefore it will have different stats, performance, pros & cons. And if you take a peek in the Federation subsection of the forum, or well - everywhere else around the forum, you'll see the Feddies complaining and in some cases even flat out whining about that ship, how bad it is, that the T'Varo is better, that the pilot ships are better, that the Phantom is better, etc., etc. Same old story with every ship ever released except the lockbox ships. And at the end - the T6 T'varo is a warbird, which is yet again another completely different ship class compared to the other two.
    The reason they're bundled up like this is due to Cryptic's new (since DR) marketing strategy to release cross-faction bundles so each faction would have a steady flow of new ships. In many cases these are different skins with similar stats (with faction specific touch-up differences only), but in some like right here or the Avenger/Mogh/Mogai where we have canon ships whose T5 bases were built before this new marketing strategy employed by Cryptic - we have them bundled up to in order for us to get them at a discount and in order for Cryptic to make more money because apparently bundles like these are a better bait - however those canon editions are different ship classes across the factions as a heritage from the shows and the T5 era in STO.

    So in conclusion - the problem around here is not the Kor itself, but Geko's gameplay design mantra that boils down to ramming heads with the DPS channels in an attempt to show who can be more stubborn. That and the complete demise of PvP where ships like these were pure gold, and still are - there's just no real PvP to be had in STO anymore.
    So with a gameplay like we have these days (which I'm not personally a fan of), of course it's easier to just sit down in something indestructible like a command cruiser, slap the best possible hangar pet, 8 beams and FAW everything to death while drinking soda, smoking pot and eating a burger at the same time. Does it mean it's automatically better? Well, I'd say it's not for me because after a while it started to get boring and I mean really bore me, so the gameplay that a raider provides is more challenging and therefore more fun, at least to me.
    Then again, I never got the obsession of some people to play the game with excel charts opened and bragging that they finished a STF in under a minute. I just don't see the point or the fun in it. I have played a lot of MMO games (they're my favorite genre) and for ex. in that game whose name shall not be spoken in these here parts, I used to play raids that really last long, have serious background and you need to have serious knowledge and comradery to successfully finish it - but once you've done there's a feeling of joy, of accomplishment and memories of the fun that was had during the process with even friends being made as a result of the experience. Much like STO in the past, veterans will remember.
    I never thought I'd see the day the KDF doesn't know how to use the Bird of Prey.

    Tell me about it. It's down to the major exodus of the old KDF guard and the even bigger exodus of PvP players that occurred. The new people that fill in are brought to the game in a different environment, an environment called the FAW spam snoozefest so they naturally are not familiar with small weak ships that utilize canons or torpedoes, especially not the most fragile class of them all. Unfortunately they just don't have somewhere to play that class, nor someone to play it with. Not even having the class available at T6 until now didn't help either. One needs to be a hardcore Star Trek fan to join the game now and go for a Bird of Prey for canon/fandom reasons and I think we're far past the line where STO can attract real Star Trek fans. I hope I'm wrong and the movie that is due as well as the announcement of the new ST show will manage to bring more Star Trek fans to STO in the future, I love those people and I think it will make the game better.
    Well that, and the profile of player/person Cryptic seems most interested in attracting - one that activates their grey mass once per Vulcan pon farr cycle. Those are the easiest to part with their money and I believe that a raider gameplay might be just a tad beyond their comprehensive abilities.
  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I bought the Kor and set it up with Mk XIV Epic Fleet Dual Disruptor Cannons up front along with a Mk XIV Epic Transphasic Torpedo and two Mk XIV Fleet Disruptor 360' Turrets in the rear. In fact, everything on the ship is Epic Mk XIV. The tactical consoles with the exception of one are Disruptor damage bonus consoles. One of them is a specialty tactical console that has a disruptor bonus along with a transphasic torpedo bonus...can't remember where I got this...but I had it sitting in the bank and brought it up to spec.

    First impression...it's a straffing ship...PERIOD! Hence the phenomenal turn rate. One of the BOFF's I have, I think it's tactical officer, has the skill to take out an enemy shield facing. The quicker a shield facing goes down, the more successful the straffing run will be. I quickly learned that this BoP, unlike my Fleet T5-U K'tinga beam boat, specializes in concentrating on and taking out single targets. I wouldn't even want to consider this as an AOE ship.

    I was surprised at the low hull points. I think it has around 50K hull and 19K shields. I'm using the KHG Covariant set.

    The only other ship I have that I could compare it to is my Pilot Raptor, which also does well straffing, but has a little more flexibility and a bit more hull and shields.
    Post edited by goodscotch on

  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    Well, when you put it that way, I suppose the only thing left to nit pick about, is the q-torp console instead of pho-torp. The sale is over and I blew my zen elsewhere. I may decide to get it some time down the road, but I have all the attack ships I need for now.
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  • narthaisnarthais Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    goodscotch wrote: »
    One of them is a specialty tactical console that has a disruptor bonus along with a transphasic torpedo bonus...can't remember where I got this...but I had it sitting in the bank and brought it up to spec.

    the Console is from the start of the Iconian war arc, not the first episode mind, the start of the war itself. the one where you beam down to new romulus and then end up in deferi space at the preserver archive. There's also a transphasic torpedo and a DHC/Array disruptor that form a 3 piece set that adds firing haste, worth looking into if you're running transphasic torp already.
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    It all boil's down to do you no how to fly it & get the best out of it.

    ps do adv in my Fleet Norgh yeah get my TRIBBLE kicked sometimes but thats my fault not the ships.
  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    narthais wrote: »
    goodscotch wrote: »
    One of them is a specialty tactical console that has a disruptor bonus along with a transphasic torpedo bonus...can't remember where I got this...but I had it sitting in the bank and brought it up to spec.

    the Console is from the start of the Iconian war arc, not the first episode mind, the start of the war itself. the one where you beam down to new romulus and then end up in deferi space at the preserver archive. There's also a transphasic torpedo and a DHC/Array disruptor that form a 3 piece set that adds firing haste, worth looking into if you're running transphasic torp already.

    Thanks...I'll look into that!

  • freakiumfreakium Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    Played Mirror Invasion: Advanced (MIA) with this ship and got the living TRIBBLE beaten out of me. Tried it a second time and got the TRIBBLE beaten out of me. Tried a third time and was beaten.

    You just need to run her in. Find out what makes this ship purr and what makes it turn into butter when met with a hot knife. Of course the answer to the latter is to turn tail and run before the hot knife hits you! That, for me, is still a work in progress. But boy is it going to be a fun journey, and that's not sarcasm.
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    freakium wrote: »
    Played Mirror Invasion: Advanced (MIA) with this ship and got the living TRIBBLE beaten out of me. Tried it a second time and got the TRIBBLE beaten out of me. Tried a third time and was beaten.

    You just need to run her in. Find out what makes this ship purr and what makes it turn into butter when met with a hot knife. Of course the answer to the latter is to turn tail and run before the hot knife hits you! That, for me, is still a work in progress. But boy is it going to be a fun journey, and that's not sarcasm.

    Raider flanking pluss 25% damage & after decloaking pluss 25% damage,,,,,,just got to learn when to run quick....lol
    Been flying BOP's for 3 years & still get it wrong but when you hit everything right :) & i only use beam's.
    I do change a few of my traits just to beef up the hull abit.
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  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    Even fed only character players see this as a slap in the face lol. As we get a copy and paste with one boff station able to use pilot skills it doesn't have anything comparable to raptors for special piloting. Then the seriously flawed self counter with the enhanced battle cloak being something that either be it npc or player the design of it does all the work of making the b'rel pilot defenseless. On top of all that there are so many abilities that will decloak the ship but yet there is nothing ever done to even it out to where its harder to kill/given some kind of offense to match all of its downsides.

    As for the set its obvious BS being oh reduced cd on cloak for a defiant like you can recloak in combat. I can accept this game is way out of balance because of lockboxes for pvp so I accept pvp will never be pvp in this game its just pve now but so much is not even usable in pve anymore as well. The standard cloaks need to go away and replaced with standard battle cloaks and then for ships that it was exclusive to such as bops and warbirds they can give them something more unique so that it puts more immersion into the game but and brings better gameplay. Most of us including myself in the beginning besides being a fan of Klingon lore was that the standard cloak was useless and only defiant had a cloak i had access to at the time.

    All in all not much of any work went into these ships before I commit to any kind of currency to get this ship its gotta be given an overhaul and sad thing is usually old old content needs overhauls badly but this was just really really bad work. Not to forget too the federation characters and the KDF characters that are non romulan republic have no access to the reman cloak ambush buff from those boffs so it still is a huge power creep against both the defiant and the b'rel where I believe the sets should have maybe add in a warp core with the ships or either in dilithium store as part of a set that have set effects to address all these flaws then I could see myself getting it.
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  • admiralkogaradmiralkogar Member Posts: 875 Arc User
    Birds of Prey require a more experienced hand to succeed. You never turret with her like I see many players do with their TAC Cruisers, Escorts. Your flying style, whatever bad flying habits you learned before, do not apply on a more fragile BOP. Speed, bonus defense if you intend to linger in a fight is very important for survival. The BOP user must know when the time is right to slow down and throw in a barrage of attacks, and know when to break off to keep the ship in one piece.

    You have in any typical BOP Battle Cloaks. For the B'Rel/Kor, Enhanced Battle Cloaks. You also have FULL UNIVERSAL stations, something Feds have long been jealous about. No other ship in any faction, even in the KDF itself, has this total package. Not even the Roms' T'Varo, Faeht have this level of stealth and customization room. The trick is coming up with a build to make the BOP work. Whether you try to make her a SCI Boat or a more typical TAC oriented ship, or even a support Heal Boat, or whatever sort of crazy mix... You must always take into account your lighter hull.

    Another rule to remember is not to engage battle cloaks while under heavy fire. Recall that the moment you hit the cloak button, shields drop and it takes several seconds for cloaks to fully engage. Do that while under heavy fire, you're going to get slammed. Only the Roms can get away with cloaking under heavy fire because practically all their RRW-specific BOFF & Captain traits bring a stupid amount of extra +Defense. Feds & KDF don't get that magnitude of defense.

    I never thought I'd see the day the KDF doesn't know how to use the Bird of Prey.

    My main is KDF and what you said sounds good to me. :) I'll end up trying it out, I'm sure.

    The KDF is often thought to be the homely stepchild of the much adored Federation, and so neglected as a result. There is evidence for this to be the case, but it makes for a good challenge to overcome. I expect a proper Klingon warrior would tell you that if you tie one of his hands behind his back he will still kill you with the other, and if you tie both his hands he will head-butt you to death! :)

    However, I can't fault people who want to express the fact they are upset by the pro Fed favoritism. My Fed characters obviously benefit from many advantages. Some of them are subtle, but others not so much. Recent speed leveling due to bonus XP weeks is a perfect example. The Fed can pick up a new ship just for leveling, but the KDF (and Roms) have to wait for the story to catch up with their level, unless they spend ZEN to get a level appropriate ship faster.

    Anyway I'll pick it up sometime.

  • rickpaaarickpaaa Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    I was joyously flying the fleet B'Rel T5U before last Thursday, so this new ship is more the better.

    I use 3 coalition disruptor dual beams and and bio-molecular torpedo in front. Heavy bio molecular disruptor turret (for set bonus), and borg cutting beam in back. For survivability I use the full Dyson set for great shield regen and resistance from drains. I have the Pilot specialization tree maxed out, and am working on Intel. My alpha consists of Beam Overload III, and torp High Yield III. Killing is no problem, and survival is good.

    So find the right equipment for how you play When you do, you will not want to leave this beauty behind ever again!
    Member since December 2009

  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Soooooo....you are complaing about the defiant in a BoP tread? The defiant thread is THAT WAY...

    shpoks wrote: »
    And if you take a peek in the Federation subsection of the forum, or well - everywhere else around the forum, you'll see the Feddies complaining and in some cases even flat out whining about that ship, how bad it is, that the T'Varo is better, that the pilot ships are better, that the Phantom is better, etc., etc.

    LOL :lol:

    *Bolded for emphasis
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    Looking at the Kor i honestly don't see why people say it's a bad ship. Will eventually get it, but have some other ships queued first.

    For those who complain I'd say to test their piloting skills with a breen raider first.​​
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Even fed only character players see this as a slap in the face lol. As we get a copy and paste with one boff station able to use pilot skills it doesn't have anything comparable to raptors for special piloting. Then the seriously flawed self counter with the enhanced battle cloak being something that either be it npc or player the design of it does all the work of making the b'rel pilot defenseless. On top of all that there are so many abilities that will decloak the ship but yet there is nothing ever done to even it out to where its harder to kill/given some kind of offense to match all of its downsides.

    As for the set its obvious BS being oh reduced cd on cloak for a defiant like you can recloak in combat. I can accept this game is way out of balance because of lockboxes for pvp so I accept pvp will never be pvp in this game its just pve now but so much is not even usable in pve anymore as well. The standard cloaks need to go away and replaced with standard battle cloaks and then for ships that it was exclusive to such as bops and warbirds they can give them something more unique so that it puts more immersion into the game but and brings better gameplay. Most of us including myself in the beginning besides being a fan of Klingon lore was that the standard cloak was useless and only defiant had a cloak i had access to at the time.

    All in all not much of any work went into these ships before I commit to any kind of currency to get this ship its gotta be given an overhaul and sad thing is usually old old content needs overhauls badly but this was just really really bad work. Not to forget too the federation characters and the KDF characters that are non romulan republic have no access to the reman cloak ambush buff from those boffs so it still is a huge power creep against both the defiant and the b'rel where I believe the sets should have maybe add in a warp core with the ships or either in dilithium store as part of a set that have set effects to address all these flaws then I could see myself getting it.

    Soooooo....you are complaing about the defiant in a BoP tread? The defiant thread is THAT WAY...

    There apparently aren't enough "Valiant sucks" threads elsewhere. :D
  • potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    Saw this thread, decided to take my Kor through MU advanced and see how bad it was.

    Got my TRIBBLE kicked first time, prompted a long overdue retool, and character respec.

    Finally swapped out old Voth AP for Fleet AP, upgraded to MK 14, spire consoles to epic MK 14, using Aegis set at moment MK 14 UR.

    Made a few more runs, it's a kill or be killed ship.

    Last run only got popped 3 times, I'm more used to the T'Varo dogfighting than a B'rel/KDF BoP.

    But I do not think this ship has any problem with end game content. I'm sure with a few more runs she would be fine for anything, well other than things like Hive Elite.

    Different Playstyles for different ships.
    Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
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  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    i not see a single reason to switch onto it from my fleet t5-u b'rel. no 5th tac-con, no buy here! seriously: a klingon-bop, the incarnation of hit-and-run and glass-cannon, without a 5th tac-con while finally at t6? :shrug'n looking on fleet-faeht:
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    wast33 wrote: »
    i not see a single reason to switch onto it from my fleet t5-u b'rel. no 5th tac-con, no buy here! seriously: a klingon-bop, the incarnation of hit-and-run and glass-cannon, without a 5th tac-con while finally at t6? :shrug'n looking on fleet-faeht:

    you serious? It's the b'rel with the Norg boff setup and no penalty for the extra boff power. If you're doing great in the b'rel the Kor will do the same and better. They should have added a console to the t5 b'rel because now it's only useful for it's admiralty card.
  • potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    T6 B'rel is a lovely little hot rod.

    On my Rom I went back from the Faeht to the T5U and now T6 Malem on my Rom.

    I'll have to do a comparison, between the two ships. But given my playstyle with the ships I feel the Kor is much more durable, but that is anacdotal at best.
    Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
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