I currently have both the chel'gret and the feet avenger battlecruiser (T5-U) and I'm struggling to choose between them
as they are both lots of fun to play imo.
Overall however I would like to focus on one ship and really perfect it's endgame build, so here's my question:
Which ship has better survivability and DPS overall with an endgame build of all the best available equipment?
Bear in mind that I do not wish to aquire any more ships, like the T6 battlecruiser for example, and am just talking about these two ships.
You should also know that I am a entirely PVE player that plays for fun mainly.
Any advice would be appreciated.
The Chel Gret comes out ahead in firepower when broadsiding, thanks to its higher Tac seating (Commander Tac), extra Sci console (for plasma generating Fleet Embassy consoles), and the Breen console three-set (pending you have all three to claim) that reduces weapon power costs. Plus, being able to drop a Gravity Well to group up enemies.
Forward firepower with DBBs, the Fleet Avenger can field more, but not sure it's enough to offset the advantages even if you don't have the three-set on the Chel.
Do you wish to use single beams and broad side? Or would you rather use Dual Beams in a 'front facing' build?
If you intend to focus on Single Beams then the Chel wins. If you want to do Dual Beams then use the Avenger.
If given a choice between the two, I would say Avenger. The Dual Beam build is more powerful, the ship is overall slightly better, and it's 'faction specific.' The Fleet Avenger with 5 Dual Beams in the front and 3 Omni in the rear is a nasty nasty ship capable of very high damage while still maintaining high survivability.
I love the Chel, it's a great ship, but I would take the Fleet Avenger without a second thought.
Really it depends on whether you consider being able to drop grav wells etc or have slightly more tax options to be worth the loss of survivability.
I'd personally say these days with all the hit point sponges we're facing you need more single target attack potential than going for broadside attacks that just tickle lots of enemies. Leave the AOE or CC attacks to the true masters of that game, the science boats, and concentrate on maximum damage output from forward beams.